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Award-Winning SHIFT is Heralded by Game Critics as
One of the Best Need for Speed Games Ever

REDWOOD CITY, Calif. – September 15, 2009 – Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: ERTS) today announced that Need for Speed™ SHIFT hits retail stores today in North America and across Europe on September 17. Receiving high marks from the top videogame media including a nine out of 10 from IGN PlayStation: The Official Magazine and Official Xbox Magazine. Need for Speed SHIFT delivers a true driver’s experience with a stunning cockpit view, deep career mode and amazing car roster.

Need for Speed SHIFT redefines the racing genre with the combination of real world physics with perception based G-forces. The game includes a brutal first person crash dynamic to create an immersive cockpit view. When combined with the all-new driver profile, which gives each player a unique persona based on their driving skill and style, Need for Speed SHIFT is the most realistic and intensive authentic racing game ever.

“Without a doubt, Need for Speed SHIFT is the first racing game that accurately delivers the physical and emotional sensation of being behind the wheel of a race car,” said Patrick Soderlund, Senior Vice President of EA Games Europe. “I’m confident this game not only reinvigorates the entire Need for Speed franchise but it actually changes the way people will view and appreciate racing games.”

Need for Speed SHIFT is available for the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system, Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system, PC, PSP® (PlayStation®Portable) system and iPhone. More information can be found at www.needforspeed.com or follow us on Twitter at NeedforSpeed.

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Game: Need for Speed ShiftReader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 10 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 ExtremeGamer @ 09/15/09 08:02 PM
First off, game is INCREDIBLE.

Cockpit view is simply unrivaled. Sorry Forza, saw your videos, they don't even touch this. Graphics are sick. Gameplay is awesome. Not many racing games have me wanting to keep re-doing a track like this one does.

Simply so many touches, like racing a car, same track, different car, but using one with a sunroof. Getting a nice glare in the cockpit as you drive. Stuff like that just brings the experience even more full force.

Has a very good story mode, not too much in your face, just race here race there.

This is possibly the best racing game released on the 360/PS3 to date. No way Forza 3 tops this IMO.
# 2 TreyIM2 @ 09/15/09 08:34 PM
I want this game just for the first person gameplay experience. Seems "wicked" as a girl I used to date from the Boston area used to say. Lol. I'm kinda torn between this and NHL 10...and Batman AA, since I'm late to THAT party. Too many games I want plus the new b-ball games are just around the corner....and Unchartered 2 then Assassin Creed 2 then...Modern Warfare 2(not quite sold on that one, yet). I could be missing some games here. Eh, decisions-decisions.
# 3 Heelfan71 @ 09/15/09 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by DOPESQUAD V3NOM
the game looks superb...i didnt buy it because im trying to figure out which game too buy (NFS Shift or Forza 3 or GT5)...i was wondering will there be a demo for shift
GT5 for me. I would pick NFS Shift over Forza though.
# 4 Pappy Knuckles @ 09/15/09 09:17 PM
This game is a lot of fun, glad I picked it up. It's kind of cool how you're rewarded for both precision and aggression, but you can't race like a fool either. The cockpit view is amazing, the game looks great, and overall it seems very solid. I'm glad NFS has changed their formula because that series has been pure butt for the past several installments.
# 5 gbx34 @ 09/15/09 09:32 PM
Anyone playing with a wheel? How well does it work?
# 6 Mr. JDM @ 09/15/09 10:02 PM
yeah, i might be picking this up tomorrow @ Best Buy w that deal they have on the wheel. wanted to know if its worth it
# 7 Pappy Knuckles @ 09/15/09 10:16 PM
Anyone do the invitational race where you drive the Lotus at Aremberg? My god what a sweet track. **** Forza. I know it's gonna be a good game, but the races aren't half as fun as they are in Shift. The sense of speed is really nice. You definitely notice it once you whip around in some of the better cars. EA continues to hold me down this year.
# 8 LingeringRegime @ 09/15/09 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by Pappy Knuckles
Anyone do the invitational race where you drive the Lotus at Aremberg? My god what a sweet track. **** Forza. I know it's gonna be a good game, but the races aren't half as fun as they are in Shift. The sense of speed is really nice. You definitely notice it once you whip around in some of the better cars. EA continues to hold me down this year.
That was the first race where I really felt like I was going real fast. I also love when you slam on the brakes and your whole body comes forward.
# 9 huggerorange73 @ 09/16/09 08:55 AM
Picked it up yesterday, and played the hell out of it!

This game is fantastic!!!!

