MLB 2K10 News Post

The relationship gamers have had with the MLB 2K franchise in recent years is similar to one that can happen to people with significant others they no longer truly care about. Those people in now-loveless relationships hold out hope that their wife, husband, boyfriend or girlfriend will change back into the person they originally fell in love with in the first place. They try to find false signs of hope in insignificant events because they really want to believe that the person they fell in love with will return and just needs to be brought back to the surface somehow. Unfortunately, it usually ends up being smoke and mirrors, and those people just have to accept the fact that they need to move on and find someone else.

And perhaps MLB 2K10 can be that new “flame” in gamers’ lives. Maybe it can be that new girlfriend or boyfriend that rejuvenates your belief in love -- not that I think dating a game disc would qualify as a healthy relationship, just so we are clear on that front.

Still, there is another group of people in the above scenario who will be so jaded by the initial failed relationship that they will no longer believe any relationship can work, which is perfectly acceptable as well.

Regardless of where each gamer fits into the above scenario, during my limited time with MLB 2K10 I at least saw a glimmer of hope and a reasonable chance that MLB 2K baseball is finally on the right path.

Read More - Major League Baseball 2K10 Hands On

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Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 pdawg17 @ 01/29/10 07:16 PM
If 2k didn't fix the cpu "swing at every strike, let every ball go unless it's a curveball" problem then I don't care what they improved on...that was a dealbreaker for me last year...
# 42 Bahnzo @ 01/30/10 01:22 AM
Ya know, one that also seems better this year are the bat sounds. Previously they sounded like someone splintering bamboo over a concrete block, but the few I've heard in the videos sound like they have changed it. I'm pretty much a gameplay kinda guy, but those bat sounds had me cringing the last couple years.
# 43 Blzer @ 01/30/10 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by Bahnzo
Ya know, one that also seems better this year are the bat sounds. Previously they sounded like someone splintering bamboo over a concrete block, but the few I've heard in the videos sound like they have changed it. I'm pretty much a gameplay kinda guy, but those bat sounds had me cringing the last couple years.
Hear the last hit by Longoria, ending the trailer. It sounds like they still have that sound a bit, maybe for the bigger blasts. Not too good.
# 44 Checmate101 @ 01/30/10 04:09 AM
Originally Posted by Blzer
Hear the last hit by Longoria, ending the trailer. It sounds like they still have that sound a bit, maybe for the bigger blasts. Not too good.

Yeah, that bat sound was terrible at the end by Longo. Hope they take it out all together.
# 45 rock85 @ 01/30/10 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by Checmate101
Yeah, that bat sound was terrible at the end by Longo. Hope they take it out all together.
Yes i wrote about that in another post. I hope that's not in their when the game ships
# 46 Blzer @ 01/30/10 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by jayhawker
First, the subset of gamers that actually care about the differences in bat sounds is so small that it really doesn't even cross developers minds.
Meh, it's inexcusable to me. I remember making the very first comment about bat bat sounds since 2K5, and they haven't corrected them yet (not to say they haven't changed them, but they certainly haven't corrected them).

I'm not so sure I agree that realistic bat sounds would sound terribly in a baseball game, I think they would sound fantastic. The same goes for realistic crowd sounds. Let's face it, games to their best to replicate 40,000 people in a stadium, but they merely mimic it and it comes off as unnatural.

Video games still have a long way to go in the audio department, and I'd say that 2K is very far away in terms of stadium atmospherics.
# 47 jeffy777 @ 01/30/10 03:57 PM
After all these years, they really need to get the bat sounds right. Overall though, it seems like it should be a good game this year.
# 48 TRD Supra @ 01/30/10 09:40 PM
I want to see some gameplay!
# 49 jeffy777 @ 01/31/10 01:22 AM
I hope OS gets a preview copy soon . Steve's screens and videos are always nice to see.
# 50 ChaseB @ 01/31/10 06:49 AM
Originally Posted by jeffy777
I hope OS gets a preview copy soon . Steve's screens and videos are always nice to see.
Steve = garbo at games.
# 51 bigfnjoe96 @ 01/31/10 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by ChaseB
Steve = garbo at games.
# 52 sportyguyfl31 @ 02/01/10 12:17 PM
Sounds like a marked improvement.
# 53 indigence @ 02/02/10 03:53 PM
I will never buy a 2k game as long as VC is producing it. If I saw anyone in the street involved with making MLB 2k9 I don't know if I'd be able to control my anger. I think if there was such a thing as justice VC would give everyone who bought 2K9 their money back. That game has done so much damage to their brand they should have halted production on 2k9 when they realized they couldn't make it a playable game in time, and focused on 2k10. I along with thousands of others will never forget the load crap we paid to play. I felt like I was on a gamefly commercial. Maybe VC is in cahoots with gamefly? dun dun dunnnnn
# 54 uSAIDit @ 02/02/10 10:55 PM
This article gives a glimmer of hope...and no there has not been turbo in the game...but I do believe that not having a CHECK SWING will alter the game (however little it may be) for those of us who ACTUALLY have a BATTERS EYE and have honed the ability to stop the bat and "EARN A BALL" (and a potential walk) without guessing or pre-determaining wether or not to swing or take.
# 55 brendanrfoley @ 02/03/10 12:44 PM
I'm surprised at the open hate for Visual Concepts; it is a well-respected and accomplished studio.

The NBA 2K series is (for the most part) the best basketball franchise and the NHL 2K series took (by all accounts) a big step in the right direction during the last two years. The MLB 2K franchise is poised to do the same.

The collapse of the MLB and NHL series is, in my opinion, an indictment against Kush Games. It took control of two flagship sports franchises and promptly ran both into the ground.

That isn't Visual Concepts' fault. It's Kush and Take2's.
# 56 mdbigman @ 02/03/10 01:31 PM
This sounds like it will be a great game this year. I'm so glad I skipped last years.
# 57 Artman22 @ 02/04/10 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by brendanrfoley
I'm surprised at the open hate for Visual Concepts; it is a well-respected and accomplished studio.

The NBA 2K series is (for the most part) the best basketball franchise and the NHL 2K series took (by all accounts) a big step in the right direction during the last two years. The MLB 2K franchise is poised to do the same.

The collapse of the MLB and NHL series is, in my opinion, an indictment against Kush Games. It took control of two flagship sports franchises and promptly ran both into the ground.

That isn't Visual Concepts' fault. It's Kush and Take2's.
You're right. Kush was the worst. They put 2ksports in very bad positions. VC are respected and I'm sure we will see the fruits of their work in MLB2k10, or atleast I hope.
# 58 jake44np @ 02/04/10 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by brendanrfoley
I'm surprised at the open hate for Visual Concepts; it is a well-respected and accomplished studio.

The NBA 2K series is (for the most part) the best basketball franchise and the NHL 2K series took (by all accounts) a big step in the right direction during the last two years. The MLB 2K franchise is poised to do the same.

The collapse of the MLB and NHL series is, in my opinion, an indictment against Kush Games. It took control of two flagship sports franchises and promptly ran both into the ground.

That isn't Visual Concepts' fault. It's Kush and Take2's.
I still refuse to put MLB 2K in that group until that put out a good product.
Lets wait and see the game before we declare they are poised to do the same.

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