NBA 2K10 News Post

2K Sports has announced the patch details for NBA 2K10.

"Hey 2Kers,

Just an update to let everyone know that we have completed the Xbox 360 version of the patch. As promised, you will find the patch details below. The items in bold are items that have also been addressed in a new version of the PS3 patch (I've updated that thread with the appropriate information).

To answer a question that I have received many queries about, these patches do NOT require you to restart your Associations and My Player careers. Good luck with your players and teams!


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Member Comments
# 101 Boilerbuzz @ 10/21/09 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
Wow Born sounds real bitter.

Just got word that there will be a lot of defensive fixes in this patch:

-Pick and roll will now be covered by help defenders
-The broken double teams where your teammate goes behind you will be fixed
-Updated Help Routines

Just to name a few.
Silly of the 2K forum guys to leave these off the list. Good to see "butt-rape" is hopefully addressed.
# 102 Boilerbuzz @ 10/21/09 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by Bornindamecca
The hamburger thing was a joke, man. You've spoken to me enough times on XBL to know that I don't get bitter. I'll be bitter if we don't get a public option in our reformed health care bill, but I think I can live with whatever the good guys over at 2k do with their games.
I thought that was quite funny. I'm sure he knew you were joking. It was obvious to me and I don't even know you.
# 103 VDusen04 @ 10/21/09 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by Boilerbuzz
Why does it matter? What does it change? If they knew about all of these, do you think they would have been able to afford missing their street date? Someone has already posted this, but it bears repeating: sports game developers have a HARD job of putting a "new" game out every year. Most AAA titles have at LEAST an 18 month dev cycle. No really good game I know of has less than a 2 year dev cycle. So, at some point, there's going to be bugs that they feel they don't have time to fix. Knowing what we know about these guys, I can guarantee that some of these were just plain missed by QA.

But asking this question is silly: every developer - games or otherwise - know that their product isn't going to go out bug free. They choose their battles and roll with the punches. But common sense says that they wouldn't ship something intentionally that they feel would HURT their product. To me, the implication would be quite insulting actually.
Well said. I was going to essentially say the same thing but now you've saved me some time. I'm thinking that short developmental cycle with a set deadline can wreak havoc on releasing a game they're completely satisfied with. I would guess they began addressing problems before it was even released.
# 104 drewbaby1414 @ 10/21/09 01:39 PM
Really glad that they have fixed the contract and morale issues in Association.

I'm not to familar with Patches...When most console games release patches do they really fix the things that they say are patched?

What are your experiences with past 2K games that have been patched?
# 105 Vast @ 10/21/09 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
Wow Born sounds real bitter.

Just got word that there will be a lot of defensive fixes in this patch:

-Pick and roll will now be covered by help defenders
-The broken double teams where your teammate goes behind you will be fixed
-Updated Help Routines

Just to name a few.
YES!! excellent.

Why would they leave it off the list?? Defensive improvements is basically # 1 on my list.

I can't wait for this patch.
# 106 DirtyJerz32 @ 10/21/09 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
Wow Born sounds real bitter.

Just got word that there will be a lot of defensive fixes in this patch:

-Pick and roll will now be covered by help defenders
-The broken double teams where your teammate goes behind you will be fixed
-Updated Help Routines

Just to name a few.

Where did you hear about these fixes pared?
# 107 Sarah @ 10/21/09 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
Wow Born sounds real bitter.

Just got word that there will be a lot of defensive fixes in this patch:

-Pick and roll will now be covered by help defenders
-The broken double teams where your teammate goes behind you will be fixed
-Updated Help Routines

Just to name a few.
When I heard that the defense is also addressed in the patch I almost... ...
# 108 NumberOneRB @ 10/21/09 02:22 PM
If they put a huge focus on improving the defense in this patch then it's unquestionably going to be the best basketball game of all time (above Inside Drive 2003). Good to see they were also able to add some aesthetic improvements with the patch; love the fact that they finally have the refs utilizing the bounce pass on FT attempts after so many years of inaccuracy. I wonder if they were able to add some accessory improvements as well (Amare's goggles come to mind).
# 109 Pared @ 10/21/09 02:34 PM
A dev. via PM mentioned it to me. Why it was not outlined in the patch list of things.... no clue. Seems like they gave a pretty big laundry list of items... but I felt the defensive fixes were key so I shot them a message with hopes of getting an answer.

I think most would value those defensive fixes more than anything else. I assumed they would be fixed (because they were so prominently complained about on the boards here) but I figured why not get confirmation.
# 110 Bornindamecca @ 10/21/09 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
A dev. via PM mentioned it to me. Why it was not outlined in the patch list of things.... no clue. Seems like they gave a pretty big laundry list of items... but I felt the defensive fixes were key so I shot them a message with hopes of getting an answer.

