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Kotaku's Owen Good has posted an interesting article he titles ESPN NFL 2K5 Maybe the Greatest of All Time, But Not In Its Time.

What is your greatest sports game of all time?

"Of the major game-of-the-year awards given out each year, no sports title has ever taken top overall honors. And yet five years later, there is one still talked about in ways that year's winners are not.

That would be ESPN NFL 2K5, the last and best of an uncommonly good crop of football games in the first half of the decade and, perhaps not coincidentally, the last one before EA Sports inked its exclusive license with the National Football League. Certainly, the stupefyingly good value 2K5 delivered on an unheard-of $19.99 price tag moved the needle on its high regard. But reviews of the game still said things like "the best-looking football game ever made," and "the most entertaining show in video game football."

This coming week will see the last glut of AAA releases in the autumn sales cycle, and then it will be on to the question of Game of the Year. Sports titles are like the offensive lineman in modern Heisman voting. Just being mentioned would be honor enough, because the prize is completely inaccessible to your class of performer."

ESPN NFL 2K5 screenshot gallery - Click to view ESPN NFL 2K5 screenshot gallery - Click to view
Game: ESPN NFL 2K5Reader Score: 9.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / XboxVotes for game: 84 - View All
Member Comments
# 1 spit_bubble @ 11/14/09 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by dan77733
...Amazingly, 2K5 is the only sports game that I even still play.
Heh... It's gotten to the point for me that 2K5 is the only game I play.

Originally Posted by Steve_OS
What is your greatest sports game of all time?
2K5. It's flaws are there, but I think they are minimal... Especially when compared to all the good it brings to the table. To me the thing that really ties it all together is being able to watch Sportscenter each week.

I think it's going to be at least another three years... At least... Until we see another sports game like 2K5... One that maximizes the hardware to the point that it feels like a complete package... Brings new things to the sports game genre... And doesn't leave much, if anything, to be desired.

I know people wanna clamor over CHoops 2K8 or the current FIFA and NHL... But those titles don't feel complete, and have gaping holes... Whereas 2K5 doesn't. And no I'm not overlooking it's flaws... I'm just saying that they are relatively minimal, while it's strengths are just too good to be denied.

Current generation titles have great potential... Clearly... But they are proving to be like a high draft pick who hasn't yet blossomed, and it's getting to the point where you wonder if they ever will.

By the way, 2nd place for best sports game goes to Baseball Stars for the NES. Similar to 2K5... It maxed out the hardware, brought much good that had never been seen before, and felt like a complete package that left pretty much nothing to be desired.
# 2 NFLFanSince1979 @ 11/14/09 10:32 PM
As far as gameplay goes, APF 2K8 is the best on the field football game I've ever played. It's not the prettiest, but it beats out any football game when it comes to the actual game play.
# 3 bigsmallwood @ 11/15/09 12:57 AM
NFL 2K5 pound for pound is the GREATEST SPORTS game of ALL TIME! Does it have flaws: YES; BUT it is faaaar from the problems we have with Madden and some of these other sports games and not to mention, it plays the best game of NFL Football ever.

I dare somebody to name a game better......I'll wait!!!! ALL around from presentation, to the penalty calls, down to the actual gameplay....it blows away ANYthing that is currently out.

I WILL DEFEND it on any level. LONG LIVE N.F.L. 2K5!!!!! ITs in the game lol
# 4 raidersbball20 @ 11/15/09 01:19 AM
I wish 2k could have kept going on this engine, but without the license they can't make money. 2k football R.I.P
# 5 GlennN @ 11/15/09 08:56 AM
NFL 2k5 is my favorite sports game of all time, followed by High Heat Baseball 2002, FB Pro 97, and NHL 10.
# 6 raidersbball20 @ 11/15/09 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by RiddelMeThis22
(ESPN NFL 2K5 = best NFL game of all time.) (APF 2K8 = best football gameplay of all time.)
right on
# 7 dickey1331 @ 11/15/09 07:54 PM
My greatest sports game would be MLB The Show 09 or NCAA Football 06. I had the most fun with those 2 games.
# 8 Cryolemon @ 11/15/09 08:19 PM
I still play 2k5, and amazingly still on rare occasions see animations I've never seen before. I saw a 3 defender gang tackle the other day.
# 9 TheWatcher @ 11/15/09 09:29 PM
2K5 was the Tecmo Bowl of its time, and the only people who hated it were strict Madden fans, and those who just refused to embrace something different.

