MLB 2K10 News Post

2K Sports has posted another Major League Baseball 2K10 Developer Insight. This one features Franchise Mode.

"So let’s get into it! This year we added 40 Man Rosters/September Call-Ups, Compensation Picks, Spring Training, Trade Finder, Player Finder, Super Sim, Franchise Blogs, Variable Contracts and MLB Today presentation (we’ll also have a lot more about this in an upcoming Insight). I’ll go into a few of these new features in more depth later on in this write-up."

Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 queensbomber @ 01/27/10 10:00 PM
For the first time in 3 years Im actually eyeing, even considering 2K baseball. I own a PS3.
# 62 nemesis04 @ 01/27/10 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by queensbomber
For the first time in 3 years Im actually eyeing, even considering 2K baseball. I own a PS3.
I just hope they give it the same support as the 360.
# 63 MasterX1918 @ 01/27/10 10:46 PM
franchise mode sounds great and alot more innovative than previous years, HOWEVER we do not know yet if it will be plagued by glitches like it is every year. Also, great franchise mode means little if gameplay is unplayable like last years game. MLB the Show is still the favorite in my book and i'm leaning in it's direction right now for my purchase but we will see.
# 64 EnigmaNemesis @ 01/27/10 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by baseball66
lol, yeah unlike nhl2k10.
Or MLB 2K8
# 65 rckabillyRaider @ 01/27/10 11:41 PM
looks and sounds good. Hopefully it PLAYS good
# 66 nld230 @ 01/27/10 11:53 PM
Can't buy into the hype TOO much, but I admit I am getting excited about this game.

But.... the most important aspect of franchise wasn't mentioned in this write-up. Will we get realistic games? Or will we be subjected to 140 win teams and players launching 80 bombs?

Realistic gameplay is the most important part of this title, at least for me. If they can get this down, or at least have it so that the sliders can make it a challenging sim, I will be more than happy.
# 67 EnigmaNemesis @ 01/27/10 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by nld230
Can't buy into the hype TOO much, but I admit I am getting excited about this game.

But.... the most important aspect of franchise wasn't mentioned in this write-up. Will we get realistic games? Or will we be subjected to 140 win teams and players launching 80 bombs?

Realistic gameplay is the most important part of this title, at least for me. If they can get this down, or at least have it so that the sliders can make it a challenging sim, I will be more than happy.

I agree with this. I think some are thinking too much ahead with hype, and have to simmer down a bit and remember, this games biggest issue was the sloppy play. And my fingers are crossed this is addressed to a respectable degree.
# 68 KeMiKaL @ 01/28/10 12:05 AM
a liittle bit of gameplay and some more info on my player and im good till release!
# 69 bwiggy33 @ 01/28/10 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
I agree with this. I think some are thinking too much ahead with hype, and have to simmer down a bit and remember, this games biggest issue was the sloppy play. And my fingers are crossed this is addressed to a respectable degree.
I also agree. Every year once the information comes out on 2k baseball games we all go awww that sounds awesome. Once we get it however we find the glitches and problems with it. 2k just loves to sucker people into their game and thats how they get paid. Everyone has a right to be hyped and I am starting to get hyped to. We all just need to not get hyped so much that when we find out theres glitches in the game (I hope so bad there aren't) we don't go freak out because we've had this happen from 2k for the past 3 years.

All in all I am really pumped for this game. If only the gameplay videos and hopefully a demo can show us that this game won't be as glitchy as the games in the past. I'm sure its gonna have glitches because most games do. It just depends on how big those glitches are and will it force people not to play it. I just want a baseball game I can play all freaking year.
# 70 jerm21 @ 01/28/10 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by bwiggy33
I also agree. Every year once the information comes out on 2k baseball games we all go awww that sounds awesome. Once we get it however we find the glitches and problems with it. 2k just loves to sucker people into their game and thats how they get paid. Everyone has a right to be hyped and I am starting to get hyped to. We all just need to not get hyped so much that when we find out theres glitches in the game (I hope so bad there aren't) we don't go freak out because we've had this happen from 2k for the past 3 years.