I think most would value those defensive fixes more than anything else. I assumed they would be fixed (because they were so prominently complained about on the boards here) but I figured why not get confirmation.
As an aside, do you think the defense is one of those things that the devs thought needed to be fixed, or do you think it's simply a reaction to the feedback the fans are giving?
# 111 Gmoney2002 @ 10/21/09 02:56 PM
Good list...especially the coach settings. That's tedious for me right now having to manual do it each time the game loads up. Was hoping to see more Defensive A.I fixes but I see in another post that more relating to that has been addressed. Didn't see anything in regards to lead passess though...
# 112 Streets @ 10/21/09 03:02 PM
This all sounds really good. I'm hoping that I won't have to restart my association, but it's beginning to look that way unfortunately.
# 113 Pared @ 10/21/09 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by Bornindamecca
As an aside, do you think the defense is one of those things that the devs thought needed to be fixed, or do you think it's simply a reaction to the feedback the fans are giving?
Personally I think they've heard the cries enough where if they would have had the time it would've been fixed "appropriately." I think the Draft Combine ate into precious time this year, plus the inclusion of MyPlayer... I mean the time needed to implement things like that... when you have to balance gameplay for that mode and all the other things like regular gameplay (NBA games) really wore their resources thin.

But that's just an educated guess.
# 114 Pared @ 10/21/09 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by 2k9wizardsfan
Pared have you heard anymore about them maybe changing the My Player mins. As far as i'm aware they're locking them in at 5 but its impossible to get realistic stats and stats are also then ruined for the team that you play for. Personally i think 8 min quarters will give realistic stats all around.
I like 8 mins as well... but I think someone already mentioned that some of the objectives seem impossible to complete with such a large min. per quarter value.
# 115 godsgift2dagame @ 10/21/09 03:13 PM
Thanks for the updated defensive additions info, man!

Do you by any chance know when the patch comes to the PC?
# 116 Bornindamecca @ 10/21/09 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
I like 8 mins as well... but I think someone already mentioned that some of the objectives seem impossible to complete with such a large min. per quarter value.
But other objectives are impossible to complete in 5 mins. At least without breaking the flow of the game. Besides, with fatigue and proper coaching sub patterns, you're not going to play the entire game anyway. You're going to play approximately 70% of the full game time at best.

You only get 100 pts for the objective. You can easily make that up with overall good play. Easily. In fact, you can ignore the miniobjectives altogether and still come out with amazing scores. Locking the minutes is a poor decision and locking it at five minutes is even worse.
# 117 JWiLL02 @ 10/21/09 03:19 PM
I didn't see anything in there about the responsiveness of the quick sub menu. I feel like I'm fighting with the D Pad just to get my subs in, "quick sub" is an oxymoron the way it is now.

Hope they just forgot to mention this and its addressed, I know many people were complaining about it.
# 118 bamalam @ 10/21/09 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by AnArtofWar
Sigh..I am very very mad. They fixed most of the issues...but important one swere left out...

-Playoff Atmosphere
-Now my player is locked to 5 minutes(at least Ron thinks so..but what the heck?????!?! How are we supposed to get 60 points in 20 minutes???
- Player Morale not working in association when changed(the person acts the same as before, no change whatsoever)
- Cap room not changing when you edit a contract :|

But at least they got other important things..sigh..but still no mention of if we have to restart association, although we know we don't for my player unless you want drills..and 5 minute quarters :|

Please include a fix for this (Cap space)in the patch. Much needed for association.
# 119 Pared @ 10/21/09 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by Bornindamecca
But other objectives are impossible to complete in 5 mins. At least without breaking the flow of the game. Besides, with fatigue and proper coaching sub patterns, you're not going to play the entire game anyway. You're going to play approximately 70% of the full game time at best.

You only get 100 pts for the objective. You can easily make that up with overall good play. Easily. In fact, you can ignore the miniobjectives altogether and still come out with amazing scores. Locking the minutes is a poor decision and locking it at five minutes is even worse.
See, I don't agree that locking it is completely worse. What happens when you run into the guy that has astronomical numbers online because he plays 12 minutes, averages 45 ppg offline, and that translates to an insane amount of skill for the user to increase their stats, and thus, their overall? I believe a multiplier is used when calculating skill points.

I think they are screwed either way. Just something we have to consider for this year. If they give us the option to change it, we might just have to be aware of the possible consequences.

...and you guys know damn well there's that one guy who will continually play on 12 minutes, ever game, just to get his guy to a 99.
# 120 XxTrojanManxX @ 10/21/09 03:39 PM
Any word of a PC patch? or is this console only?

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