MLB 2K10 News Post

VSN has posted some more Major League Baseball 2K10 screenshots.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
Major League Baseball 2K10 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 Hitman3315 @ 02/16/10 01:13 AM
^ Good catch. The Show has had their share of uniform mistakes too (Style Guide related or not), but that's a pretty blatant one.
# 22 EnigmaNemesis @ 02/16/10 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by NFCBeast55
The graphics are fine, it's the gameplay that matters.
Agreed, and which we have yet to see, sadly.
# 23 strawberryshortcake @ 02/16/10 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by The-BigGeorge
Phillies jersey still has the number raised on the sleeve.
This might be of interest. I came across the following when reading the 2ksport's forum; 2kRonnie's response to uniform discrepancies ...

Originally Posted by 2KAdmin Ronnie
snippet ... and we're going off a design doc given to us by MLB anyway.
# 24 Blzer @ 02/17/10 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by JayMizzle
Haha ppl are dissecting everything without even seeing the gameplay. When I'm playing NBA2K10 I wanna see the players wear exactly what they have on in the real game but Cmon ppl seriously. "He's not spitting sun flower seeds out or the bat's looks metallic in the sunlight while he's swinging" is a lil ridiculous. I mean when your playing the game are you seriously gonna see or pay attention to that....The answer's no.
Considering no one ever said the former (though it would look cool and yet sort of weird to see video game players spit), I wouldn't say that people will have too much of a problem with that being absent. But the "glowing bat" thing has been there for a while, and you see it every second that you're batting or pitching.

The bad little things are allowed to be recognized as much as the good little things. This goes for The Show as well.

Originally Posted by JayMizzle
Gameplay first then followed directly behind that is Attn to Detail. =) there just screenshots ppl. Everyone's voice should be heard but some stuff shouldn't even be spoken....in this case, typed.
I would agree, but 2K hasn't seemed to follow up with this statement yet. Until they release gameplay footage, realistically this is all that we have to go on.
# 25 vwnut13 @ 02/17/10 09:07 PM
Are those shin guards or bullet proof shin protectors?
# 26 Jamin23 @ 02/17/10 09:37 PM
If only 2k kept the graphics from 2k7 and made them better. Does this look real or what?

# 27 EnigmaNemesis @ 02/18/10 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by Jamin23
If only 2k kept the graphics from 2k7 and made them better. Does this look real or what?

That photo has been known to be doctored. The game did not look that good with 2K7, I have my copy right here, and it does not look nearly that good.
# 28 bigfnjoe96 @ 02/18/10 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
That photo has been known to be doctored. The game did not look that good with 2K7, I have my copy right here, and it does not look nearly that good.
It may not look exactly like that photo, but to date, 2k7 has the BEST Graphical Player Models out which is what I believe the OP of that screen was trying to say
# 29 EnigmaNemesis @ 02/18/10 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by bigfnjoe96
It may not look exactly like that photo, but to date, 2k7 has the BEST Graphical Player Models out which is what I believe the OP of that screen was trying to say

He was using the photo as reference, and the game does not look like the photo.

But anyhow, I am not going to argue about it.

To each their own.
# 30 bigfnjoe96 @ 02/18/10 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
He was using the photo as reference, and the game does not look like the photo.

But anyhow, I am not going to argue about it.

To each their own.
I'm sorry you feel this way
# 31 EnigmaNemesis @ 02/18/10 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by bigfnjoe96
I'm sorry you feel this way
# 32 Artman22 @ 02/18/10 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by bigfnjoe96
I'm sorry you feel this way
He normally feels that way for anything positve about 2k
# 33 PVarck31 @ 02/18/10 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by Art1bk
He normally feels that way for anything positve about 2k
I happen to know personally that he is rooting for 2k to be good. Like many of us, he wants to have 2 great baseball games. So no need to take cheap shots.
# 34 EnigmaNemesis @ 02/18/10 02:24 PM
All I was pointing out was that the photo does not look like that in game. And 2K back with 2K6 and 7 were known on the web to doctor the photos.

I have the game right in front of me, popped it in just for arguments sake, and low and behold, does NOT look like the photo.

Just don't want people getting caught in this delusion of grandeur that the game was some holy grail graphically by the early 2K shots that do not represent the actual product in comparison to 2K10.

They do it enough on here with the MVP series, don't need it done with 2K7, the game was decent, but far from solid or anything close to viable. It had some better graphics going for it, but that is just about it. And it was my game of choice back in 07.

But people have to get defensive as if I put down their mommas, and others have to act hypocritical.

Anyhow, back on subject. Like others have said, the game looks good enough, it is how it plays that matters. And if not solid sim, then not worth the time IMO. I am jonesin for two games to play, one through the season and one in the off season on my PC gaming rig. I miss the days of 4-5 games to choose.

And there is no problems with slight criticism of photos of 2K10 like the equipment and bats. They are here to discuss. Outright bashing of them is one thing with silly nitpicks, but saying things they can improve upon is another. And should be warranted. Just how I see it.
# 35 DontHateOnNumber2 @ 02/18/10 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by pjv31
I happen to know personally that he is rooting for 2k to be good. Like many of us, he wants to have 2 great baseball games. So no need to take cheap shots.
And some of us are rooting hard for it. I'm trying to be realistically optimistic, and I love the shots I've seen. At this point though, I think many of us are smart enough not to confuse cool looking trailers with anything that may entail the game itself. Though that would explain why most of 2K9's commercials of note just had the game-Lincecum and real Lincecum in them...
# 36 Flaxseed Oil @ 02/18/10 02:48 PM
# 37 Pared @ 02/18/10 02:54 PM
Can you guys quit the "us vs. them" mentality?

Everyone is discussing the game. If you don't want to talk about the topic, don't post. Stop taking shots at each other.
# 38 Jamin23 @ 02/18/10 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
That photo has been known to be doctored. The game did not look that good with 2K7, I have my copy right here, and it does not look nearly that good.
I broke the 2k7 disk, but looked at some pure gameplay videos and the graphics look pretty good to me. Maybe the game would look different on my TV screen, but I don't have the opportunity to play it. Most people seem to think that the game looked pretty good, but it's fine that you don't. The picture may have been doctored a little, but I don't think if we will ever know for sure.
# 39 EnigmaNemesis @ 02/18/10 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by Jamin23
I broke the 2k7 disk, but looked at some pure gameplay videos and the graphics look pretty good to me. Maybe the game would look different on my TV screen, but I don't have the opportunity to play it. Most people seem to think that the game looked pretty good, but it's fine that you don't. The picture may have been doctored a little, but I don't think if we will ever know for sure.
I never said the game didn't look good. So that is just putting words in the mouth.

I did say it did not match their official photos of the game. Which is well known to be touched up.

That is all. The game looked good at the time, just not that good. Thus I would hate for people to put 2K10 down based on comparisons to touched up photos. It is not a fair comparison and should be laid to rest IMO.
# 40 SoxFan01605 @ 02/18/10 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
I never said the game didn't look good. So that is just putting words in the mouth.

I did say it did not match their official photos of the game. Which is well known to be touched up.

That is all. The game looked good at the time, just not that good. Thus I would hate for people to put 2K10 down based on comparisons to touched up photos. It is not a fair comparison and should be laid to rest IMO.
Agreed. I thought the player models and cloth movement (though overdone) was excellent and still hold up VERY favorably today. The faces are another story all together...lol. Some were very good, most were crap.

The stadiums were not great at all either and the crowd was just okay. I think people remember those very nice base models when they claim how great 2K7 looked. I suppose it comes down to what people place their focus on.

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