NBA 2K10 News Post

Patch #2 for NBA 2K10 is now available for the PS3. The 360 and PC patches, will be released at a later date.

Details for the patch, can be found here.

Please post your impressions here.

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Member Comments
# 201 BroMontana82 @ 01/13/10 04:12 PM
i think people are accounting for those situations...and also, people are not seeing this just when they sim. people are saying they see it when they play the game. either way, if someone's 3 pt. shot tendency is 0, they shouldn't shoot them.
# 202 Comduklakis @ 01/13/10 04:15 PM
For the smart alecs posting videos of some random big man making a desperation three, I ask this: David Lee has never made a three in his career and I'm actually in the 2nd year of my assocation so that means we are talking 2011 now and IN ONE GAME he shot 2 of 6. One game.

And again, I may be in the minority (I'd love to hear from some other's on the issue) but I'm not seeing these amazing improvements in all these categories that the patch allegedly fixed. I know that 2kRonnie wasn't listing every single thing the patch did, but if it really made the AI defense so much better don't you think he would have included that in his patch description? Instead he mentioned passouts. Not much else in relation to actual gameplay. The rest was tweaks to online and myplayer modes due to glitches. This patch was not designed to change gameplay much. I think (and again I may be wrong and maybe it's me, love to hear from more people) that these "vast improvements" in gameplay issues (that were never mentioned in being touched by this patch, then again it wasn't mentioned that the patch would destroy proper sim with stupid 3 pointers either) are merely imagination. Or possibly due to adopting certain changes and suggestions in other threads on defense such as changing the settings to absolute on the right stick.
# 203 alsolidus @ 01/13/10 04:18 PM
Ok I apologize if people are playing actual games and Centers are taking more attempts then guards are.

I was under the impression this is a Simming problem exclusively, I know alot of Centers have attempted 3's in the NBA game I think I've seen Shaq attempt a 3 this season alone.

Just think hearing about all the other actual gameplay elements they did work on should help people be a little more realistic on expectations from patches.
# 204 BroMontana82 @ 01/13/10 04:25 PM
yeah i can't really comment on it since i have the 360 but people are seeing it when playing association and myplayer i guess. also, this (then rare) issue was supposed to be fixed and simballer came on here to address it. apparently, it was made much worse but yeah, patches always both fix things and break them unfortunately.
# 205 coolcras7 @ 01/13/10 04:26 PM
Doctor: I have good news for you I can cure your cancer, but you will have the runs
2k gamer: I will have the runs
Doctor: Yes, so when can i schedule the operation
2k gamer: The runs, I don't know doctor
Doctor: Well in all our simulations the patient got the runs it may not happen to you
2k gamer: but there is a chance I will get the runs
Doctor: Yes, but if you don't get this operation immediately you will die.
2k gamer: I don't know doctor the runs is a big deal, I am going to have to think hard about going through with this.
Doctor: your an idiot, get out of my office.
# 206 Comduklakis @ 01/13/10 04:36 PM
NBA 2K10 Patch Notes for January - 2K Sports Forums

Do you see anything in this patch that says that the AI for defense will improve? Don't you think they would have said that since so many people have complained about it? Has anyone talked to 2k employees who can legitimately tell you that the patch actually did improve AI defense? I don't know about others but cherrypicking was not a problem in association, so I'm assuming this is another online thing. As far as actual offline gameplay, the only things the patch was said to do was to make passing out of the double teams harder, cut down on long pass accuracy, and cut down on pass accuracy out of contact animations. Nothing else is listed. If those corrections are what is making people shout from the rooftops that the defense is so much better now, then fine. But anything else? I'd like to see some confirmation from some 2k people that something was actually done to adjust the defensive AI.
# 207 GaryT531 @ 01/13/10 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by coolcras7
Doctor: I have good news for you I can cure your cancer, but you will have the runs
2k gamer: I will have the runs
Doctor: Yes, so when can i schedule the operation
2k gamer: The runs, I don't know doctor
Doctor: Well in all our simulations the patient got the runs it may not happen to you
2k gamer: but there is a chance I will get the runs
Doctor: Yes, but if you don't get this operation immediately you will die.
2k gamer: I don't know doctor the runs is a big deal, I am going to have to think hard about going through with this.
Doctor: your an idiot, get out of my office.
lol that was good. even funnier if you made that all up on your own just now. yeah everyone is happy about the 10 or more fixes this patch incorporates, but you have to respect the fact that the 3 point glitch is a huge glitch to some, an absolute gamebreaker, especially for anyone that put a ton of work into their association. you have to respect that man.
# 208 BroMontana82 @ 01/13/10 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by coolcras7
Doctor: your an idiot, get out of my office.
coming from the guy who says "your" and not "you're" calling people idiots. way to come on here and start going at it with people who have legitimate complaints. that's not what this place is all about but whatever.
# 209 Benicio10 @ 01/13/10 04:40 PM
I switched back to 2K after NBA Live's glitches and patch fiasco, only to enter a world with it's own glitch and patch fiasco...

