NBA 2K10 News Post

We have just captured the player faces of the starting 5, from every NBA team in NBA 2K10.

Who looks good? Who looks bad? Should be some interesting talk. No screenshot requests!

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Member Comments
# 41 infam0us @ 09/26/09 12:12 PM
Thats suppose to be Courtney Lee the one with the headband for the Nets.
# 42 İroke @ 09/26/09 12:12 PM
I'm not feeling a lot of faces. Almost every star. I really liked the expressions in the videos, but when I watched this pics, I thought they were a step back from last year (not everyone though)[COLOR=#000000 ! important][/color]
# 43 sportstek @ 09/26/09 12:12 PM
I know we're talking about player faces, but how come 2K can't make the CHEERLEADERS look any good after so many years? They're kind of just there. How about some random cut-scene with the cheerleaders celebrating a play or two next year?

It would add to the excitement of the presentation. And by excitement I mean ahem... immersion of the game.
# 44 Rocboyz101 @ 09/26/09 12:19 PM
2k gotta add amares goggles man. Hes gonna wear em until he retires!
# 45 Pared @ 09/26/09 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by blingballa333
What shoes are Salmons sportin In that pic you took Pared?
No idea. Here's another look at them:

# 46 sportstek @ 09/26/09 12:21 PM
The worst of all the screenshots showed some hideous hair -- check out the Houston Rockets starting 5 and guess which one I'm talking about.

Just go look. I literally laughed when I saw it.

update: ok there's so many I'll just link it. It's page 8 screenshot #465
# 47 Goffs @ 09/26/09 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by sportstek
The worst of all the screenshots showed some hideous hair -- check out the Houston Rockets starting 5 and guess which one I'm talking about.

Just go look. I literally laughed when I saw it.
2k can never get long hair correctly!! They could at least make it look like hair with some nice textures but nooooo....
# 48 JWiLL02 @ 09/26/09 12:38 PM
Wow that screenshot looks awesome Pared, is that Pierce's fade or is he just pulling up?

Some of these faces are great, some are awful. It's weird so many of them looked fine in the thumbnail but then terrible after you enlarge it (Deron Williams...wtf?!)

I'm hoping seeing these in motion on an HD screen will make a lot of the wrongs right. I don't think you can really appreciate the new hi-res textures with these screens.

I also can't believe Bargnani still looks like Count Chocula. It's funny though because they have Belinelli perfect. I was hoping to see DeRozan since he's our starting SG!
# 49 Aceballer1737 @ 09/26/09 12:52 PM
Some players look really scared. Mello looks bad, but it might just be the expression. I'm glad Durant doesn't look like an alien this year. Steph Curry needs some work. Kenyon Martin looks constipated. Luke Ridnour looks great. Overall, If it weren't for some of the weird looking expressions, almost all the faces would look great.
# 50 cjamestx @ 09/26/09 12:57 PM
All of my Cavs look great. Mo's head is a little fat though...lol
# 51 Mayo32 @ 09/26/09 01:01 PM
love seeing the new bobcats jerseys in the face captures for them they look better than there old ones thts for sure
# 52 TheAbstrakt @ 09/26/09 01:04 PM
Why can't they fix G Wallace's hair?! They have it Draft Combine, and they can't change it in his player model? Salmon's hair and beard look terrible too.

Aside from like 10 or so players, the rest are phenomenal.
# 53 Goffs @ 09/26/09 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by michaeljordanjr
Wow that's a lot of misses in the face detail department this year. I vote take out the emotion engine since a lot dont care for it and give us good facial models, these are just hideous.
again why do you care your not even getting the game!
# 54 DustinT @ 09/26/09 01:13 PM
Melo looks like garbage
# 55 inkpimp007 @ 09/26/09 01:18 PM
Kobe doesn't look right, They nailed his eyes but something is off with the nose and mouth area. I thought this when i first saw it and every time I see him he doesn't quite look right. Game looks good though
# 56 Steve_OS @ 09/26/09 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by outerspacemonkey
i have already. the question's been ignored.

i just posted it again ,could you go to that thread and answer it. i still cant believe you didnt help me here, instead you just took the time to post that.
Are you serious? Wow.
# 57 thmst30 @ 09/26/09 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by outerspacemonkey
cant believe im saying this.. after 10 years of buying 2k this might be the first i go with live. 2k didnt do **** this year with their game.

i used to buy both up until 2005 when live fell behind and got pretty garbage. but this year it looks nice specially that adidas run thing.
You're delusional.

Originally Posted by outerspacemonkey
nevermind, a normal member did what you guys couldn't :/

thanks though. appreciate the effort.
You are so damn disrespectful. These guys have posted LOADS of stuff these past few days, and you continue to attack them because they didn't all focus their attention solely on you. I'm guessing you've never heard the word "no" growing up.
# 58 Vince Carter II @ 09/26/09 01:31 PM
the guy on the nets with the red headband who is that pared?? also whats the starting 5 for the nets??
# 59 J-Clutch1 @ 09/26/09 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by Vince Carter II
the guy on the nets with the red headband who is that pared?? also whats the starting 5 for the nets??
That's Courtney Lee. And all these screens are the starting 5's for each team. Bobby Simmons shouldn't be starting though.
# 60 shadio5 @ 09/26/09 01:37 PM
well the faces in 2k10 took a big HIT this year. When i say "HIT" i mean it took a bit of a downgrade. But this was expected due to the fact that this is the FIRST YEAR that a face expression model is placed on top of the 3d skull. I see the facial features are still there, but underneith the face it seems to be a new added expression text.......it's gonna be nice to get the new GTA expressions now, lets just hope they keep a distance on close ups.....

but yeah i admit, 2k10 face models are hurt this time around. This is the risk that comes with trying a brand new engine on top of the face models....at the end of the day WE can still identify who's who, so 2k in my book still nailed it as the best character design models....

VC/2k sports fan

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