NBA 2K10 News Post

We have just captured the player faces of the starting 5, from every NBA team in NBA 2K10.

Who looks good? Who looks bad? Should be some interesting talk. No screenshot requests!

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Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 ifriedrice @ 09/26/09 10:18 AM
Holy cow. Thanks a ton, Steve. You are the man.
# 2 RubenDouglas @ 09/26/09 10:19 AM
Just Lovely.. Thanks Steve.

The wait is never so bad this last week.
# 3 tanner99 @ 09/26/09 10:20 AM
# 4 spankdatazz22 @ 09/26/09 10:21 AM
Where's the popcorn - this should be interesting. thx [as always much appreciated] Steve
# 5 tanner99 @ 09/26/09 10:24 AM
a lot of faces were off due to the new player emotion engine but 2k will get them right next year. i loved how most of them were either worried or scared of something lmao.
# 6 headsigh @ 09/26/09 10:26 AM
Greg Oden = not pretty
# 7 infam0us @ 09/26/09 10:27 AM
Thanks Steve. Been saying that a lot lately but you guys are going above and beyond.
# 8 Gmoney2002 @ 09/26/09 10:31 AM
Wow Steve, that is incredible this is very much appreciate man thanks.
# 9 Aces15 @ 09/26/09 10:34 AM
Well looks like they still didn't fix David Lee, and doesn't look like they care to either.
# 10 RubenDouglas @ 09/26/09 10:34 AM
andre miller one of many with green hair. I think gerald wallace has that look too.

Derrick Rose looks good
Arenas looks awesome.

lopsided goatee on one of those bulls players.

elton brand looks the same as last year

Luol Deng looks decent for the first time in 2-3 years

some guy on the thunder has a sharpie beard

delonte west- excellent
Varajeo- no comment lol

lebrons an interesting one.. good enough for me. although his eye looks alittle tmacish

nash is PERFECT. wow

AMare has the fish face look of nate robinson from last year
Robin lopez looks great
SHAQ is perfect

it could be the emotion setting in but ray allen has the fish face as well.

the best gauge of them all might be KG. in other emotional states, he looks fine. here not so much..

roger mason has jet black addons for his hair.
# 11 leo2k2ndc @ 09/26/09 10:34 AM
Im happy they have Jamison looking somewhat like himself ... Also from the videos LeBron looked nothing like himself, but the picture looks, good and last but not least ... They made Ray Allen and Paul Peirce look weird, But it might have been an expression they were making to make their face look so weird
# 12 marcoyk @ 09/26/09 10:35 AM
Thank you very much.
Regarding the faces... I thought a lot of them took a step back from last year's. A few side notes:
Was that D-Wade?
Greg Oden is an ugly dude.
Stuckey STILL has that haircut that he hasn't had for two years.
# 13 bran9413 @ 09/26/09 10:35 AM
thanks steve...man can you please post a pic of brandon jennings i want to see if they got him right
# 14 Kashanova @ 09/26/09 10:37 AM
90% of them are spot on
# 15 RubenDouglas @ 09/26/09 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by Kashanova
90% of them are spot on
i agree. the best test to do is a quick name that player test within 4 seconds. if you cant figure out who it MIGHT be, its a bad face.. that only happened with 10-15 faces... overall , decent job. theyve always done a decent job.. you wanna see travesty? check out sony's nba series
# 16 infam0us @ 09/26/09 10:41 AM
They didn't fix Gerald Wallace, why does he still have the mini fro.
# 17 RubenDouglas @ 09/26/09 10:44 AM
carmelo in real life has a fat stocky neck. 2k10 has none of that and because of that, looks like utter crap... I wouldnt score a point with him in fear of them showing a highlight later on down the line. hes getting traded
# 18 Goffs @ 09/26/09 10:47 AM
Ray Allen looks off to me....he looked good last year but this year he looks way off......
# 19 Liquid_SwordZ @ 09/26/09 10:52 AM
shaq looks perfect for the first time ever. Brook Lopez doesnt look that great. Arenas looks amazing. Carter looked exactly liek himself. Lebrick looked like himself in this pic then all the others
# 20 quesmoney @ 09/26/09 10:52 AM
Bron looks on point!...best lebron ever!...what gets me so hot tho, is that al harrington has the nba logo in the middle but not bron??..cmon 2k...you killin me...Iggy and kobe are perfect...but man did they play ray and paul pierce...they my fav team to play against...cant have em lookin like that...

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