While the competition was giving you ways to price virtual popcorn, 2K was delivering a true Sunday experience and all the extras you needed to keep you involved with the game. It put the competition to shame and gave us a glimpse of what the future of football gaming could be... then the disaster happened.

The game's status in history will always have some contention because of the overall popularity of Madden and its popularity at the time.
# 10 raidersbball20 @ 11/16/09 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by TheWatcher
2K5 was the Tecmo Bowl of its time, and the only people who hated it were strict Madden fans, and those who just refused to embrace something different.

While the competition was giving you ways to price virtual popcorn, 2K was delivering a true Sunday experience and all the extras you needed to keep you involved with the game. It put the competition to shame and gave us a glimpse of what the future of football gaming could be... then the disaster happened.

The game's status in history will always have some contention because of the overall popularity of Madden and its popularity at the time.
I agree that this game will go down in history to us gamers. I even know some ****** gamers that have no clue about the roster updates and such that still talk about 2k5. I wish the disaster wouldn't of happened so there could be competition to make all NFL games ahead of what it is now
# 11 loccdogg26 @ 11/16/09 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by TheWatcher
2K5 was the Tecmo Bowl of its time, and the only people who hated it were strict Madden fans, and those who just refused to embrace something different.

While the competition was giving you ways to price virtual popcorn, 2K was delivering a true Sunday experience and all the extras you needed to keep you involved with the game. It put the competition to shame and gave us a glimpse of what the future of football gaming could be... then the disaster happened.

The game's status in history will always have some contention because of the overall popularity of Madden and its popularity at the time.
and all this for $19.99
# 12 StormJH1 @ 11/16/09 01:12 PM
First of all, that article was a jumbled mess. The title doesn't even make sense, and it contradicts the subject matter.

Are any of you old enough to remember 2004? Just curious b/c I don't understand how you can argue that NFL 2k5 was the greatest sports video game ever, when it wasn't even clearly the best football game in 2004. I don't care what measurable you use--go look at chat boards, meta scores, reviews, # of units sold, whatever, Madden and 2k were neck and neck, yet nobody ever throws Madden 2005 in these "greatest game ever" discussions.

People made excuses for 2k5 left and right because it was only $19.99 and because they hated the arrogance of the "evil empire" (EA). And I find it extremely coinicidental that games people always talk about as "best ever" were ones that were no longer made after that year. Actually, no, it makes perfect sense because the only time people on this site truly evaluate something for what it is (instead of complaining about how it should've been better) is when they KNOW they won't be getting anything better next year. Hence, 2k5, MVP 2005, and especially CH2008 reguarly make it into these discussions.

I like 2k5, and I do think that in retropspect, it offered the best "building block" for what a next-gen football game could look like. But 2k5 as a product in its time was markedly inferior to Madden 2005 in many ways, including the franchise mode, player progression, framerate, and (even some would argue) overall visual quality. 2k is a martyr on these boards, but outside of the NBA2k series, what have they done on the 7th gen consoles to suggest that they would've done anything different but put out a new version of 2k5 every year with new rosters and a new feature here or there?
# 13 KillRoy @ 11/16/09 03:43 PM

There is no way Madden is better than 2k5 when it comes to the on-field gameplay. I really like Madden 05 a lot but it was pretty far behind 2k5 in regards to gameplay. Its a shame that football fans so heavily embraced Madden simply because of its name and just ignored the 2k series. But there is no doubt that the 2k team made a lot of mistakes with the marketing of this game.

In fact, calling it "2k" was really a mistake. They should have signed a big name player or coach to represent the game and get advice from this person on the best way to develope the game's AI along with football strategy and tactics. Although, 2k5's football logic and AI are really strong, there are some things I don't like about it. But even with the things I don't like about it, I still consider it pretty far ahead of Madden. It just plays a better game of "football" than Madden does. And I don't think anyone thats played both games would disagree with this.
# 14 eaglesfan17 @ 11/20/09 06:40 AM
If I could get non-user controlled defensive linemen to generate any kind of pressure, I'd still play NFL 2k5.
# 15 rudyjuly2 @ 11/20/09 01:13 PM
I'll just discuss football games. I personally think 2K5 was very over-rated and had TONS of issues. Some of which could never be cured for me (like AWFUL cpu QB AI). I think 2K4 was the best 2K football game they put out.

