MLB 2K10 News Post

Check out the team ratings for Major League Baseball 2K10. Are you happy with how your team is rated?

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Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 findinghomer @ 02/22/10 08:45 PM
reds look right to me, although with such uncertainty of the young outfield, could be alot better than what they have rated.
# 2 SuperKyle @ 02/22/10 08:47 PM
Rays at an 86. That's about right. I'm guessing fielding is highly rated, though it's not shown on the team select screen.

That puts us as the 6th best team (tied with TEX). The only problem is, the top two are BOS and NYY. Making the playoffs will be a tremendous challenge.
# 3 cubsfan203 @ 02/22/10 08:51 PM
So the Rangers went down from a 90 to an 86 from that list of team ratings to this? Alrighty then.
# 4 jb12780 @ 02/22/10 08:51 PM
The Evil Empire rated 97.
# 5 JurrjensFTW @ 02/22/10 08:54 PM
Baves pitching at 74? Lol, ok....
# 6 lgkeeper @ 02/22/10 08:56 PM
I'm a die-hard, but realistic Mets fan. 75 is just silly. If the Nationals are a 73 and, just as a reference, the Orioles are an 84, the mets at 75 is just low. 82, I think.
# 7 jb12780 @ 02/22/10 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by lgkeeper
I'm a die-hard, but realistic Mets fan. 75 is just silly. If the Nationals are a 73 and, just as a reference, the Orioles are an 84, the mets at 75 is just low. 82, I think.
Wow. Im a Yankees fan and a 75 is too especially if the Nats are a 73.

It must be the Medical staff that drops the rating.
# 8 TeixeiraFanatic @ 02/22/10 09:13 PM
That's what I don't get. The Giants are an 88 in pitching which they should be, but why are the Cards a 73 in pitching? They might not be better than the Giants but they aren't 15 points worse. Maybe it has to do with Adam Wainwright only being an 88.
# 9 Shinyhubcaps @ 02/22/10 09:18 PM
No... Brewers have a 76 pitching, which sounds middle-of-the-road... but a 74 offense? Milwaukee has a very good offense, including multiple .300 hitters and 100+ RBI men.
# 10 SPTO @ 02/22/10 09:25 PM
Wow they're being overly generous with the Blue Jays rating maybe not pitching wise but definitely for the hitting and OVR. Oh well, I'll take it
# 11 Bellsprout @ 02/22/10 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by Shinyhubcaps
No... Brewers have a 76 pitching, which sounds middle-of-the-road... but a 74 offense? Milwaukee has a very good offense, including multiple .300 hitters and 100+ RBI men.
Agreed. Pitching is Milwaukee's weak point. They actually have a strong offense with Braun and Fielder. Maybe Carlos Gomez's bat drags down the rating an automatic 10 points.
# 12 JurrjensFTW @ 02/22/10 09:31 PM
I mean how do you grade the Braves pitching a 74? My god! That's thier best asset.
And how are the Cards an 83? They will have Holliday for a full season, not to mention Carp should start more games this year.
# 13 MikeTho22 @ 02/22/10 09:33 PM
I'm assuming that the Tigers rating is without Damon right... ?
# 14 Checmate101 @ 02/22/10 09:49 PM
smh @ our pitching rating..I'ma have to change that
# 15 DirtyJerz32 @ 02/22/10 10:38 PM
I like it! Number 28 is coming along nicely! Rubbing hands together with my evil laugh...
# 16 Sportsforever @ 02/22/10 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by 500Feet
I don't understand how some teams have batting and pitching ratings in the 60s and an overall in the 70s. How does that equate ?
I think it's because defense factors in and it's not shown (at least I hope so).
# 17 JoeCoolMan24 @ 02/22/10 11:34 PM
Yankees 97 overall
Red Sox 96 overall
Phillies 90 overall

Seriously? Talk about overrated the Yankees/Red Sox, or underrating a lot of other teams, there is no way its that big of a gap there. And White Sox pitching an 81? Yeah right, that puts them at like what, 9th best pitching? They are a top 4 team pitching wise, no doubt. And how are the Twins an 88 overall? WTF? Are they a top 5 team or what?
# 18 WarDawg58 @ 02/23/10 12:49 AM
The Yankees look just right to me.
# 19 cubsfan203 @ 02/23/10 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by KingFelix
Yeah, not real sure why but, an 86 seems right on. 90 was a bit too high...
The original ratings were spot on. The Rangers are projected to be the 6th best team in the MLB this year, and they were right around that with the 90.

Oh well, I'm sure we'll have people here that will be fixing the rosters anyways. Just hope they aren't as biased as the 2k people obviously are.
# 20 reyes the roof @ 02/23/10 01:31 AM
Originally Posted by lgkeeper
I'm a die-hard, but realistic Mets fan. 75 is just silly. If the Nationals are a 73 and, just as a reference, the Orioles are an 84, the mets at 75 is just low. 82, I think.
Yeah that Orioles rating seems way off, and the Nationals either are rated too high or the Mets and Marlins are too low. No way should those three teams be separated by only four points

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