MLB 10 News Post
MLB '10: The Show Videos
Member Comments
heres another clip
Was just going to post this. I couldn't tell if that was fair or foul untill the replay was shown. Awesome job by the team to add replays in to the game. Can the player control if a replay is needed or is that controled by the computer? I wonder if thats going to be a real life issue this spring at Target Field weather homeruns are fair or foul in left field.
This game looks a million times better than last year, I'm not even sure how that is possible.
- Lighting
- Infield Dirt
- Broadcast camera
I mean WTF, it looks like a completely different game yet it remains the same.
I'm floored.
- Lighting
- Infield Dirt
- Broadcast camera
I mean WTF, it looks like a completely different game yet it remains the same.
I'm floored.
This game looks SO good, I only wish I had an HDTV to play it on... because I know it will look unbelievable in HD

Even something as small as the clouds and shadows on the field just completely separate MLB09 from MLB10. I'm in awe... not much more to say I guess.
The new presentation makes it look like an entirely different game!
Not much Campbell and Hudler had to say in those two videos, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.
Not much Campbell and Hudler had to say in those two videos, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

# 16
countryboy @ 02/05/10 10:47 PM
out of curiousity...where are the bullpens located at in Target Field?
# 17
queensbomber @ 02/05/10 10:47 PM
I remember popping in 09 and saying "O man this looks a million times better than 08".
And now just from watching these 2 clips, 10 looks amazingly better.
Looks like it flows much better, could be the RTP.
I wonder if i'll say the same thing a year from now!
Kinda hard to believe thay can actually make it look any better than it already does.
And now just from watching these 2 clips, 10 looks amazingly better.
Looks like it flows much better, could be the RTP.
I wonder if i'll say the same thing a year from now!
Kinda hard to believe thay can actually make it look any better than it already does.
# 18
Greene_Flash03 @ 02/05/10 10:48 PM
Love the:
- Video review cutscene
- Players leaning in the dugout
- Broadcast camera
- New check swing animations
- Video review cutscene
- Players leaning in the dugout
- Broadcast camera
- New check swing animations
# 20
JermaineDye05 @ 02/05/10 10:59 PM
This is a small thing, but I really like the way you can tell that there's been some wear and tear at homeplate with the way the dirt has been kicked around.
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