MLB 2K10 News Post

All right, so for at least a couple Fridays (starting 2/19) we're going to be running some MLB 2K10 articles. In these articles we'll have some exclusive screens.

Where you guys come in is the questions. Each week we will submit some questions to the MLB 2K10 developers, and each Friday with the screens a developer will also answer five questions.

So ask away OSers...

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Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
Major League Baseball 2K10 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 Blzer @ 02/11/10 02:07 PM
My question is a bit on the technical side, and I apologize if it's not really answerable:

Have there been any improvements made to real time presentation? Specifically, does each process in the game "wait" for the others to complete for the next set of processes to "start"?

I'll give an example since I'm probably not semantically wording my question correctly: Say a batter grounds out. In real time, the batter will then return to the dugout as the team on defense will throw the ball around the horn, and the on-deck batter will approach the plate. Well if the batter approaches the box before everything else finishes, he'll just wait there. Once everything finishes (pitcher has the ball on the mound, retired batter-runner is in the dugout, defense has positioned themselves, Steve Phillips is done talking, etc.), then the new set of processes will start. So, the camera will then go on the batter (rather than before or after), Gary Thorne will start talking, the PA guy will announce his name, the runners will lead off, etc.

In a sense, none of these will stream independently, and instead rely on each other to finish in order to start up again. It almost make the real time idea moot in that it doesn't make use of each process working around each other to decrease the amount of time spent waiting on each other.

Second question about real time is will the player actually be able to make his trip around the bases on a home run this time, or will it cut away?
# 2 Tomba @ 02/11/10 02:08 PM
Hey Chaseb!

I have a few questions I'd like to see asked and answered if possible.

1)What enhancements have there been to base running and base running animations and/or user control?

2)Have any new "running" animations been added. Previous years players running styles have looked robotic. Causing the running animations while fielding in the outfield,fielding as a catcher and/or pitcher and baseman to not look natural.

3)How many new "nuance' animations have been added? NBA 2K10 seems to have upped the ante in this department has MLB 2K10 followed suit?

4)Stadium weather and Seattle Dome closing...In or out or next year?

5)Create a player? As in-depth as NBA 2K10?

6)Has last years real time presentation been improved? Will we see new dugout interaction,batter walk ups etc?

7)Have they kept the ability to edit the camera from pitching and batting this year like in last years title? tell them they were on the cutting edge of this type of ability and that if in fact they chose to stick with it...
# 3 Tomba @ 02/11/10 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
My question is a bit on the technical side, and I apologize if it's not really answerable:

Have there been any improvements made to real time presentation? Specifically, does each process in the game "wait" for the others to complete for the next set of processes to "start"?

I'll give an example since I'm probably not semantically wording my question correctly: Say a batter grounds out. In real time, the batter will then return to the dugout as the team on defense will throw the ball around the horn, and the on-deck batter will approach the plate. Well if the batter approaches the box before everything else finishes, he'll just wait there. Once everything finishes (pitcher has the ball on the mound, retired batter-runner is in the dugout, defense has positioned themselves, Steve Phillips is done talking, etc.), then the new set of processes will start. So, the camera will then go on the batter (rather than before or after), Gary Thorne will start talking, the PA guy will announce his name, the runners will lead off, etc.

In a sense, none of these will stream independently, and instead rely on each other to finish in order to start up again. It almost make the real time idea moot in that it doesn't make use of each process working around each other to decrease the amount of time spent waiting on each other.

Second question about real time is will the player actually be able to make his trip around the bases on a home run this time, or will it cut away?

Very good point...I touched on this in question 6. Blzer really nailed it...
# 4 Cianfrocco @ 02/11/10 02:11 PM
Will there ever be a feature similar to NCAA Football's Team Builder, where we can create teams online and import them into the game? Maybe even an option to create more uniforms and add them to existing teams. I would love to see more retro uniforms for each team, but I understand the limitations, so I am happy with what he have, but giving us the ability to create our own would open limitless posibilities.
# 5 Blzer @ 02/11/10 02:21 PM
- Is the PS3 version on par with the 360 version this year visually? Is the game locked at 60 FPS and are the jaggies addressed with anti-aliasing?

- And probably something of little concern to some, but does the score overlay stay on the screen this year? Last year it would disappear when doing certain camera cuts and such.

- How many generic stances have been added? It kind of becomes strange looking when you see multiple people with the same gawky looking generic stances.

