MLB 2K10 News Post

The relationship gamers have had with the MLB 2K franchise in recent years is similar to one that can happen to people with significant others they no longer truly care about. Those people in now-loveless relationships hold out hope that their wife, husband, boyfriend or girlfriend will change back into the person they originally fell in love with in the first place. They try to find false signs of hope in insignificant events because they really want to believe that the person they fell in love with will return and just needs to be brought back to the surface somehow. Unfortunately, it usually ends up being smoke and mirrors, and those people just have to accept the fact that they need to move on and find someone else.

And perhaps MLB 2K10 can be that new “flame” in gamers’ lives. Maybe it can be that new girlfriend or boyfriend that rejuvenates your belief in love -- not that I think ****** a game disc would qualify as a healthy relationship, just so we are clear on that front.

Still, there is another group of people in the above scenario who will be so jaded by the initial failed relationship that they will no longer believe any relationship can work, which is perfectly acceptable as well.

Regardless of where each gamer fits into the above scenario, during my limited time with MLB 2K10 I at least saw a glimmer of hope and a reasonable chance that MLB 2K baseball is finally on the right path.

Read More - Major League Baseball 2K10 Hands On

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Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 brendanrfoley @ 01/28/10 11:18 AM
I'm am optimistic; I can't wait for extended previews and game play videos.
# 2 EnigmaNemesis @ 01/28/10 11:23 AM
# 3 brendanrfoley @ 01/28/10 11:24 AM
I may be wrong, but hasn't turbo been out of this series for at least two years?
# 4 brendanrfoley @ 01/28/10 11:26 AM
Chase sounds cautiously optimistic. Between his preview and Kotaku's I am getting my hopes up. Silly, I know!

As a total aside, I've seen Chase mention a couple times there is no more turbo. Was that in last year's game?
# 5 DaveDQ @ 01/28/10 11:29 AM
Ohh my..Chase the first paragraph sounds like you are writing for Oprah.

On to read the rest...
# 6 EnigmaNemesis @ 01/28/10 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by jim416
I was impressed with the recently posted trailer. Game, to me looks great visually as I don't expect absolute perfection in every detail (it's a video game). I liked what I saw, a lot/ Only drawback for me, the check swing......Is it still in CLASSIC swing mode? Or has it been taken out completely?

I don't want to start a debate about how it's not needed, how it is needed, as that is up to the gamer who is playing and spending his dough, but some confirmation if it's totally out.


This is all I want to know about this game right now. The check swing.

Everything else, I am liking what I see.
# 7 nld230 @ 01/28/10 11:46 AM
I honestly thought they removed turbo in 2k8.
# 8 Trevytrev11 @ 01/28/10 11:47 AM
I know it's too little too late and I know I haven't had the opportunity to use the new system, but it seems like everything could have been implemented better if instead of changing the swing stick mechanics for the differnent swings they added a trigger to choose between the different swings and kept the mechanics the exact same.

This would have allowed a user to use a defenisve swing from either a contact or power swing and if they added a check swing, it could also have been the same mechanic for both swings.

Either way you have to pre determine prior to the pitch if you are going to use a contact or power swing, so that wouldn't be an issue.

My thought is that even when Ryan Howard is down 0-2 he is still swinging out of his shoes at almost anything, but there are still situations on a borderline pitch where he may at first thought the pitch was out of the zone and at the last second realized it may be closer and try to take an emergency swing at the last second in attempt to stay alive. His mindset going into the pitch is for his "power" swing, but he can still throw a defensive swing out there if needed.

I'm still not 100% sure, but from what I understand from all that I have read, it seems like you can only do the defenisive swing from a contact swing and not a power swing. In other words, it has to be a flick of the stick to the left or right from the center position (which is where the contact swing is initiated from). However, once you pull back for the power swing, you are pretty much locked into a power swing...unless you can go left and right from the down (power swing) position to execute the defensive swing. If so then, I can live with that, though I'd still prefer one motion for all swings with a trigger pulled to modify between power and contact and then your swing, defenisve swing and check swing would always be the exact same motion.

Chase can you clarify?

Can you take a defenisve swing once you pull back for a power swing or can it only be accomplished from center (on a contact swing)?
# 9 Trevytrev11 @ 01/28/10 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by nld230
I honestly thought they removed turbo in 2k8.
I thought so, too. Thought 2K7 was the last time it was in.
# 10 boomhauertjs @ 01/28/10 11:54 AM
Good preview, Chase. I'm probably passing on this one unless the reviews after it comes out are glowing and there aren't any bugs.
# 11 jeffy777 @ 01/28/10 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by Trevytrev11
I thought so, too. Thought 2K7 was the last time it was in.
I'm pretty sure you are right. Haven't had turbo since 2K7....
# 12 SoxFan01605 @ 01/28/10 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by Trevytrev11
I thought so, too. Thought 2K7 was the last time it was in.
He mentioned fielder turbo, which was still in last year as I recall. It was base-runner turbo that was removed after 2K7.