All in all I am really pumped for this game. If only the gameplay videos and hopefully a demo can show us that this game won't be as glitchy as the games in the past. I'm sure its gonna have glitches because most games do. It just depends on how big those glitches are and will it force people not to play it. I just want a baseball game I can play all freaking year.
it's true, glitches can kill the game. Like last year with the first baseman somehow taking his foot off the bag, made it unplayable. Hopefully once we get it this year we can jump right into the franchise, not having to wait for a patch that will enable me to play with a franchise.
# 71 myghty @ 01/28/10 03:13 AM
So far so good. I am liking what I am hearing!
# 72 adamj2281 @ 01/28/10 09:17 AM
Was there anything said about accurate team budgets?
# 73 brendanrfoley @ 01/28/10 09:33 AM
They talked about small market/big market teams and the likes of the Royals competing with the Yankees, so I assume budgets will be based on teams' real life spending habits.
# 74 adamj2281 @ 01/28/10 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by brendanrfoley
They talked about small market/big market teams and the likes of the Royals competing with the Yankees, so I assume budgets will be based on teams' real life spending habits.

Yeah that's what I was wondering about and then they never really expanded on that topic. That would be a huge plus if they could have teams act appropiately in their trades, FA signings, etc.
# 75 reyes the roof @ 01/28/10 12:04 PM
I'm curious to see how the compensation picks will work if they don't have arbitration in the game. You only get comp picks if you offer arbitration to a player, so without it, the free agency period and compensation could get messy if nearly every player you lose yields a draft pick
# 76 Juiceman @ 01/28/10 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by reyes the roof
I'm curious to see how the compensation picks will work if they don't have arbitration in the game. You only get comp picks if you offer arbitration to a player, so without it, the free agency period and compensation could get messy if nearly every player you lose yields a draft pick
I definitely don't know a lot about contracts, but in the game it seems you'd get a compensation pick if upon expiration of your player's contract you offer a new contract and they decline for another team. Then you'd get compensation. I guess I see that as different than any player you lose (ie don't offer a contract extension to). I might not be catching what you're saying though.
# 77 Trevytrev11 @ 01/28/10 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by Juiceman
I definitely don't know a lot about contracts, but in the game it seems you'd get a compensation pick if upon expiration of your player's contract you offer a new contract and they decline for another team. Then you'd get compensation. I guess I see that as different than any player you lose (ie don't offer a contract extension to). I might not be catching what you're saying though.
If this is the case, then it seems you could just offer a garbage contract to every player just to ensure compensation picks.

Hopefully they have something in place to protect both sides. If a team has no intention of resigning the player for whatever reason, they shouldn't get a free pick from a team that signs him.
# 78 Juiceman @ 01/28/10 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by Trevytrev11
If this is the case, then it seems you could just offer a garbage contract to every player just to ensure compensation picks.
I can't see how doing that would be beneficial unless you're in it for the really long haul and don't care about having a sh*t team for a bunch of years comprised of washed up FA's and rookies not ready to play in the bigs yet.

maybe you would have to offer more than their expiring contract in order to get compensation picks. I don't know. Just don't know enough about contracts in general. If they have compensation picks in the game you'd hope they thought through the logic behind it. Im not too worried.
# 79 Trevytrev11 @ 01/28/10 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by Juiceman
I can't see how doing that would be beneficial unless you're in it for the really long haul and don't care about having a sh*t team for a bunch of years comprised of washed up FA's and rookies not ready to play in the bigs yet.
Well if you have a solid player who you know is going to want a lot of money (say $15M a year), but you no longer have a need for him (say you have an up and coming prospect who is better suited for your team) and have no intention of trying to keep him. If the only requirement is for you to offer this player a contract in order to get a free first round pick, you could just offer him the smallest contract, knowing that he won't accept and that you will get a free pick.

Maybe I wasn't clear before in my other post, but you could use this philosophy to build up your farm system with top picks year after year just by making garbage offers to players that were leaving anyway.

Like you said though, maybe you have to offer x amount, but instead of the prior contract (they may be declining, but still solid), maybe it's a merket rate based on their ratings.
# 80 Juiceman @ 01/28/10 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by Trevytrev11

Like you said though, maybe you have to offer x amount, but instead of the prior contract (they may be declining, but still solid), maybe it's a merket rate based on their ratings.
I'm sure you'd have to offer X. That way there is a risk to making an offer if you truly don't want them to accept it.

Plus, a compensation pick would probably be a sandwich pick after the first round and before the 2nd round. So yes it's a first round pick, but it's low. I guess everyone has their own philosophy of building a team. I just don't see it a viable strategy even if you could bulk up on comp picks.

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