NBA 2K10 News Post

Check out the NBA 2K10 Official Momentous Trailer #2.

For the HD quality version, check the OS Youtube page.

Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
NBA 2K10 Videos
Member Comments
# 121 Arod2k9 @ 09/21/09 02:04 AM
Not impressed at all with all the mechanical post moves shown? KG does not fade away like that, come on 2K this is ridiculous already! I want smoother gameplay with ball movement being essential, that's why I'm leaning towards live this year. Have been an owner of all 2k games ****** back to Dreamcast but unless I like the demo I'll passed this year.
# 122 concrete steel @ 09/21/09 10:57 PM
Alot of people talk about nba 2k like it really sucks, but if they suck so bad then how come it sells more than nba live and is overall rated better than nba live. I've been a huge fan of the 2k series since day one on sega dreamcast and I never hated anything about the game. I like how it's a (real) basketball simulation game and its not just a dunk everytime you come down the court. So 2ksports you have my support and I will be the first to hit the door to buy the nba 2k10 anniversary edition on october 6th
# 123 Tico Da Great @ 09/24/09 03:14 AM
I got my anniversery edition reserved 360- and the regular version for ps3

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