NCAA Basketball 10 News Post

ESPN has posted an article on the 5 things you need to know about NCAA Basketball 10.

"There isn't a sport more desperate for a video game makeover than college basketball. In fact, it can be argued that EA Sports is still trying to "catch up" to the best college hoops game ever made, "Coach K." Only problem is, that game was published more than ten years ago, and if you're trying to play "catch up" to a decade-plus-old experience, well, that says a lot about your product over the past few years.

But according to "NCAA Basketball 10" line producer Connor Dougan, all of that is about to change. While EA actually made great strides with the 09 version, it's "NCAA Basketball 10" that he says will finally make the college franchise feel fresh, "and not just play like a pro game with college uniforms."

Game: NCAA Basketball 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 25 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Kevin26385 @ 10/07/09 01:00 PM
Are you Serious..ESPN and CBS integration!!!!!!!!!!!
# 2 countryboy @ 10/07/09 01:01 PM
we've read this already...

Thanks Jab for trying to get info to us. Unfortunately, we just keep ruining your thunder.


# 3 rspencer86 @ 10/07/09 01:06 PM
Incredible stuff man. I've gone from having this game nowhere near my radar to counting down the days until I can get my hands on it!
# 4 Cusefan @ 10/07/09 01:10 PM
two days of Having Info released and they have already made me want this game, Everything else is just gravy
# 5 countryboy @ 10/07/09 01:21 PM
I am loving the fact that they implemented the locomotion that is found in Live. Gonna improve this game quite a bit by that fact alone.
# 6 ehh @ 10/07/09 01:26 PM
ESPN and CBS. PLUS separate announcing teams for each network!

BTW, this screen is unrealistic though, Duke does not play tough OOC games on the road.
# 7 The GIGGAS @ 10/07/09 01:29 PM
This game is on my radar now. It wasn't really before.
# 8 bigsmallwood @ 10/07/09 01:29 PM
This is great!!! Keep it coming!
# 9 countryboy @ 10/07/09 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by ehh
ESPN and CBS. PLUS separate announcing teams for each network!

BTW, this screen is unrealistic though, Duke does not play tough OOC games on the road.
# 10 whittleboy615 @ 10/07/09 01:35 PM
The new automatic offensive systems sound wicked awesome. Teams can finally run their authentic offense without having to call a play every time.

I'm recognizing a lot of this info from NCAA wishlists too. Kudos to the developers for making our dreams come true.

# 11 drlw322 @ 10/07/09 01:41 PM
I never thought i would see this day. finally an multi broadcast team with reall network presentation not from 1 but 2 network. man signs to come for other ea games. i sure hope so
# 12 BlueNGold @ 10/07/09 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by drlw322
I never thought i would see this day. finally an multi broadcast team with reall network presentation not from 1 but 2 network. man signs to come for other ea games. i sure hope so
LOL I know what you mean. I didn't think this was possible but EA done did it. My mind has been blown.

EDIT: I just logged on about 20 minutes ago and I already know before I even go to the Madden Forums that people are probably going nuts right now begging Ian to have Monday Night Football ESPN Presentation and Sunday Night Football NBC Presentation for next year's game, Lol.
# 13 ehh @ 10/07/09 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by codes
One question for Jab Step: On the intro screenshot on the first page of this thread, if we change names of our players (i.e. real names) will they change on the intro screen and the stat overlays? Also, will names be on jerseys? I didn't see anything but the number in the video.
Names have been on jerseys in the past so I'm sure that will be the same. I assume they will show up in the overlays as well since it's probably pointing back to the Player First/Player Last name to read what to put in the overlays.
# 14 whittleboy615 @ 10/07/09 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by codes
One question for Jab Step: On the intro screenshot on the first page of this thread, if we change names of our players (i.e. real names) will they change on the intro screen and the stat overlays? Also, will names be on jerseys? I didn't see anything but the number in the video.
In past versions, names won't appear on the back of the jerseys until you actually name the player in the Edit Player menu. I assume this is because "PG #8" on the back of a jersey would just look plain silly.
# 15 ty5oke @ 10/07/09 02:41 PM
I like everything I see. I'm a little disappointed that there was no mention of a weekly recap show of some kind, maybe it's kept under wraps until they release dynasty info.
# 16 drlw322 @ 10/07/09 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by BlueNGold
LOL I know what you mean. I didn't think this was possible but EA done did it. My mind has been blown.

EDIT: I just logged on about 20 minutes ago and I already know before I even go to the Madden Forums that people are probably going nuts right now begging Ian to have Monday Night Football ESPN Presentation and Sunday Night Football NBC Presentation for next year's game, Lol.
LOL you know thats coming
# 17 Marino @ 10/07/09 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by rspencer86
Incredible stuff man. I've gone from having this game nowhere near my radar to counting down the days until I can get my hands on it!
I share these same thoughts.
# 18 thaima1shu @ 10/07/09 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by rspencer86
Incredible stuff man. I've gone from having this game nowhere near my radar to counting down the days until I can get my hands on it!
Originally Posted by DickDalewood
Multiple broadcast teams and tv presentations?? We've been wanting this in sports games for years!

Day one purchase.
Agreed. I have never bought this game before, never even considered it. But with it sharing Live's engine (another game I gave a shot to for the first time in 5 years), and the presentation improvements, I am EXTREMELY excited for this game.

Gus Johnson FTW.
# 19 rspencer86 @ 10/07/09 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by DickDalewood
Multiple broadcast teams and tv presentations?? We've been wanting this in sports games for years!

Day one purchase.
That's the thing that's most impressie to me: not only did they implement TV-style presentation (something that hasn't been done to my knowledge since ESPN NFL 2K5) but they did multiple broadcast teams and channels! Wow!

If the gameplay and dynsaty mode are solid, this will make me completely forget about College Hoops 2K8.
# 20 jsg @ 10/07/09 03:03 PM
i thought i was only getting 2 more games for year(uncharted 2 and modern warefare 2), but this makes #3.

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