NHL 10 News Post

We have just posted a video from our beta copy of NHL 10. This shows off the broadcast view in the game between the Caps @ Flyers.

Game: NHL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 28 - View All
NHL 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 TIm @ 08/25/09 07:31 AM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS
We have just posted a video from our beta copy of NHL 10. This shows off the broadcast view in the game between the Caps @ Flyers.

Steve, Who's controlling the flyers??? They were dominating!!!!!! LOL... Thanks for the video. Looks good to me.. I love the High Stick Animation penalty.. After a goal at the home ice it sounds great. So far so good.
# 2 LuGer33 @ 08/25/09 08:41 AM
Video looks great - other than the missing Flyers goal horn (sigh) and XL name tags. I appreciate them reworking the super bold font on the back of the Flyers jerseys from 09, but I can't help but feel like I preferred last year's version of the orange jerseys. Looks like I might be wearing black more often this year than I would like.
# 3 Ridgeberg @ 08/25/09 08:46 AM
Originally Posted by baa7
\ And around the 1:50 mark, Theodore makes a glove grab, then immediately drops into that same on-his-knees animation/stance. They need a animation where the goalie swings his glove around and pins the puck to his chest and simply stands his ground, looking cocky like he's thinking: "Couldn't get that one by me boys!" Falling to his knees like that each time looks desperate and reads more like, "Thank the gods and the ghost of Jacques Plante, I actually saved that sucker, whew!!"

Or maybe I'm reading this all wrong and they're looking for lost contact lenses?
Well, we are talking about Jose Theodore here. I wouldn't be surprised if he was actually thinking the latter.
# 4 akula @ 08/25/09 10:20 AM
borrrrrrring. give us the game! how about new announcers already?
# 5 Qb @ 08/25/09 10:45 AM
Thanks for the clip. If you plan on doing more, could we get some footage on hardcore settings? From the looks of that, I'm guessing it was on normal or maybe even default.

Also did anyone else notice something odd regarding uniforms? Here's a clue:

Maybe Caps fans shouldn't have done all that crying for blue helmets. Careful what you wish for...
# 6 bonannogiovanni @ 08/25/09 11:01 AM
Gameplay is better than last year no doubt, but the goalie rebounds are still meh, it seems the puck is floating in the air, like in slo-mo.
# 7 FlyingFinn @ 08/25/09 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by Qb
Thanks for the clip. If you plan on doing more, could we get some footage on hardcore settings? From the looks of that, I'm guessing it was on normal or maybe even default.

Also did anyone else notice something odd regarding uniforms? Here's a clue:

Maybe Caps fans shouldn't have done all that crying for blue helmets. Careful what you wish for...
If that is in the final build then that will be a game killer for me... I only play as the Caps (online and offline) and could not stand to see an incorrect uniform every game I play.
# 8 VeryEvilAsh @ 08/25/09 12:02 PM
Man those name patches on the back of the Flyers uni's look terrible. Watch Danny B's patch after he scores the goal. It stretches like rubber. Still seems too easy to get into the offensive zone, no need to dump in. Other than that board play is amazing and crowd is sweet!
# 9 clarkerots @ 08/25/09 01:25 PM
Not sure how I feel about this. The Flyers had incredible tape to tape passes and there were a few times I saw some forwards in the slot with the puck that passed back to the point. That was a little weird for me. Also, a few times I had to make sure it was 5 on 5. The Flyers looked like they were on the powerplay. I'm sure its still early, I'm just hoping that 10 doesn't turn into "09 with board play".
# 10 tyler289 @ 08/25/09 01:47 PM
EA is so incompetent when it comes to the Caps' uniforms and roster.

First line of Steckel-Backstrom-Ovechkin, LMAO

And as mentioned, blue helmets for Caps' away. WTF EA? This is almost a gamekiller for me. Goddamnit. If that is the final build then I am FURIOUS. WHY DOES EA BREAK THINGS THAT ARE FINE?

I wonder if EA Canada has ever watched a Caps game. How in the world do they do this?

Redshirt, anyone from EA, please respond. If this is not fixable then your art director deserves to be fired and I have my doubts that anyone there watches hockey.

Absolutely unacceptable in the 2009 that we can't even get an NHL team's jerseys/helmets right AFTER HAVING THEM RIGHT IN NHL09. Unacceptable. This is Madden and NCAA level incompetence.
# 11 tyler289 @ 08/25/09 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Qb
Thanks for the clip. If you plan on doing more, could we get some footage on hardcore settings? From the looks of that, I'm guessing it was on normal or maybe even default.

