Backbreaker News Post

Game: BackbreakerReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 51 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 nighttrain32 @ 01/18/10 12:14 AM
Is this supposed to be more of a sim style game or is this like the classic NFL Blitz games? I can see why people would be anticipating the release of this game if it could over-throw Madden but the trailer looks like Blitz to me.
# 62 Cryolemon @ 01/18/10 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by nighttrain32
Is this supposed to be more of a sim style game or is this like the classic NFL Blitz games? I can see why people would be anticipating the release of this game if it could over-throw Madden but the trailer looks like Blitz to me.
From what I've seen it seems somewhere in the middle.
# 63 JayBee74 @ 01/21/10 03:15 PM
Hopeful-would like to see a split screen 2 minute drill of actual gameplay.
# 64 TheKasmar @ 01/28/10 05:08 PM
For some reason when I first saw the footage, the movements looked really similar to the early PS2 Madden/NCAA games. I really like how players lean into their turns like they did in ea's earlier games. I also saw some cuts/foot plants that looked similar as well. The movements are looking good so far from what I see.
# 65 turftickler @ 02/01/10 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by nighttrain32
Is this supposed to be more of a sim style game or is this like the classic NFL Blitz games? I can see why people would be anticipating the release of this game if it could over-throw Madden but the trailer looks like Blitz to me.
This is Blitz


This is Backbreaker

You couldn't be more wrong. LOL. How does Backbreaker look anything like Blitz football games at all? They are so far opposite of each other, but whatever. Sorry guys, but anyone who compares BB to Blitz needs to watch these videos.
# 66 z4ckdabeast @ 02/01/10 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by turftickler
How does Backbreaker look anything like Blitz football games at all?
Big hits.
# 67 turftickler @ 02/01/10 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by z4ckdabeast
Big hits.
The funny thing is, we see more and more hits like hard hits in every NFL game today. So what is the difference between

NFL Hardest Hits


Backbreaker E3 Trailer

# 68 z4ckdabeast @ 02/01/10 06:27 PM
You asked what was in common between the two games, and I gave you an answer. Your response didn't follow what I said hardly at all, so don't give me that confused smiley.
# 69 turftickler @ 02/01/10 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by z4ckdabeast
You asked what was in common between the two games, and I gave you an answer. Your response didn't follow what I said hardly at all, so don't give me that confused smiley.
You got it all wrong. That wasn't directed toward you. It was directed toward anyone that reads this thread and thinks that the tackles might be over-the-top. Big hits happen quite frequently now in the NFL and other leagues. Everyone wants to get their blast on.
# 70 Swingking77 @ 02/02/10 03:01 AM
Over all though, the hits aren't that over the top... I'm sure that they took the high road and showed a high light reel kind of approach, but we've also seen near misses, we've seen grazing hits, and of course, we've seen the complete up ended ones as well. With Madden allowing people to use the hit stick with little to no penalty for poor decisions reguarding this, this video of what I'll call high lights is actuely a pretty good indication that there might just be more to making big hits then simply pressing a stick down or up...
# 71 Hammerhunker @ 02/02/10 09:14 AM
We can see what it can do in the open field, how about that 3 yard gain between the tackles? Simple, yes, but does the common plays look common or is it highlight real stuff too?
# 72 turftickler @ 02/02/10 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by Blzer
That will be tremendous if it does! Hopefully it was just the trailer that made that look that it was only 30 FPS.
The game itself will look very smooth and the graphics will be top notch.

60 fps will be less likely because of the amount of CPU power needed. If it were developed on the PS3 first, which is tougher to do, then it would be able to run at 60ps on the PS3 with no problem. But since it is being developed on the XBox 360, which has less processing power, it may be running at a very smooth 30fps. Keep in mind that the animations are on the fly, which require less processing power so they are able to run at a smoother framerate than scripted animations in "other football games".

If it is running at 30fps, there will be nothing to fear.
# 73 LingeringRegime @ 02/02/10 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by turftickler
If it is running at 30fps, there will be nothing to fear.
I am beginning to get a little scared.
# 74 turftickler @ 02/02/10 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by DEFTFUNDAMENTALZ
I am beginning to get a little scared.
Maybe scared enough to change your Avatar to this....

# 75 Hova57 @ 02/02/10 01:34 PM
turf any word on those dev diaries yet. i was on the forum yesterday it seemed like it would have been at least one yesterday, but no dice
# 76 LingeringRegime @ 02/02/10 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by turftickler
Maybe scared enough to change your Avatar to this....

Maybe so...
# 77 turftickler @ 02/02/10 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by Hova57
turf any word on those dev diaries yet. i was on the forum yesterday it seemed like it would have been at least one yesterday, but no dice
No word, but I have see most of the news or vids come on Thursday or Friday. I have not received any hints from any of the Dev Team members, nor Rob Donald. They are pretty tight-lipped right now.
# 78 Hova57 @ 02/02/10 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by turftickler
No word, but I have see most of the news or vids come on Thursday or Friday. I have not received any hints from any of the Dev Team members, nor Rob Donald. They are pretty tight-lipped right now.
right now they must have zippers on their lips they never say anything on the forums except once so far i seen
# 79 turftickler @ 02/03/10 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by Afrikan
Turf you have to be sure before stating that it will run at 30fps....I don't ever remember reading or hearing anything about this.....imo, from all indications it seems to be running at 60fps (based off the gameplay trailers)

it was stated that

"Tackles will be simulated in 90 frames per second. No jumps in animation, real fluid."

there would be a DRASTIC jump in animation if the game was running at 30 then switched to 90 during the tackles/broken tackles.....but 60 to 90 shouldn't be noticeable, compared to 30 to 90fps.
I'm only going off what I was told personally. I would never spread lies or rumors. That would be pointless and hurt the image of Backbreaker. Trust me, Backbreake will be the smoothest football game we have ever played.

It may run at 60 fps by now, but over a year ago it was not going to. Hopefully that has changed to 60 fps. It truly depends on how fast it can be processed. The PS3 can keep up, but the 360 just can't. Since they were developing from the 360 over a year ago, it may still be at 30 fps.
# 80 t11 @ 02/03/10 10:48 PM
I remember them saying the game ran at 90.

Although, Afrikan, simulated at 90 fps is not the same as running at 90 fps. The game may be able to make calculations 90 times a second, but the actual game may only be able to display that 30/60 times a second.

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