I'm done with NBA games this year. I'll stick with Pro Evo 2010 and wait for The Show.

All I can say to both companies is: Get your act together. This is getting pathetic.
# 210 coolcras7 @ 01/13/10 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by sambf12
coming from the guy who says "your" and not "you're" calling people idiots. way to come on here and start going at it with people who have legitimate complaints. that's not what this place is all about but whatever.
Funny you point out one grammatical error in my post, thank you 2k gamer.
# 211 coolcras7 @ 01/13/10 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by Comduklakis
NBA 2K10 Patch Notes for January - 2K Sports Forums

Do you see anything in this patch that says that the AI for defense will improve? Don't you think they would have said that since so many people have complained about it? Has anyone talked to 2k employees who can legitimately tell you that the patch actually did improve AI defense? I don't know about others but cherrypicking was not a problem in association, so I'm assuming this is another online thing. As far as actual offline gameplay, the only things the patch was said to do was to make passing out of the double teams harder, cut down on long pass accuracy, and cut down on pass accuracy out of contact animations. Nothing else is listed. If those corrections are what is making people shout from the rooftops that the defense is so much better now, then fine. But anything else? I'd like to see some confirmation from some 2k people that something was actually done to adjust the defensive AI.
Ron did mention that the patch would effect other aspects of the game not listed, remember there are instances where the patch did not do what it was intended to, so if they added to the list that the patch would fix player rotation which was the reason for the bad defense in the game in the first place and it did not there would be an even louder outcry of we hate you 2k.
# 212 Pared @ 01/13/10 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by coolcras7
Funny you point out one grammatical error in my post, thank you 2k gamer.
Originally Posted by coolcras7
Doctor: I have good news for you I can cure your cancer, but you will have the runs
2k gamer: I will have the runs
Doctor: Yes, so when can i schedule the operation
2k gamer: The runs, I don't know doctor
Doctor: Well in all our simulations the patient got the runs it may not happen to you
2k gamer: but there is a chance I will get the runs
Doctor: Yes, but if you don't get this operation immediately you will die.
2k gamer: I don't know doctor the runs is a big deal, I am going to have to think hard about going through with this.
Doctor: your an idiot, get out of my office.
If these posts don't stop, you won't remain a member here.

Let them discuss the "issues" as they see fit. No one is bothering anyone here.

And the bickering by everyone needs to stop. If someone is doing this, report the post, don't respond to them, or don't be surprised if you get a card as well.
# 213 Tiko7523 @ 01/13/10 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by Benicio10
I switched back to 2K after NBA Live's glitches and patch fiasco, only to enter a world with it's own glitch and patch fiasco...

I'm done with NBA games this year. I'll stick with Pro Evo 2010 and wait for The Show.

All I can say to both companies is: Get your act together. This is getting pathetic.
# 214 coolcras7 @ 01/13/10 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
If these posts don't stop, you won't remain a member here.

Let them discuss the "issues" as they see fit. No one is bothering anyone here.