Also did anyone else notice something odd regarding uniforms? Here's a clue:

Maybe Caps fans shouldn't have done all that crying for blue helmets. Careful what you wish for...
How long did it take you to google that, Qb? 5 seconds?

Apparently that's too much for EA Sports.
# 12 armi5718 @ 08/25/09 01:54 PM
Wow yeah blue helmets for the away uni? Man, one would think it would be easy to check these things before putting them in game. 20 bucks says we get blue helmets on away games this year caps fans.
# 13 tyler289 @ 08/25/09 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by armi5718
Wow yeah blue helmets for the away uni? Man, one would think it would be easy to check these things before putting them in game. 20 bucks says we get blue helmets on away games this year caps fans.
That kind of error is probably the LAZIEST error ever made by an EA Sports team, ever. Unbelievable. Just when you think you have a team dedicated to a real-life sim, you see them take a team's uniform and destroy it.
# 14 Qb @ 08/25/09 02:19 PM
I know you're ticked, Tyler, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. But dial down the righteous fury a notch or two. We don't know all the facts and I think it's a bit overboard to completely dump on everyone. Hopefully there's an explanation other than just a simple oversight...
# 15 tyler289 @ 08/25/09 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by Qb
I know you're ticked, Tyler, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. But dial down the righteous fury a notch or two. We don't know all the facts and I think it's a bit overboard to completely dump on everyone. Hopefully there's an explanation other than just a simple oversight...
I know, I know. I PM'd Redshirt so hopefully he can share some insight. This just really makes me angry, because I think this game is going to ROCK, but this just makes me want to avoid playing on the road, because it's SO obviously wrong. With the black home helmets, it was passable, but this...infuriating. The rosters are also pretty screwed up (like an unbelievable amount), but I'm sure that's how it is with every team, so that doesn't both me as much.
# 16 Qb @ 08/25/09 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by tyler289
I know, I know. I PM'd Redshirt so hopefully he can share some insight.
I really HOPE that you AVOIDED the strategic use of CAPS in your PM.

The rosters are also pretty screwed up (like an unbelievable amount), but I'm sure that's how it is with every team, so that doesn't both me as much.
Yeah, they can leave something to be desired. I wonder if Steckel will be a 50 FO rating again?

Hmm, that's a lot of smirking...
# 17 kai123 @ 08/25/09 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
Maybe you can chose the color of the helmet, before you start a game? If not that is pretty weak, but mayeb that is the only way to get the helemts blue for home games.
I was thinking the same thing. The blue helmets and the wrong tampa bay lightning jersey aren't game killers. We all know that EA is the kind of patches, so I doubt that the game will see this for long. This version might even be a beta, who knows!?

As for the Broadcast camera, I will never use this camera in NHL 10 because it shows line changes. The line changes are simply a guy disappearing after hoping over the boards and another guy appearing taking his place. This veiw also makes every person on the ice look the same size

The AI is actually good. They set plays and cycle. AO was actually a shoot first player, and that differentiated him from his teammates. I even like the dumping and boardplay. Looked really good. The goal was good but the shot was a laser. Briere barely hit the puck and it lasered right in, just like NHL 09. I don't mean to nitpick but I cringe when I see this stuff. Other than that the goalies played petty solid and the shot speeds looked good.

BTW, what difficulty was this on?
# 18 ChaseB @ 08/25/09 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by Qb
I really HOPE that you AVOIDED the strategic use of CAPS in your PM.

Yeah, they can leave something to be desired. I wonder if Steckel will be a 50 FO rating again?

Hmm, that's a lot of smirking...
If I may interject for a moment to make fun of the Capitals fan base. You guys would not have cared about any of this stuff until Ovechkin got to town -- all the sudden there were fans in DC then. Pittsburgh (eat it Qb) and Washington = bad fans.

/cheap shot.

But seriously, if the uniforms are wrong, I understand the blind anger to an extent -- outside of boycotting the game for a wrong uniform, then in that case you're just loco.
# 19 plaidchuck @ 08/25/09 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by ChaseB
If I may interject for a moment to make fun of the Capitals fan base. You guys would not have cared about any of this stuff until Ovechkin got to town -- all the sudden there were fans in DC then. Pittsburgh (eat it Qb) and Washington = bad fans.

/cheap shot.

But seriously, if the uniforms are wrong, I understand the blind anger to an extent -- outside of boycotting the game for a wrong uniform, then in that case you're just loco.
Seeing your location, a Flyers homer I presume? If so, shhhhhhhhh Isn't Orange Crush a drink?
# 20 onlybygrace @ 08/25/09 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by plaidchuck
Seeing your location, a Flyers homer I presume? If so, shhhhhhhhh Isn't Orange Crush a drink?
Yeah...it is...

and it's like...really good.

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