NBA 2K10 News Post

As promised, here is our first video from NBA 2K10.

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Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
NBA 2K10 Videos
Member Comments
# 141 NINJAK2 @ 09/25/09 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by 23
I agree with Sage on this one, the nets sound like they purchased them from Big Lots.... and that goes along with the fact that they move like feathers, even on layups they seem to react like someone dunked the ball

..but again maybe the sound is better on my Surround sound sytem
Due to the economic climate the NBA made cut backs including getting cheaper fabrics for the nets. Awesome that 2k added that little detail.....................................
# 142 23 @ 09/25/09 12:24 PM
# 143 Stumbleweed @ 09/25/09 12:28 PM
Looked nice, though I saw the same ball warping issues on the alley-oops that I saw in the Combine (the LeBron one), and it didn't take going into replay mode to see it. Minor gripe, but I wish they'd figure out a way to address that -- probably something we'll see on the next generation of systems or something.

Loved the Lee putback -- those just add a lot of excitement to the game and the commentary was appropriate for the moment. I have a feeling that the yelling will turn into the "OHHHHHHH!" from the last 2 years, but still, it's nice to hear some good reaction from them on big plays. It was hard to tell if the post-play replay was happening immediately after the play or whether Steve edited it in, but I wish they'd show the replays during breaks in action instead of going to the replay and "G Moment of the Game" or whatever (Nash-J-Rich oop) right after the play since it disrupts the flow of the game itself. Again, not sure how that worked, but just a thought.

Definitely looks like a polished version of the Combine, which I suppose isn't a bad thing. I'm still in "have to play it myself before buying" mode, but this video got my hopes up more than they've been in a while. Glad to hear from Pared and others that movement feels a little better as well as defense.

Big concern at this point are the framerate issues and how that will translate to online games, especially Team-Up since that's what I play about 75% of the time. It was such a horrendous mess last year, I really hope they get that under control for release, because it would be a shame to implement the new Crews and all that and the gameplay is chugging. Sadly, I kind of expected framerate issues after the debacle last year, and I guess I was right... they need to figure out a way to have an active crowd without getting that slowdown on certain cameras. Personally, I'd take a scaled-back crowd if the game ran buttery smooth.
# 144 SageInfinite @ 09/25/09 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
Ew man them ****s are terrible. Hopefully hearing it in the game on my tv they'll sound better. Last year they were ok idk what happened.
Watching the Konsole kings stream they sound better. That's a good thing.
# 145 jmood88 @ 09/25/09 12:54 PM
The commentary is way better. Yeah they kept some lines but the new stuff sounds great and it actually sounds like they're discussing a game.
# 146 BroMontana82 @ 09/25/09 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by Stumbleweed

Definitely looks like a polished version of the Combine, which I suppose isn't a bad thing. I'm still in "have to play it myself before buying" mode, but this video got my hopes up more than they've been in a while. Glad to hear from Pared and others that movement feels a little better as well as defense.

Big concern at this point are the framerate issues and how that will translate to online games, especially Team-Up since that's what I play about 75% of the time. It was such a horrendous mess last year, I really hope they get that under control for release, because it would be a shame to implement the new Crews and all that and the gameplay is chugging. Sadly, I kind of expected framerate issues after the debacle last year, and I guess I was right... they need to figure out a way to have an active crowd without getting that slowdown on certain cameras. Personally, I'd take a scaled-back crowd if the game ran buttery smooth.
agree with you 100% - i hate absolutely hate this, especially with certain venues and cameras like the 2k cam. personally, i don't care about the crowd and presentation as much as gameplay so if something is holding gameplay back, cut this other stuff out. i could do with fewer people in the crowd and the guy with the white t shirt finally finding his seat instead of constantly walking down the aisles
# 147 luda06 @ 09/25/09 01:53 PM
You guys are complaining about how the net sounds? How about when shots are bricked? Sounds as if the rim was made by Fisher Price.
# 148 danphilibin @ 09/25/09 02:04 PM
It's cool how much influence the game audio can have on emotions as I watched that video. For instance, the crowd "ooooh"ing and taking a breath while Nash set up the oop really built the suspense. And the combination of the huge "OHHHHH!" from Kellogg and Harland and the roar of the crowd when LeBron took the oop made that play twice as exciting!
# 149 The 24th Letter @ 09/25/09 02:14 PM
sage..when your jumpers as wet as mine...you appreciate that all net sound more....step ya game up son! J/k lol
# 150 SageInfinite @ 09/25/09 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
sage..when your jumpers as wet as mine...you appreciate that all net sound more....step ya game up son! J/k lol
# 151 The 24th Letter @ 09/25/09 02:33 PM
i cant see what smiley that is on my phone but it better be the bow down one lol but yeah i did notice a difference in the stream...
# 152 SageInfinite @ 09/25/09 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
i cant see what smiley that is on my phone but it better be the bow down one lol but yeah i did notice a difference in the stream...
It was a laughing 1. Yea the stream sounded alot better.
# 153 FlyRice @ 09/25/09 04:01 PM
That's the best intro to a basketball I've ever seen. I love the transition and commentary between the team icons to the start screen. Lol small thing I know, but it's awesome. 2K definitely knows presentation. Also, nice editing Steve. Game is looking good.
# 154 LB23 @ 09/25/09 04:41 PM

that's definitely a game killer....
# 155 NDIrish98 @ 09/25/09 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by LB23

that's definitely a game killer....
seriously??? they're headbands...
# 156 Sinner @ 09/25/09 05:31 PM
wow that video was nice, animations seemed smooth, commentary was really good and may be fun to listen to this year...loved it. Can't wait for this game. People who've posted a few times how 2k10 hasn't changed anything from 2k9 and said they were getting Live are now in love with 2k again...funny.
# 157 NDIrish98 @ 09/25/09 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by Sinner
wow that video was nice, animations seemed smooth, commentary was really good and may be fun to listen to this year...loved it. Can't wait for this game. People who've posted a few times how 2k10 hasn't changed anything from 2k9 and said they were getting Live are now in love with 2k again...funny.
umm...i'm not. just sayin.
# 158 youvalss @ 09/25/09 05:53 PM
The Lee, James and J-Rich alley-oops were AMAZING!!!!!! I've always wanted a chance to play an improved-2K7...now I can!
# 159 Sinner @ 09/25/09 07:20 PM
just watched this again, on the Nash/J Rich alley, it seemed like the crowd was getting a little louder the closer they got to the bascket in anticipation of a niceplay...love that.
# 160 Tico Da Great @ 09/25/09 08:48 PM
Damn I Cant Wait Wow Gotta Have It I Will Have Mine Tuesday Yessir

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