MLB 2K10 News Post

"Last year a controversy arose when MLB 2K9 attempted to extend the space for advertising by altering some wall dimensions and adding signs that didn’t exist in the stadiums. The two most egregious examples were the left field wall in Nationals Park which became a mini-”Green Monster” in order to accommodate one large ad and Wrigley Field which had a non-existent billboard erected in center field. While more of a just a nuisance there was also some discontent over the sheer number of ads being placed such as those for Pepsi in Tropicana Field."

MLB 2K10 Fixes Advertising Altered Stadiums - Pasta Padre

Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Bahnzo @ 01/15/10 11:13 PM
I'm glad to see this. It was a shame it was done at all, but at least it's been corrected. A (tiny) first step towards winning back respectability in my mind.
# 2 Jamin23 @ 01/15/10 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by Bahnzo
I'm glad to see this. It was a shame it was done at all, but at least it's been corrected. A (tiny) first step towards winning back respectability in my mind.
They really worked on the stadiums this year and it is great to see them look liked they do in real life.
# 3 Sports fanantic @ 01/16/10 02:10 AM
lol @ 2k sports for adding too much ads.
# 4 Craigsca @ 01/16/10 07:25 PM
Wow, I didn't know they added height to the walls to support advertising. That's hilarious.
# 5 stlstudios189 @ 01/16/10 07:49 PM
stadiums look great this year
# 6 Jamin23 @ 01/16/10 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by stlstudios189
stadiums look great this year
yup and I love the fact that they added working out of town scoreboards.
# 7 bp4baseball @ 01/16/10 10:34 PM
It's nice to see them working on the stadiums
# 8 brendanrfoley @ 01/17/10 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by DickDalewood
Same here. The stadiums looked so dead without any scores on the walls last year. Very glad this is in.
It wasn't just the lack of scores. Some scoreboards showed absolutely nothing; it was odd.
# 9 nemesis04 @ 01/17/10 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by byobd4
they had more time with the game this year it is going to blow mlbtheshow out this year
Is that what it is going to say on the back of the MLB 2k box this year?
# 10 kennyacid @ 01/17/10 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by byobd4
they had more time with the game this year it is going to blow mlbtheshow out this year
uummm i wouldn't go that far, but I do think that it will be respectable this year.

Originally Posted by nemesis04
Is that what it is going to say on the back of the MLB 2k box this year?
# 11 Jamin23 @ 01/17/10 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
Is that what it is going to say on the back of the MLB 2k box this year?
Originally Posted by kennyacid
uummm i wouldn't go that far, but I do think that it will be respectable this year.

Alright guys. Lets not get off track. This isn't about the show. Anyway I think this is the year that 2k gets back on track. They don't have any other choice.
# 12 Jackdog @ 01/17/10 01:02 PM
[quote=Millennium;2039186640]This is being posted in both the MLB 2k9 forum and the MLB 09: The Show forum.

The war is over. Period. I don't want to see any more game bashing either way. This will NOT turn into the next Madden/2k5 board war.

If I am told of fans of either game "invading" the other forum and bashing either game, action will be taken, including the banning of users from specific forums. As always, constructive criticism will be allowed.

If you see any of this, please use the "Report Post" feature, or PM myself or a moderator directly.
# 13 ckarlic @ 01/18/10 11:15 AM
Wow. I must say that the stadiums from padre's site look great.
# 14 The Living Legend @ 01/18/10 11:42 AM
I do agree that the stadiums look Sooo much better then last year. Especially the ones showed. It is a shame that they looked the way they did last year so they didnt have waste all this time to go back and fix all the mistakes. But hey at least we got accurate looking ballparks.
# 15 jb12780 @ 01/18/10 11:43 AM
Yeah. If the gameplay is up to par with the visuals, we 360 guys are gonna be pleased.
# 16 mrbaseballian @ 01/21/10 04:24 PM
Like any other game, it is going to have it's pros and cons. I don't think it will be better than the show, but it isn't going to be a disaster. The stadium are sickdiculous. They rule. The batters eye actually seems like a decent feature. I don't like the swing stick. I liked timing the step than swing. It isn't a huge deal for me. It sounds great. I do think they are taking a step in the right direction. One thing that would seal the deal, would be if you have a park like PNC or AT&T, and if you hit a splash hit, they need to make that realistic. I doubt that it will ever be incorporated. I am going to buy this game, it cant be any worse than 2k9. The mistakes in that were catastrophic. I hope this game conquers all other games. I didn't get nearly as pissed off at the glitches last year, but I really hated the HR fest. If that happens again, I am going to be ticked. HR fests make it an unrealistic boring game. Maybe like 2 a game. Sometimes, no home runs. Sometimes you may have a lot, but not consistently hitting bombs.
# 17 HealyMonster @ 01/21/10 04:47 PM
My main issue with this game has always been playability. Do I understand its a videogame and stupid stuff happens from time to time? YES! But its a matter of how much stupid stuff occurs within parameters. I have always likes the presentation and the graphics with this series. My issues in the past have always been franchise bugs/lack of AI decisions, haywire fielding mechanics and like someone else mentioned HR fest.

I went as far as not playing a MLB game last year. Didnt buy one, didn't rent one, didn't watch any videos. I essentially made it a 2 year development cycle for myself. This year I am going to at least rent the game, u=but I am waiting to see what the verdict is beforehand.

Hopefully these guys got it together. The stadiums to look much improved, hopefully that is telling us something about the gameplay,etc.

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