NBA 2K10 News Post

2K Sports has announced the patch details for NBA 2K10.

"Hey 2Kers,

Just an update to let everyone know that we have completed the Xbox 360 version of the patch. As promised, you will find the patch details below. The items in bold are items that have also been addressed in a new version of the PS3 patch (I've updated that thread with the appropriate information).

To answer a question that I have received many queries about, these patches do NOT require you to restart your Associations and My Player careers. Good luck with your players and teams!


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Member Comments
# 21 Kashanova @ 10/20/09 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by pilonv1
I don't see this mentioned, but where is the ability to change minutes for My Player mode?
didn't see that either
# 22 Goffs @ 10/20/09 10:06 PM
What about the auto post up? If we don't have that button can we at least have the player initiate posting up quicker when he has the ball? It annoyinf having him dribble dribble to the hoop...
# 23 Azamien @ 10/20/09 10:06 PM
The list looks great, but the My Player game time thing is a real downer. It's as though they sat down and thought up the best way to ruin an otherwise awesome game mode.
# 24 AnArtofWar @ 10/20/09 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by stateprop
HMM really in 2k9 i edit contracts and i see the Cap room change, also when i chagne a starter to role player his morale drop. So are you telling me these dont work in 2k10
Oh I should have said personality. My bad. But yea the editing of contracts is not reflected in the cap room, but it will work in trades etc.
# 25 BroMontana82 @ 10/20/09 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by BoJackson
I see the list above. But its not clear to me if the auto over-double teaming has bee toned down (even with defensive help and double team set to 0). Anyone? Cause this and the framerate are the biggest bumper for me in this game.
i asked that over on the 2k forum. it might be part of the increased D awareness that will affect paint D.

Originally Posted by Kashanova
didn't see that either
a few posts here addressed this. ron is getting clarification but from what he can tell right now they're actually making it so you can't change it
# 26 INVALID @ 10/20/09 10:15 PM
I did not see it mentioned, but hopefully this will adjust for substitution being to choose appropriate player. It stated for 'Team Up', however it was for all types of online play.
# 27 Synchromesh @ 10/20/09 10:24 PM
I'm loving these reported fixes, but please oh please tell me the crappy pointless annoying auto-double-team **** has been fixed.

If not I am going to nun-chuck a baby
# 28 markprior22 @ 10/20/09 10:36 PM
If they can't make the time for "my player" editable, why don't they at least raise it to something more reasonable like 8 or 9 min qtrs?
# 29 eDotd @ 10/20/09 10:41 PM
- Plays will no longer break when the user strays slightly from the intended path.

- Both User/CPU alley-oop success has been toned down such that only realistic attempts should now be completed.

- The user should now notice more over-the-back calls on rebounds when the boxed out player attempts a rebound.

- Fixed an issue in private matches with friends where all users would disconnect when attempting to play a second game.

- The ability for the user to upload their Association stats/standings to the blog interface on 2KSports.com has been added.
# 30 pilonv1 @ 10/20/09 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by markprior22
If they can't make the time for "my player" editable, why don't they at least raise it to something more reasonable like 8 or 9 min qtrs?
If they're fixing the substitution bugs in My Player, you'll be lucky to play 10 minutes initially for games with 5 minute quarters. I think 7-8 would be perfect if we can't change them.
# 31 CWSapp757 @ 10/20/09 10:49 PM
Did anyone see anything in there about correcting the freezing? Please tell me I missed that.
# 32 eNgIeS @ 10/20/09 11:03 PM
What about the pausing in 2k Share....almost everytime i've used 2k share it hangs! how can they not fix that!!!!

And I dont see anything about the ease of lead passes into the lane. but hey at least more contact on shots in the paint might help it. Maybe lead pass is a slider issue that can be fixed

other than those 2 disappointments (& I guess minutes in my player mode) its a pretty good effort, but dont wanna get my hopes up....i'll play it with the patch before I judge

Also didnt see the mid level stars wanting outrageous contracts in association fixed yet
# 33 NINJAK2 @ 10/20/09 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by Court_vision
I am amazed that they have addressed this after all this time...

DC will be laying on the floor somewhere in shock...he'll need to be revived
I'm sure Pared will be happy about bounce passes by refs during free throws as well.

Glad they are addressing points in the paint with more contact animations. I just hope those contact animations result in lower shot %'s as well. Playcalling break downs being fixed is also good to read. Still need to see the patch in action.
# 34 nccomicfan @ 10/20/09 11:11 PM
Very happy with the list , with two exceptions:

a) I do not see info or the willingness to give us a straight answer about the pc patch(althought if these fixes are for real I may rejoin the fray on PS3)

b) I do not see a mention of them fixing the issues wih some red courts and unis looking like pink in-game
# 35 The 24th Letter @ 10/20/09 11:13 PM
assist #'s can be patched? wow WTF took them so long to get this right then lol

# 36 jfsolo @ 10/20/09 11:15 PM
Originally Posted by ddaugherty
actually looks good.....i am hopin it fixes kick out issues.....LOL and the 2k forums are about ready to explode.....these ppl must be some little B*****S on that forum...LOL
Now if that was here I'd be pissed, because I have higher expectations for folks here, but knowing that that forum is basically a wild animal park, I just read through that thread and LMAO.

Now should it be like this, probably not, but for me it was a mortal lock that I wasn't going to start an Association or My Player until after the first patch.

Some folks will rage against the machine and curse the design decisions, flaws, and bugs that come with the game out of the box, but I've excepted the reality of the short development cycle.

People often call developers lazy, and throw out the "roster update" pejorative, but I think all the companies may actually be too ambitions in what they try to do each year.

The need for Marketing to have a couple of shiny new features to hype up definitely takes away from the polish that could be applied to the core gameplay mechanics and A.I.

Yes, we are basically paying 60 bucks to participate in the open beta, but no one here at OS should be surprised by this now.

So for me, with all the sports developers, 2K, EA, Sony, and anyone else who joins the fray, If I choose to buy their game on the release date then I'm not going to sandblast their game until at least after the first patch.

Others can continue to do so, but I'm not sure that its going to change the way things shake out at all. I've accepted this as the new reality of how things work with sports games.
# 37 Smirkin Dirk @ 10/20/09 11:17 PM
Are the extra uniforms likely to be added (e.g. the new Mavs and Grizz alternates?)
# 38 Rocboyz101 @ 10/20/09 11:23 PM
Only thing missing is the defensive AI fixes..but I may be able to forgive that with all these fixes. lol @ the assists thing being fixable. Been in 2k for years now. Good stuff 2k. I'm also likin this thing about association stats being uploaded to the 2k site? Sounds sick.
# 39 MelMan1486 @ 10/20/09 11:23 PM
Now that's a list... so are we going to have to go on the 2k forums and talk to the insider to get white headbands for home games?, is that what they're saying?
# 40 Goffs @ 10/20/09 11:26 PM
That's what it sounds like melman...he listens somewhat at least

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