I got a kick out of this...so true:

The relationship gamers have had with the MLB 2K franchise in recent years is similar to one that can happen to people with significant others they no longer truly care about. Those people in now-loveless relationships hold out hope that their wife, husband, boyfriend or girlfriend will change back into the person they originally fell in love with in the first place. They try to find false signs of hope in insignificant events because they really want to believe that the person they fell in love with will return and just needs to be brought back to the surface somehow. Unfortunately, it usually ends up being smoke and mirrors, and those people just have to accept the fact that they need to move on and find someone else.

Still, there is another group of people in the above scenario who will be so jaded by the initial failed relationship that they will no longer believe any relationship can work, which is perfectly acceptable as well.
Pretty much nailed the two major views on it.

Good review. My Player sounds like it could be a fun alternative mode and it's good to hear so much has gone into pitching and batting in terms of making ratings/ability count more.

I'm holding out hope that we still have a check swing via the button controls, because aside from that whole issue, 2K10 has sounded mostly promising.
# 13 jeffy777 @ 01/28/10 12:04 PM
Soxfan, I'm fairly certain fielder turbo hasn't been in since 2K7. Also not to nitpick Chase, but the stealing mechanic he mentions is not new either. Your runner would go when you released the trigger last year too, so you couldn't preload steals in 2K9 either, but hopefully stealing is more solid and smooth this year.
# 14 nemesis04 @ 01/28/10 12:06 PM
Nice read thank you Chase. I am definitely going to give the game a test drive this year!
# 15 SoxFan01605 @ 01/28/10 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by jeffy777
Soxfan, I'm fairly certain fielder turbo hasn't been in since 2K7. Also not to nitpick Chase, but the stealing mechanic he mentions is not new either. Your runner would go when you released the trigger last year too, so you couldn't preload steals in 2K9 either, but hopefully stealing is more solid and smooth this year.
Hmm...you may be right. I mostly passed over 2K8 and put 2K9 down fairly early, so maybe I "misremembered"

You're right about the steals too. Very frustrating. I LOVE the concept though. If they got rid of the delay and made it more responsive it could be a big plus for the series IMO.
# 16 Trevytrev11 @ 01/28/10 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
You're right about the steals too. Very frustrating. I LOVE the concept though. If they got rid of the delay and made it more responsive it could be a big plus for the series IMO.
That and the auto picks by the pitcher once you exceeded a three step lead, IMO, killed the system. My guys getting back standing up from a three step lead on a lefty with a "slow as molasses" move to first and if I try to extend my lead to a fourth step, I draw an infinite amount of automatic throws over from the pitcher. As if he didn't realize the last 5 times he tried that weak sauce move it wasn't even close...so hey, lets try it again.
# 17 bigfnjoe96 @ 01/28/10 12:24 PM
As always Chase thanks again. I am optimistic from your preview, that the series is finally heading in the right direction. Glad to hear once again that the team really did a lot of polishing & fine-tuning this time around.

I am really forward to seeing these NEW ANIMATIONS in action. 1 thing VC is very good @ is creating really solid animations. Looks like we just might have a very playable game this year.
# 18 RoyalBoyle78 @ 01/28/10 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by jim416
I was impressed with the recently posted trailer. Game, to me looks great visually as I don't expect absolute perfection in every detail (it's a video game). I liked what I saw, a lot/ Only drawback for me, the check swing......Is it still in CLASSIC swing mode? Or has it been taken out completely?

I don't want to start a debate about how it's not needed, how it is needed, as that is up to the gamer who is playing and spending his dough, but some confirmation if it's totally out.
Looked good for the most part, but I still see a bit of the jerky movement showing it's ugly head still, not as bad as years past, but I still see it.
# 19 BigBlue @ 01/28/10 12:44 PM
I hope that the CPU AI didn't remove the CPU pitcher after about 4 innings of work while having only thrown 40-50 pitches. :-)

All-in-all, I'm looking forward to this game as I saw the potential in MLB2K9 (even through all of the bugs and glitches). Keeping my fingers crossed.

# 20 BigBlue @ 01/28/10 12:46 PM
Chase, you didn't mention anything about presentation. Rumor has it that there'll be an MLB Today feature like the NBA game. Any thoughts on commentary, in between innings boxscores, post game wrapups?


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