MLB 2K10 News Post

Check out the team ratings for Major League Baseball 2K10. Are you happy with how your team is rated?

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Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 Blazzen @ 02/23/10 03:02 PM
The Braves pitching was a bit low. I think Tim Hudson Rated at 78 is ridiculous too. Jair deserves the 84, Tommy Hanson should be an 80-82 as he doesn't have a full major league season under his belt yet. Huddy should be at least an 80, if not 84-85.

Derek Lowe dropping to 77 is a bit harsh too. He did win 15 games. ERA was high due to 3 or so games where he got SHELLED and it ruined his era the rest of the year. That's why he had a mid 4 era but still won 15 games. Derek Lowe @ 80 is about right.

Peter Moyland should get some more love too. Kris Medlen is not on par with Moyland.
# 22 slyian89 @ 02/23/10 06:30 PM
I dont understand why they continue to suck off Liriano He hasnt been good since his rookie season in like 06 and he gets a 78 rating he was 5-13 wit like a 5 some thing era homer bailey 8-5 wit 4 era and he a 70 and brett gardner higher rated then drew stubbs I dont understand
# 23 cubsfan203 @ 02/23/10 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by NFCBeast55
With what pitching are the Rangers going to be the 6th best team...from what I recall, they lost Kevin Millwood and Marlon Byrd (two big contributors in 2009) and didn't add too much.
Have you seen their projected line-up? It's very possible that they could score the most runs this year, maybe even by a large margin. With that kind of hitting you don't need a top 5 rotation to win games. Last year they were right in the middle of the pack in terms of ERA, which I'm sure if you factored in ballparks and all that bs it would be closer to top 10. This year's rotation isn't any worse than last years.
# 24 natsfan93 @ 02/23/10 11:40 PM
I played the demo earlier and I don't get how the Phillies pitching was so low, I think it was mid 70's.

I'm not a Phillies fan but... Roy Halladay, is there anyting else you really need to know

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