Madden NFL 11 News Post

Just throwing it out there, via Ian Cummings twitter. What would you like to see, "IF" this were to happen?

"*IF* I did do a M11 SB halftime blog (not saying I am), what would u like to see featured? Gameplay? Franchise? Presentation? Online? Other?"

Game: Madden NFL 11Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 96 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 BlackJack_Williams @ 01/26/10 12:51 AM
Gameplay Sir.
# 2 Scott @ 01/26/10 12:51 AM
Gameplay. OL/DL interaction specificially.
# 3 xblake16x @ 01/26/10 12:52 AM
the new innovative take on madden
# 4 bigsmallwood @ 01/26/10 12:56 AM
Gameplay, Presentation, OR a piece of the "new" innovation!
# 5 poopie @ 01/26/10 01:21 AM
new run and catch animations
# 6 DLaren @ 01/26/10 01:30 AM
Artificial Intelligence.
# 7 prettyrik @ 01/26/10 01:51 AM
Gameplay (running improvements actual foot planting/changing of direction/locomotion)
# 8 thekodinator @ 01/26/10 01:54 AM
Online Franchise!
-player contracts
-salary cap
-cpu trade logic
-draft scouting
-player roles (a la 2004)
-playing local user v user games
-improved stat-tracking with awards, etc.

... basically, give online franchise everything that offline franchise gets... that's what I would like to hear
# 9 RedZoneD25 @ 01/26/10 02:19 AM
^^ Can't we at least get a good offline first?
# 10 PantherBeast_OS @ 01/26/10 02:23 AM
Originally Posted by davey225
^^ Can't we at least get a good offline first?
agreed. 80% people who buy madden plays offline franchise and not online. They really need to focus more on offline franchise first then online later. But me I would love to see a blog on the improvments they are making on presention this year.
# 11 SHAKYR @ 01/26/10 02:54 AM
Presentation and gameplay
# 12 mburke2 @ 01/26/10 02:56 AM
Gameplay first and foremost. Its the most important part of the game IMO
# 13 BlueNGold @ 01/26/10 03:03 AM
Gameplay with offline Franchise a close second. Everything else can come later. But I mostly want to see gameplay. Improved WR/DB play (sideline catches, jostling on All Pro and All Madden, jump balls, etc.) , improved OL/DL play (chip blocks, double team blocks, etc.), improved AI (enough said), something like that.
# 14 thekodinator @ 01/26/10 03:50 AM
Originally Posted by davey225
^^ Can't we at least get a good offline first?
All I'm saying is that online should have everything offline has... I don't think that's too outlandish. In my mind, that would seem like a "minor" improvement, considering NCAA online dynasty is "fully-featured" when compared to NCAA's offline dynasty.
# 15 brza37 @ 01/26/10 04:48 AM
# 16 adembroski @ 01/26/10 04:50 AM
I think we need to realize that a halftime blog would be a somewhat minor thing, comparable perhaps to last year's Procedural Awareness blog. This early in the cycle, it's tough to drop big news when you're not even sure what'll make the final game. I could see a follow up to last year, showing how PA has been expanded, whether it's become functional rather than simply cosmetic (as was hinted last year).

Alright, so, what do I think? If I were in Ian's position, I'd use it as an opportunity to set the tone for 2011 and do a bit of a Madden 10 retrospective, revisiting the theme "Everything you see on Sunday". Look back at 10, identify what you accomplished and where you feel you fell short, and end the whole thing with one small way you're working toward that same theme. This is really about the 'what' rather than the 'how'. Here's what I'm happy with about '10, here's where I am not happy, and here's what we're focusing on. Then use that as a jumping off point for the blogs the rest of the way out.
# 17 bonannogiovanni @ 01/26/10 06:36 AM
A new, built from scratch locomotion system.
# 18 Jono078 @ 01/26/10 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by Ian Cummings Twitter
*IF* I did do a M11 SB halftime blog (not saying I am), what would u like to see featured? Gameplay? Franchise? Presentation? Online? Other?
Wow I feel super pumped all of a sudden

Id hope for it to be one of the following:

Presenatation: Game Atmosphere: Madden is really lacking in this department, the stadiums feel to empty. Crowds need to be moving more or waving towels and yelling. Sidelines need to be more busy and interactive. You want to hear your QB yelling and waving his arms frantically to leadhis team down the field. So if it's presentation I hope it touches on atmosphere.

Gameplay: Id just be happy to hear that blocking has been tuned even better or suction passes/tackles have gone.

Franchise: This could be a likely option. He could maybe fit it in on the past few weeks. "So your team has been eliminated and now is looking to the draft to improve for next season.etc etc...". So I'm hoping it's draft news, more realistic sim stats or progression.

Don't really care for online.
# 19 LBzrule @ 01/26/10 09:43 AM
Game play in the trenches that's all.
# 20 K_GUN @ 01/26/10 09:50 AM
What IAN thought the shortcomings were in M10 and how they plan to fix those shortcomings for M11.

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