NBA Live 10 News Post

Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
NBA Live 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 121 H to the Oza @ 09/01/09 03:08 AM
I'm gona be careful to hype myself up too much before i play the actual game. I made that mistake last year and i was greatly disappointed in Live 09. 2k9 was better, even though it wasnt that good of a game. It was basically the same as 2k8 and 2k7 without much improvement. Basketball isnt an easy sport to replicate, and both developers have proved that.
# 122 chadskee @ 09/01/09 04:41 AM
Animations still don't look 100% fluid. I don't like how on a lot of the dunks they look like they are jetpacking to the hoop lol.
# 123 DaWolf @ 09/01/09 07:20 AM
The best thing about that kobe jumper - it feels great pulling it off. You run - press the shooting button - he goes straight into that leaning J. Couldnt stop doing that while I was playing.
# 124 zakarias @ 09/01/09 07:56 AM
Calderon´s layup is awesome

# 125 Gmoney2002 @ 09/01/09 08:55 AM
Man EA is really makin' strides and doing a good job of givin' the user community info on a chronological basis. That's how you sell a game droppin' info periodicially.

Glad to see Calderon got some love in the vid. It wasn't enough that they nailed Pierce's "Open three point" jumpshot animation in the other vid but they also have his mid range jumpshot too...woooow well done EA.

The off-ball movement although sick the in "Off Ball" segment looked stiff in the Rodney Stuckey clip(I think that was Stuckey). Now I hope that smoothness in the "Off Ball" segment is not attributed to the fact that Richard Hamilton was AI controlled therefore a user didnt triggered those deek and cut animations.

Overall I'm really impressed with what I've seen so far and I will be getting BOTH games this year no question...

You guys(Steph, Mike, Base and DEV team) are puttin' in the ground work right now for major benefits for us B-ball gamers in the future.
# 126 greenegt @ 09/01/09 09:38 AM
Another excellent vid! Ugh, it's so hard waiting for these NBA games. I'm going nuts, here.
# 127 Ki.Manz @ 09/01/09 11:04 AM
Man live captured carmelo it looks juss like him EA r steppin up

Nd J.Jhonson bank shot was sweet
# 128 RoyalBoyle78 @ 09/01/09 11:18 AM
video was great, I just hope there is a slider for flashy passe because from the looks of the videos it looks like this maybe overdone.
# 129 Jamin23 @ 09/01/09 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by FootballForever
video was great, I just hope there is a slider for flashy passe because from the looks of the videos it looks like this maybe overdone.
Since the passes are controlled. I think they were showcasing the passes for the video to show that there is more control over what passes you want to do.
# 130 RoyalBoyle78 @ 09/01/09 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by Jamin23
Since the passes are controlled. I think they were showcasing the passes for the video to show that there is more control over what passes you want to do.
I hope.
# 131 23 @ 09/01/09 11:25 AM
Check out Mike's passing video man

Its not as if there arent regular passes in the game. This is just some advanced stuff and its happening from pretty good passing players, not guys like Yao and some bench player their strainger guard.

I can tell you now I make a post wondering if you could kick the ball backwards to a trailer on the break for a dunk and I think they tried to show us that it is possible here in this video.

Just my 2 cents.
# 132 TheKasmar @ 09/01/09 11:34 AM
I remember back in the ps2 days Live had a fluid feel to it. Since they started over from scratch for the 360/PS3 generation they lost that fluid movement. In these recent videos that fluidity is back in full force and then some. That's why I'll give this game a shot to be special.
# 133 CMH @ 09/01/09 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by FootballForever
I hope.
Steph and Mike have mentioned that they are capturing the highlight moments to showcase the moves.

I think things will be fine.
# 134 Stumbleweed @ 09/01/09 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by cabrillo24
Funniest part of the video "Last year in NBA Live, passing was ....ummm... serviceable" LOL.
Hahaha yeah, I laughed at that too.
# 135 ZephyrSong @ 09/01/09 12:13 PM
This is my first post in the Live forum, and that's because of that video. That video is indeed the best to date and not only that, those moves and signature styles are just awesome. Never bought a Live game since the PS2 days but it looks like they'll have my money this year. You can feel the confidence of the devs, continuously pumping us for the demo. That just means that they are confident with their product.

Looking forward indeed.
# 136 GSW @ 09/01/09 12:40 PM
# 137 İroke @ 09/01/09 01:07 PM
Can you imagine an elbow pass to the trailer for the dunk?

I know... keep dreaming...
# 138 BDM313 @ 09/01/09 01:16 PM
lol the thought of gettin hung on the rim....nice vid need more gameplay videos tho
# 139 Stumbleweed @ 09/01/09 01:19 PM
Haha, I'll seriously lose it when some cheeser tries to dunk from too far away with LeBron and hangs it on the rim. That'll be epic.
# 140 krazyboy225 @ 09/01/09 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by Stumbleweed
Haha, I'll seriously lose it when some cheeser tries to dunk from too far away with LeBron and hangs it on the rim. That'll be epic.
Would be even better if we get the ability to save the replay post game.

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