What everyone else has said above is spot on
# 10 Glenn33 @ 09/16/09 10:06 AM
Picked this one up yesterday...My impressions afetr 2 hours of Gameplay:

- Amazing Graphics. The cockpit view is the only way to play. Believe me.
- Amazing Sounds. By default - there is no music when driving in a race. PERFECT. The engine noises and the ambient sound are superb and suck you in.
- Control. Very good. I can feel the difference between cars but's it's not twitchy at all.
- CPU AI is good. I was playing on Medium (I suck) and I saw the AI spin out on it's own, collide with other racers, and just do other human type stuff that is refreshing to see (unlike GT5...but I digress)
- Car selection is more than serviceable. Lets face it - no game will ever come close to matching the selection Gran Tourismo has....so the selection of cars just has to be varied and exciting and I will like it. This passes the test.
- Career Mode. Simple, fun and rewarding. I love the fact that you can get progression being an aggressive driver (like me).

- Can't save replays (only snapshots)
- Progression is almost too easy.
- Damage does not have as much impact on the race as it should (yes I do NOT have it on visuals only)
...and the BIGGEST gripe...I'm at work so I can't play now

Bottom line: Thumbs way up. Get the game.
# 11 ExtremeGamer @ 09/16/09 10:09 AM
Wow, I didn't realize till just reading your post that there was no music in game. It's so immersive that I didn't even realize it. LOL
# 12 ChiCubs @ 09/16/09 10:11 AM
dammit!!!! i gotta slam down more cash for another racer. i am pickin up Dirt 2 this weekend....looks like i will need to get Shift now too. the TV spot promoting Shift really got me twitchin to get the game....then i read all of your reviews and now it's a done deal. gotta get it.
# 13 JkA3 @ 09/16/09 11:13 AM
This game looks tight.
# 14 Shadymamba @ 09/16/09 11:17 AM
ooh fellas i see where im heading..i was going to the local game store today to chose between Batman AA or This...im a need for speed junkie lol..probably the only guy who like Most Wanted i was watching the vids on the cockpit view and it had me hyped....i dont know if i can get both games...but I'm going to for NFS I'll be back tonight and probably say all the good things you guys are saying but i'll weigh in thanks lol
# 15 LingeringRegime @ 09/16/09 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by ExtremeGamer
Wow, I didn't realize till just reading your post that there was no music in game. It's so immersive that I didn't even realize it. LOL
I like the fact that there is no music. Only thing is during replays you can't turn the music off, which is a small complaint but I wish that you could. The music is pretty horrid.

*For those that are saying it is too easy, crank up the difficulty. If you play on Pro mode and turn off the driving line and turn up the CPU AI to medium it is very challenging. If you still find it too easy then turn up the CPU AI to hard. Good luck winning a race on hard. Medium for me is perfect. It is real challenging to win without it being impossible.

I tried playing online last night and it was pretty awesome. I love the Driver Duel game mode. The CPU picks a random car and a random track that both players have to use. I really like that. It takes away advantages of the cars, and really sees who the best driver is. I was able to win a race with a Nissan 240SX and it felt pretty damn good because I haven't driven that car before.
# 16 solofx7 @ 09/16/09 01:45 PM
I am very impressed with the looks of the game and all of the reviews.
I am a car guy, so I am really put off with the very very low amount of cars in the game though.
That is the one thing that is keeping me from buying this game.
# 17 Glenn33 @ 09/16/09 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by Flamehead
Just curious, how much of a "sim" would you say it is?
I am not a hrdcore "sim" guy so I many not be the best point of reference...but the comparison I can give you is that of the PGR series(although I will say it is definitly more sim like than that series.) The whole "feel" of it reminds me of PGR however. Sim enough where it REALLY sucks you in and makes you pay attention to your car and tuning and such but not to the point where it turns off the casul racer guy (like me). That help any?
# 18 solofx7 @ 09/16/09 02:22 PM
Any thoughts on the car list?
I keep hearing how great the game is, which i think it is from the looks of it.
But I am just super leary of 60 bucks for 60 cars.
I love all of the stuff that appears to make the game great, but I really really love cars and think there should be more...
# 19 sb24 @ 09/16/09 02:25 PM
2 questions. Do you customize your car? Does tuning your car make a big difference?
# 20 Glenn33 @ 09/16/09 02:26 PM
I just played - and WON - my first ONLINE race. It was particularly gratifying because my opponent not only spun me out , but he then proceeded to run straight into me HEAD ON (I was facing him). Somehow I caught up to him and after he took a turn way to wide and spun out in the dirt - I beat him by roughly 5 seconds.

Oh yeah - I was thumping my chest

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