Here is my evolution of football gaming:
1) Tecmo Bowl. First truly fun and great football game
2) Tecmo Super Bowl. All teams and stat tracking. Played a ton.
3) Gameday '97. First fun game on PS1 but nowhere near the fun factor of other games on this list. First polygon football game so deserves a mention.
4) Madden '98. First EA polygon game and the first Madden game I ever enjoyed. No longer played like on a hockey rink. Loved it.
5) Madden '03. This was the last Madden I truly enjoyed.
6) NFL 2K4. Presentation and line play totally new to me and outstanding.
7) NCAA 06. Just an absolute blast to play. Arcade like for sure but really fun. Favourite game on the PS2 (beats out 2K4 by a hair).
8) Still waiting to be blown away on next gen. I usually quit a football game by Christmas. Maybe next year.
# 16 clarkerots @ 11/21/09 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by StormJH1
First of all, that article was a jumbled mess. The title doesn't even make sense, and it contradicts the subject matter.

Are any of you old enough to remember 2004? Just curious b/c I don't understand how you can argue that NFL 2k5 was the greatest sports video game ever, when it wasn't even clearly the best football game in 2004. I don't care what measurable you use--go look at chat boards, meta scores, reviews, # of units sold, whatever, Madden and 2k were neck and neck, yet nobody ever throws Madden 2005 in these "greatest game ever" discussions.

People made excuses for 2k5 left and right because it was only $19.99 and because they hated the arrogance of the "evil empire" (EA). And I find it extremely coinicidental that games people always talk about as "best ever" were ones that were no longer made after that year. Actually, no, it makes perfect sense because the only time people on this site truly evaluate something for what it is (instead of complaining about how it should've been better) is when they KNOW they won't be getting anything better next year. Hence, 2k5, MVP 2005, and especially CH2008 reguarly make it into these discussions.

I like 2k5, and I do think that in retropspect, it offered the best "building block" for what a next-gen football game could look like. But 2k5 as a product in its time was markedly inferior to Madden 2005 in many ways, including the franchise mode, player progression, framerate, and (even some would argue) overall visual quality. 2k is a martyr on these boards, but outside of the NBA2k series, what have they done on the 7th gen consoles to suggest that they would've done anything different but put out a new version of 2k5 every year with new rosters and a new feature here or there?
I liked Madden 2005, thought it was the best game of that year. I still play it as I feel it is still superior to the new Madden's put out today. At the same time, Madden 05 out of the box was terrible. The Manifesto made the game great. It's unplayable without it. Even though I enjoy it to this day, little things like lack of penalties with sliders maxed and no pass interference at all are overlooked and excused simply because its Madden.
# 17 kcarr @ 11/21/09 07:30 PM
I don't think ESPN 2k5 is the best sports game ever made. The best all around football game, yes, but 2k8 has much better gameplay and was a decent franchise mode away from probably being the best sports game ever. CHoops 2k8 is up there among top sports games ahead of 2k5 and with the patch NBA 2k10 could be up there. MLB 09 the show is up there too which really says a lot coming from me as I am not that big of baseball fan and I am a huge football and basketball fan.
# 18 Rickster101 @ 11/22/09 10:23 PM
I'm no gaming expert or anything but I can't see how 2k5 Football can't be seen as the best overall Football game of all time given its more then just a gaming fad but its changed how gamers like and want to see in a video Football game long before Madden and its Broadcast camera and 9 or whatever man tackle.

Keep it real guys whatever you hear or read about 2ks Flaws arent anything unusual all games have them and most can be fixed thanks to guys like Finn and roster makers along with a following of fans who break down this games little tweaks and keep its interest strong and exciting to play year in and year out via updates done by fans who have a passion and great patience to create a gaming experience to keep it still playable.

How can it not be the best when even now its still a "Topic" of disscusion...long live 2k5 and 2k Football period....its like me "The one and only"...and yes it can touch your heart and soul, its that inspiring a game and was first with so many attributes that the guys at EA are just starting to respond to them years after the fact that 2k5 and its football games were always that good yeah its still here.

If not the best then it has certainly raised the bar for video Football games and plays a great today as if its never really left. As for me it is truly a remarkable game with one hell of a following and a die hard fan base with that in mine Madden is making progress and should be given props for stepping up and finally producing a fine product.
# 19 slickdtc @ 11/27/09 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by StormJH1
First of all, that article was a jumbled mess. The title doesn't even make sense, and it contradicts the subject matter.
Hah, I noticed that too.