And the bickering by everyone needs to stop. If someone is doing this, report the post, don't respond to them, or don't be surprised if you get a card as well.
I was simply making a comparison about harping over a minor side effect when a bigger issue is being corrected such as leagues etc , sorry that you found it offensive but it was not meant to be.
# 215 Pared @ 01/13/10 05:17 PM
It doesn't matter and I didn't find it "offensive."

It's degrading the conversation and causing everyone else to respond needlessly off-topic.
# 216 coolcras7 @ 01/13/10 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
It doesn't matter and I didn't find it "offensive."

It's degrading the conversation and causing everyone else to respond needlessly off-topic.
fine I wont make anymore comparisons like that, but in my opinion people are making to big issue about the 3 point thing, I have experienced it once, and the benefits out weigh that negative, but that is my opinion and I am speaking as someone who has downloaded the patch and is playing an association and not just simulation one.
# 217 Comduklakis @ 01/13/10 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by coolcras7
fine I wont make anymore comparisons like that, but in my opinion people are making to big issue about the 3 point thing, I have experienced it once, and the benefits out weigh that negative, but that is my opinion and I am speaking as someone who has downloaded the patch and is playing an association and not just simulation one.

Are you checking the stats for the games that are simmed, since I assume you are actually playing just one team's games. The reason I ask is that I had a simmed game with the Spurs (I play the Pistons games and sim the other 29 teams) where they lost by 1 point. In that game Shaq, Duncan, and J. O'Neal shot and missed 12 threes. I think it is a safe assumption that they win that game without the 3 point nonsense. They can really affect an assocation if that kind of stuff happens continually. Twelve possessions game after game can truly change who is in and out of the playoffs.

I think the big issue is whether you think that the patch made all these huge changes or not. As someone who doesn't play online and hasn't touched his myplayer in a month, it's all about association. As I said before, I haven't seen any of these great changes to the gameplay and they were not mentioned by 2k Ronnie. So in essence, I feel like I'm trading this 3 point glitch for a passout problem that I felt was overstated and for a bit less accuracy on long passes (which I applaud and have seen post patch), a bit less accuracy on contact animations, and a bit less pass accuracy on double teams (which I haven't really seen, CPU still seems to be able to pass out of double teams after being mobbed for literally 3 or 4 seconds). I just don't see that as a fair trade. Now IF I start to see the changes in defense that you see or that a few others claim to see, then I may reassess my views. As of now though, I haven't seen them. And as of now that 3 point thing isn't a deal breaker for me. I'm about to play an association game. Maybe in a few weeks I'll change my mind if I notice certain teams losing too much in close games and threes possibly being a factor, but I'll keep my eye on it.
# 218 Jukeman @ 01/13/10 05:37 PM
Lmao Im glad PS3 got the patch first

Hopefully their is a fix somehow....Anyway

2year cycle please....
# 219 ronyell @ 01/13/10 05:41 PM
first off, i have a 360 & watching & waiting & seriously contemplating not downloading the patch because it would be a huge issue for me & my "sim-to-the-core" association BUT i seriously love 2k basketball, i have always believed that the good FAR outweighed the bad with this series & cannot fathom not playing an NBA game for the rest of the year OR waiting forever for yet another patch to dive into my association.

im hoping for a fix or work around but if their isnt one, i am willing to get my mindset right and figure out my options...

my questions are:

are these 3's happening in the flow of the game?

are they happening when the bigs are open or are they just jacking?

does the attempts have ANY correlation to an offensive tendency or and offensive rating? (say maybe... offensive awareness)

are the teams as a whole, shooting more 3's total or are the bigs taking & cutting into others 3 point attempts?

are we talking about set 3 pointers or 3's off the dribble?

do the bigs that actually shoot 3's still shoot them, more or less?
# 220 stoncold32 @ 01/13/10 05:45 PM
For the record, I've NEVER, had a big man shoot a 3 in all the months I've had this game. I'm surprised to even hear about this. I was gonna delete my cache because I hav eother issues with the crowd and the music playing after timeouts, but if there's a chance my big men will start shooting 3's, then I'll live with th eproblems.

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