MLB 2K10 News Post

All right, so for at least a couple Fridays (starting 2/19) we're going to be running some MLB 2K10 articles. In these articles we'll have some exclusive screens.

Where you guys come in is the questions. Each week we will submit some questions to the MLB 2K10 developers, and each Friday with the screens a developer will also answer five questions.

So ask away OSers...

Major League Baseball 2K10 screenshot gallery - Click to view Major League Baseball 2K10 screenshot gallery - Click to view
Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
Major League Baseball 2K10 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 AlbertPujolsFreak5 @ 02/12/10 02:07 AM
will we be able to watch the reaction of the player after he hits a homer or will we have to watch the ball land in the stands?

Thanks Chase!
# 22 Blazzen @ 02/12/10 09:52 AM
When will the demo be out?
Will the check swing patch be ready to download on release day? If not, then when?
# 23 gilbostank @ 02/12/10 10:41 AM
there's been almost no mention of zone hitting is it still in, if so is it the same bat logo?
# 24 nld230 @ 02/12/10 11:33 AM
Can you edit swing finishes? Example, two handed swing finishes vs. one handed swing finishes (Vlad vs A-Rod?)

Can more than one user play on the same team? (Can I have two on two matchups)
# 25 mwjr @ 02/12/10 12:04 PM
I'm intrigued by the "My Player." Sounds like a lot of thought and work went into it.

I'm curious to know about the Franchise Mode. I know this is a large questions, but I'm wondering what types of enhancements have been made to the Franchise Mode. Off the top of my head...

1. Is arbitration a part of the game? What about the Rule 5 Draft?
2. Are there options to manage the finances of your team, a la MLB The Show's Franchise Mode?
3. Are all-time records tracked and are players added to the Hall of Fame as merited?
# 26 mwjr @ 02/12/10 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by Pro Bowler
6- Does the game still stutter on foul balls hit down the lines? This has plagued the series for a long time. It doesn't really effect gameplay, but it is a eye sore.
Good question. It also stuttered after balls in play, as the ball came back into the infield or as the ball was thrown around the diamond after an out.
# 27 jerm21 @ 02/12/10 12:18 PM
Thank you for doing this!

My first question is:

1.)The Lighting. When your game is at 730. Instead of starting out at night time, does the game being in sunset, then by the 3rd and 4th inning move to darkness and the lights on.

2.) End of winning a game, are animations those improved? Possible lineup and high fiving eachother. Or is everyone in the dugout still clapping and going down an invisible elevator?

3.) I know the crowd questions been asked a lot, but if it's been changed, does the crowd get behind your pitcher when they have 2 strikes and in a jam?

Thanks again!
# 28 keats624 @ 02/12/10 12:44 PM
Got a few questions for you:

First off, in last year's version there were problems where the franchise mode would not load and just freeze the game when I attempted to load it. Have these issues been resolved?

Secondly, in 2K9, I felt like I was playing backyard softball. It was really unrealistic (too many in the park homeruns, everything left the infield, etc.), as well as too many plays in the outfield where it wasn't fielded. Has that been fixed?

Lastly, 2K8 did an excellent job with this, and 2K9 didn't quite do as well with this. 2K8 did a really good job with all of the prospects (Jay Bruce, Evan Longoria, David Price, Andrew McCutchen, just to name a few). Even though they weren't allowed to put their names in the game, they still had real good counterparts that resembled them. In 2K9, Andrew McCutchen's counterpart was white, and Pedro Alvarez (Pirates third base prospect) wasn't even in the game when he was the #2 overall selection in the draft. In 2K10, did they include fictional players that resemble these top prospects who haven't made their ML debuts in the minor leagues somewhere?
# 29 mark1726 @ 02/12/10 01:06 PM
Using the behind the pitcher view when batting against the CPU, does the CPU catcher still give away the location making it obvious as to where the pitch will land?
# 30 AustinOrgans @ 02/12/10 01:53 PM
Last year, players stayed on the Disabled List indefinitely. Has that been fixed for MLB 2K10?
# 31 wcrickards @ 02/12/10 02:02 PM
here are a few:

- The last time I played the MLB 2k series it was 2007. Every other at-bat was a home run or the outfielder robbed a home run (seriously, I've seen dozens of Kenny Loften-esque HR's being robbed from that game before junking it). Has that been fixed?

- Seriously, when will we see gameplay footage?

- When does the exclusive contract run out?
# 32 malky @ 02/12/10 03:40 PM
1 - Did you guys put in a better World Series Celebration? For some reason, the one in 2k9, was pretty weak compared to other years.

2- Bugs, Glitches? Have they been cleaned up for the most part?
# 33 SevenTwentyNine @ 02/12/10 05:27 PM
I'm wondering if the guy I play in My Player will have some ratings drop if he performs badly? Also, if he becomes a star, will he be able to date Jessica Simpson? What happens if his ratings max out?
# 34 goheat @ 02/12/10 05:45 PM
Here's a question: Why is the Wii version lacking online capabilities (and therefore living rosters and My Player) for the third year in a row? Heck, NBA 2K10 had it and this was the first Wii version.
# 35 JBH3 @ 02/13/10 06:27 PM
I popped in 2K9 today and refamiliarized myself w/ the game. Two questions I have from that playthrough are:

(1) Is base stealing functional this year?

-Ex. While playing 2K9 today I successfully stole 2nd twice, but since the catcher threw the ball away trying to get me out, my runner was never credited w/ a stolen base.

Has that been fixed?

Keeping it to baserunning...

(2) Are take-out slides in this year?

(3) Overall I hope baserunning is fixed, especially stealing, since it was near impossible to successfully steal w/ the best of base stealers.
# 36 PVarck31 @ 02/15/10 12:03 AM
Originally Posted by JBH3
I popped in 2K9 today and refamiliarized myself w/ the game. Two questions I have from that playthrough are:

(1) Is base stealing functional this year?

-Ex. While playing 2K9 today I successfully stole 2nd twice, but since the catcher threw the ball away trying to get me out, my runner was never credited w/ a stolen base.

Has that been fixed?

Keeping it to baserunning...

(2) Are take-out slides in this year?

(3) Overall I hope baserunning is fixed, especially stealing, since it was near impossible to successfully steal w/ the best of base stealers.
Yes to this question. It showed it in one of the trailers.
# 37 eman33397 @ 02/15/10 10:21 PM
How does fielding work in my player mode?
# 38 natsfan93 @ 02/16/10 11:54 PM
Are the hitting stats realistic this year?

for example are there still WAY too many home runs hit?

Also, when is the demo coming out? (If there is one)
# 39 JBH3 @ 02/17/10 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by ItsDoug420
Do players have a potential rating in franchise mode? If not, how is progression handled?
This is a very good question. I second it.

Also the amatuer draft:

(1) When does it occur in franchise mode? End of season, or in June as supposed?
(2) Are issues w/ the created players fixed? i.e. most SPs being the size of Scott Kazmir.
(3) Is the draft order fixed? It was not at an inverse of the previous years standings as it should be.
# 40 duke776 @ 02/17/10 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by JBH3
(1) When does it occur in franchise mode? End of season, or in June as supposed?
It's in June this year, I don't think many people picked up on it when looking at the screenshots on the GI blog.


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