- What different times of day can you start a game on?
# 6 GrandMaster B @ 02/11/10 02:24 PM
Has the online frame rate and lag been improved?
# 7 jeffy777 @ 02/11/10 02:27 PM
Can we change the fielding cameras at all this year?
# 8 tha2one @ 02/11/10 03:14 PM
Hey just wondering about this Real Time Atmosphere, is there a difference between playing a season game and a ALCS/DS world series game? Aka. Playoff crowds?

Are all the crowds have synchronized reactions to big plays?

Also if your team is doing terrible in your GM Mode is DYNAMIC ATTENDANCE in effect?

# 9 smearz @ 02/11/10 03:15 PM
- How is the pitch gesture icon scheme handled in a 2-player game when playing against another human in the same room - so that the other player will not know what pitch you are planning to throw?

- The batting camera angle has been changed to allow for quicker ball/strike decision making. Can we change this view or is it locked?

# 10 a walrus @ 02/11/10 03:26 PM
>what were some of the features that were not able to get in.

>release day patch= check swings on opening day .

>how are injuries handled this year.will johnny damon throw his back out & hobble off the field.

>can you argue a call.

>can you play in light rain or fog.dose the field reflect these weather conditions.or is it just night & day.

>is their still one universal shoe.

>dynamic attendance make it in.

>is classic hitting in the game.if so how are defensive / power swings handled with the buttons.

>besides the "batter pitcher dual" what are the other on field improvments.

>can you choose the type of slide.

>are their differant animation sets between poor fielding players & the players who field their position well. or dose everybody have the same set.will a rookie LF have the same animations as ..you get the point.

>if asked would you work on college hoops 2k11.a yes would make my day.

>has work begun on mlb 2k11.

>players morphing on the mound,walking into the wall right next to the dugout entrance,singles getting stuck in the wall & becoming inside the park homeruns.blinking without eyelids,im assuming all this jazzyness has been removed , back to back to back errors..ya

>thanks chase ---
# 11 bigfnjoe96 @ 02/11/10 04:06 PM
Has there been any Animation/Mo Cap work done when it comes to Batter Swings this year?
# 12 RedLine @ 02/11/10 04:21 PM
Regarding the new pitching gesture system. Do we still have the option to use a 3-step system like last year with a final release timing for Step 3?

It looks like there are only two steps to the gesture this year with more importance of the gesture start and end points, but there is not a "Release Timing" which was provided as an option last year.

Thanks in advance.
# 13 Jamin23 @ 02/11/10 05:43 PM
Are uniform options back this year? (ie. baggy pants, tight, long, stop at ankle etc)
# 14 bigfnjoe96 @ 02/11/10 06:30 PM
Are Classic Stadiums available this year..
# 15 brewerfan @ 02/11/10 11:47 PM
Question that must be answered for every sports game:
Can you do an online season (or franchise) with 2-8 human controlled teams and 28-22 CPU controlled teams (i.e. Madden, NCAA Football, etc.)?

If not, why not?

Aside from gameplay, this is the MOST IMPORTANT feature for me and MANY other gamers. I can't stress enough that this must be in your game.
# 16 Scooter3 @ 02/12/10 12:27 AM
Will Legends be available in Season and Franchise?

# 17 shawnk38 @ 02/12/10 12:45 AM
Here are my 5 questions:

1) Are all the bugs and glitches fixed from 2k9? Franchise bug, running through walls, players running in circles, dropping catches, freezing, has this all been addressed?
2) How is framerate online and off? Will online games run smoothly this year, honestly?
3) Will there be post launch patch support this year? Will you support the game regardless of sales with post launch patch support to fix any bugs or glitches that may pop up?
4) Does the game still have a slightly more arcade feel, similar to last years 2k9? Or did you slow the game way down to play like the Show?
5) What is a win for 2k this year for MLB 2k10? Do to MLB 2k9's negative feedback and reviews what do you expect this year. Obviously, 2k10 will not challenge the Show 10 in any way. I know that you all at 2k take pride in your work. I am not asking in terms of sales, but more importantly what are you expecting in terms of reviews and gamer feedback.
# 18 sonnyleesmith @ 02/12/10 12:49 AM
Regarding Franchise, can you fire/hire managers and coaches? Do sim stats seem accurate? How is the free agent pool after a season?

# 19 SeerMagicX @ 02/12/10 01:14 AM
I have 2

1) Will the ps3 version run at 60 fps
2) Is it possible this year to hit balls over outfielders this year? That was the biggest problem with last years game IMO, it was impossible to hit it over an outfielder unless it was a homerun.
# 20 Jamin23 @ 02/12/10 01:57 AM
Is the playoff atmosphere and atmosphere overall amped up? (ie rally towels, loud crowd etc)

Is there dynamic attendance?

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