This trailer in all honesty did nothing for me, it's good to see something but I really wasn't excited about it though. Melo move was done nicely, Kobe's shot...well that didn't seem kobe like at all to me.
It was iight(allright). No, but in all honesty I watched it once and don't really feel like I need to watch it again. The last trailer was definitely more exciting then this one. The Melo, Howard, and KG sequences where all pretty good though.
To the guy asking if Kobe did mo-cap. My guess would be no. If he did do mo-cap I don't think they would of had to change his shot 5 times or whatever.
The only thing about 2k's is the backboard shakes a little too much and the rim don't break away enough. Besides those two little things it's pretty much flawless.
edit: after watching them again together. The backboard response is fine.
The only thing about 2k's is the backboard shakes a little too much and the rim don't break away enough. Besides those two little things it's pretty much flawless.
edit: after watching them again together. The backboard response is fine.
oh man, i just noticed the backboard, has it always been able to shake or is this new? in 2k of course...
2K's post game is alot more fluid this year now that you can place the shoulder fakes anywhere in the move chain. Lives freestyle dribbling is going to be huge news, 2K's post game is almost as versatile. It didn't really come through in the trailer, but their expanded post moves should be emphasized since post balance was a big issue last season.
Every player can do their sig stuff on the blocks was the message sent, although the message isn't very sexy...and I hate that freakin song after hearing it so dang much in the DC.
2K's post game is alot more fluid this year now that you can place the shoulder fakes anywhere in the move chain. Lives freestyle dribbling is going to be huge news, 2K's post game is almost as versatile. It didn't really come through in the trailer, but their expanded post moves should be emphasized since post balance was a big issue last season.
Every player can do their sig stuff on the blocks was the message sent, although the message isn't very sexy...and I hate that freakin song after hearing it so dang much in the DC.
Good stuff, Mo.
Yesh the post game in the DC is crazy nice and fluid. But we all want to see defense because that was hard to play in 2k9.
I liked the trailer for what it was intended to do: show off the improved post-up game. For some reason, the graphics look better in this trailer compared to the last, and it almost seems like the jerseys are less boxy and drape over the players a bit more naturally than the early trailer. It may just be my mind playing tricks on me and me wanting to believe they made improvements to the fit of the uniforms. Love the emotion KG shows with his facial expressions, very believable. Looking forward to seeing some true gameplay footage now.
I really don't see how this trailer showed off anything NEW with the post game that wasn't there in the lasst few years.
yeah wasn't much to go on, i have draft combine and the post moves are fair limited unless your player has unlocked more post moves, i was hoping the trailer might show us some new moves that players with the right post packages might be able to do