NBA 2K10 News Post

Game Informer has posted an interview with lead feature designer Erick Boenisch and lead gameplay producer Rob Jones, as they talk about NBA 2K10.

GI: "The graphics have always been a standout feature of the 2K series. How are they changing this year?"

EB: "On the technical side we have a new player model this year. The biggest thing that you’ll notice—look at the player lighting on the guys. Go into an arena like Boston or Orlando and look at the lighting in the environment and how that lighting is affecting the players. You can see the specular maps on their faces and normal maps. They really stand out and look a lot more humanlike, where last year they were kind of dull, they didn’t have any shine on the skin. It’s not one of those things where you turn the game on and you’re immediately blown away, because I thought our graphics were really good last year, but we were just missing the human touch element to making the graphics look a little more realistic. We have a deal with Image Metrics this year—those are the guys who did the heads for Grand Theft Auto IV, our company has a relationship with them—so we brought them on board to do our facial expressions and kind of bring the players to life."

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Member Comments
# 21 tcnumba10 @ 09/13/09 11:17 AM
I love this Interview, very direct questions and very candid answers. Now we full understand Mike Wang's status when he was with 2K and it's funny how the competition's fans proclaim that they will be better than 2K automatically because of the personnel switch, but in reality Mike was just part of the team which has 80 members, and just one of the guys when he was with 2K.
# 22 The 24th Letter @ 09/13/09 12:18 PM
# 23 youvalss @ 09/13/09 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by 2klover
Yeah but Mike Wang is the beast. Its sad mike switch to EA. NBA live 10 will be a competition this year. Hes KOBE of LA Lakers. Sadly but true.
Well, wasn't Wang on EA last year? Live wasn't THAT great...
Anyway, I think Wang has more fans than 2K Sports does. Some people will probably buy whatever game is developed by a company Wang works for.
# 24 LB23 @ 09/13/09 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by youvalss
Well, wasn't Wang on EA last year? Live wasn't THAT great...
Anyway, I think Wang has more fans than 2K Sports does. Some people will probably buy whatever game is developed by a company Wang works for.
no they wouldn't....most people who buy the game don't even know who mike wang is...only the hardcore gamers know mike wang
# 25 youvalss @ 09/13/09 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by LB23
no they wouldn't....most people who buy the game don't even know who mike wang is...only the hardcore gamers know mike wang
I've actually read some threads that were supposed to be about 2K10, but were actually about Mike Wang. I don't remember Wang's name being so hot when he was with 2K.
# 26 bateman11 @ 09/13/09 01:14 PM
# 27 NINJAK2 @ 09/13/09 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by bateman11
That will be covered on Monday bateman. They say that towards the end of the article. It's a two-parter.
# 28 TreyIM2 @ 09/13/09 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by youvalss
Well, wasn't Wang on EA last year? Live wasn't THAT great...
Anyway, I think Wang has more fans than 2K Sports does. Some people will probably buy whatever game is developed by a company Wang works for.
Nah, Mike wasn't on board for Live 09 and nah, I don't believe that Mike has more fans than 2KSports because in all honesty, have we REALLY heard his name BEFORE the early talk about the new direction of Live 10? Nope. Nobody really knew who he was.
# 29 Yeah...THAT Guy @ 09/13/09 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by youvalss
I've actually read some threads that were supposed to be about 2K10, but were actually about Mike Wang. I don't remember Wang's name being so hot when he was with 2K.
Probably nobody cared who he was until he switched to the enemy.
# 30 DLG @ 09/13/09 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by RayAP19
Isn't that the only time he's done that?
what, travel? .. no
# 31 youvalss @ 09/13/09 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by Yeah...THAT Guy
Probably nobody cared who he was until he switched to the enemy.
# 32 thereginator28 @ 09/13/09 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by RayAP19
Isn't that the only time he's done that?
From what I can remember, yeah, but I dunno .
# 33 t216 @ 09/13/09 08:46 PM
Bummer, nothing about the gameplay so far...
# 34 Yeah...THAT Guy @ 09/13/09 09:14 PM
NBA Today working in Association sounds amazing.
# 35 tcnumba10 @ 09/13/09 09:49 PM
Well the way that they answered the question made it feel that with or without Mike Wang, 2K10 will be a great game and although they lost a member of their 2K team, it was not such a big deal as it was made out to be by us (gamers).
# 36 drewbs @ 09/14/09 01:19 AM
I didn't necessarily know who Mike Wang was but I did know that several years ago 2k said they brought in several of the minds from Inside Drive which I was very excited about. Imo, Inside Drive 2004 was the best basketball game that had been released to that point and had a ton of innovative features that really added to realism. Too bad it never really got much of a footing.
# 37 Yeah...THAT Guy @ 09/14/09 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by malky
Very sad. EA got rid of a very good NFL game when they bought the license and 2K did the same when they bought the baseball license.
# 38 Joka2122 @ 09/14/09 03:12 PM
Now 2k needs to buy the NBA license, then we won't have a problem . Actually, it would be the biggest mistake for us gamers as it sets the bar for improvement and competition for NBA gamers.
# 39 Yeah...THAT Guy @ 09/14/09 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by Joka2122
Now 2k needs to buy the NBA license, then we won't have a problem . Actually, it would be the biggest mistake for us gamers as it sets the bar for improvement and competition for NBA gamers.
Yeah I tried the Live demo a few days ago. It's actually not all that bad this year. Still love the way they run plays in that game way more than 2k.
# 40 youvalss @ 09/14/09 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by Yeah...THAT Guy
Yeah I tried the Live demo a few days ago. It's actually not all that bad this year. Still love the way they run plays in that game way more than 2k.
This is considered a HUGE compliment for Live - "Not all that bad". EA has done it!!!

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