Originally Posted by StormJH1
Are any of you old enough to remember 2004? Just curious b/c I don't understand how you can argue that NFL 2k5 was the greatest sports video game ever, when it wasn't even clearly the best football game in 2004. I don't care what measurable you use--go look at chat boards, meta scores, reviews, # of units sold, whatever, Madden and 2k were neck and neck, yet nobody ever throws Madden 2005 in these "greatest game ever" discussions.
Believe me, I remember this vividly. I was really into sports video games at this time and I recall all the hype heading into the release of these games. I got my NFL 2k5 game first... and after trying to find sliders that made the game fun/realistic, I gave up, sold it, and went to Madden 2005 and played it for most of that year. But I went out and rebought the game later and still own it and still play it. It's streaky... I'll pick it up and play it religiously, then put it down and forget about it for a few months. Repeat. I don't do that with Madden 2005. I have Madden 10 now and really enjoy it but also recognize its flaws. Now that I can appreciate the game instead of analyze it as I did at its release, I have the same feeling towards NFL 2k5.

What really blows me away every time I pick up NFL 2k5 is how beautiful it is and the sheer amount of stuff in it. For an XBOX title! I also really love and appreciate that 2k Sports (at the time ESPN Video Games) used the full power of the XBOX and its hard drive. It's a beautiful looking game, far and away better looking then any of the other titles on that generation of consoles. The gameplay has its "Huh?" moments, but like I said, I have the same feeling for this year's Madden.

Originally Posted by StormJH1
People made excuses for 2k5 left and right because it was only $19.99 and because they hated the arrogance of the "evil empire" (EA). And I find it extremely coinicidental that games people always talk about as "best ever" were ones that were no longer made after that year. Actually, no, it makes perfect sense because the only time people on this site truly evaluate something for what it is (instead of complaining about how it should've been better) is when they KNOW they won't be getting anything better next year. Hence, 2k5, MVP 2005, and especially CH2008 reguarly make it into these discussions.
Heh, this is definitely true. I think if the MLB The Show series ceased to exist from here on out, MLB 09: The Show would be held in the same type of regard as NFL 2k5, MVP 05, an CH2008. Heck, I think that game is so mastered that I don't plan on buying a game in the series again until 2 or 3 years from now. But don't get me wrong despite using the word "mastered", the game has it's problems too. Everything else, though, it does so perfectly right.

Originally Posted by StormJH1
I like 2k5, and I do think that in retropspect, it offered the best "building block" for what a next-gen football game could look like. But 2k5 as a product in its time was markedly inferior to Madden 2005 in many ways, including the franchise mode, player progression, framerate, and (even some would argue) overall visual quality. 2k is a martyr on these boards, but outside of the NBA2k series, what have they done on the 7th gen consoles to suggest that they would've done anything different but put out a new version of 2k5 every year with new rosters and a new feature here or there?
It definitely did have its flaws and I know some of them were the reason I went to Madden for that year, but like I said before, I still play NFL 2k5 but I do not still play Madden 05 or whatever else besides this year's game. I wish they would've had the opportunity to make more games so we could see the progression as I think they were making significant leaps every year they came out with a new game in that series, but it's not to be.
# 20 DrUrsus @ 11/28/09 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by StormJH1
First of all, that article was a jumbled mess. The title doesn't even make sense, and it contradicts the subject matter.

Are any of you old enough to remember 2004? Just curious b/c I don't understand how you can argue that NFL 2k5 was the greatest sports video game ever, when it wasn't even clearly the best football game in 2004. I don't care what measurable you use--go look at chat boards, meta scores, reviews, # of units sold, whatever, Madden and 2k were neck and neck, yet nobody ever throws Madden 2005 in these "greatest game ever" discussions.

People made excuses for 2k5 left and right because it was only $19.99 and because they hated the arrogance of the "evil empire" (EA). And I find it extremely coinicidental that games people always talk about as "best ever" were ones that were no longer made after that year. Actually, no, it makes perfect sense because the only time people on this site truly evaluate something for what it is (instead of complaining about how it should've been better) is when they KNOW they won't be getting anything better next year. Hence, 2k5, MVP 2005, and especially CH2008 reguarly make it into these discussions.

I like 2k5, and I do think that in retropspect, it offered the best "building block" for what a next-gen football game could look like. But 2k5 as a product in its time was markedly inferior to Madden 2005 in many ways, including the franchise mode, player progression, framerate, and (even some would argue) overall visual quality. 2k is a martyr on these boards, but outside of the NBA2k series, what have they done on the 7th gen consoles to suggest that they would've done anything different but put out a new version of 2k5 every year with new rosters and a new feature here or there?
You bring up some very very good thought provoking points.

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