NHL 10 News Post

We have just posted a video from our beta copy of NHL 10. This shows off the broadcast view in the game between the Caps @ Flyers.

Game: NHL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 28 - View All
NHL 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 tyler289 @ 08/25/09 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by ChaseB
If I may interject for a moment to make fun of the Capitals fan base. You guys would not have cared about any of this stuff until Ovechkin got to town -- all the sudden there were fans in DC then. Pittsburgh (eat it Qb) and Washington = bad fans.

/cheap shot.

But seriously, if the uniforms are wrong, I understand the blind anger to an extent -- outside of boycotting the game for a wrong uniform, then in that case you're just loco.
Hey now, there were plenty of Caps fans like myself who have been around forever. If you recall, DC used to pack the house in the late 80s and 90s.

And for the guy who said this isn't a gamekiller, I don't think it'll ruin the game, but for CAPS fans, it's terrible, and really ruins playing on the road.
# 22 tyler289 @ 08/25/09 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by Qb
I really HOPE that you AVOIDED the strategic use of CAPS in your PM.

Yeah, they can leave something to be desired. I wonder if Steckel will be a 50 FO rating again?

Hmm, that's a lot of smirking...
I kept it calm in the PM, haha. I think the gameplay is going to be fantastic but an oversight like this is really bad and will infuriate a lot of customers.

I'm sure Steckel will yet again be rated worse at FOs than defensemen.
# 23 bigmoe @ 08/25/09 09:11 PM
I never liked EA's broadcast view (love the game ) .A true NHL broadcast cam would be stationed at center ice on a pivot with a zoom in when players enter the offensive zone , once they cross the blue line. That would be amazing and it dosen't seem to hard to do. Their camera is on a horizontal track following the puck up and down the ice, not a true NHL broadcast.Oh well maybe sometime.
# 24 tyler289 @ 08/25/09 10:16 PM
From Redshirt:

Originally Posted by Redshirt_EA
Yes, it is wrong on the final build but this should be something we can fix. Apparently the error was introduced with a late change, after the main verification pass on everything was done.
# 25 Blzer @ 08/26/09 01:53 AM
I wouldn't call it a broadcast view. More like a 'side camera.' Broadcast has a stationary position and swivels, rotates, zooms... whatever you call it. It doesn't pan side to side and have such a narrow scope.

Unimpressed with the broadcast camera, but the game looks good.
# 26 FlyingFinn @ 08/26/09 08:15 AM
Originally Posted by tyler289
From Redshirt:
Well that is good to hear... I will be waiting to purchase the game until it is fixed however.
# 27 Qb @ 08/26/09 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by maxsilverhammer67
I just dont understand why so many people tout this game so highly...
A lot of people really enjoyed the game. It had flaws no doubt, some which appear to be addressed in NHL10. I'm sure there will still be areas that could be better, but that's a given -- everything can always be improved.

To be honest, most of us here have played many, many hockey titles from various publishers over the years and it really is getting tiring to read this stuff. I can't speak for everyone, but I think the majority of us don't care about the label on the box and want only a quality game, or even better, games to play.

If someone happens to prefer one game over the other, that's fine, but the need to convince others not of the merits of the preferred game, but the flaws of the other, confounds me.

And as far as football, baseball, basketball, etc, they have nothing to do with the topic at hand. I highly suggest that discussions are kept on topic and free of posts intended to derail conversation to undesirable subjects...
# 28 Percyswan @ 08/26/09 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by maxsilverhammer67
I just dont understand why so many people tout this game so highly.... I watched the video of the new broadcast cam and it does not look nearly as good or animate as well as 2k9s . Why do people continuosly buy these EA games? Madden has been lackluster at best, since last gen, they make no baseball and when they did sega was far better, the ea basketball games are always well behind 2ks, and this hockey game is so overrated its rediculous. 2ks hockey game last year was the best broadcast cam representation of any hockey game ever made period. It looks and plays like REAL hockey.Too bad that not many people ever played it because of nhl09s ea hype machine.
I like how you are calling people out for not giving 2K a chance yet you are judging NHL 10 based on a video. Who knows what difficulty, setting and sliders were on during the game?

Anyways I don't know about everyone else but I felt NHL 2K9 was a huge step backwards; the controls were too complicated, the new features were gimmicks and the graphics were awful. I used to be a 2K guy, infact NHL 2K6 was one of my favourite games ever. The problems and glitches that were in that game are still present in NHL 2K9 and the gameplay isn't as authentic as 2K6.

NHL 10 plays fantastic based on the demo, it is very realistic, very fun and although the presentation needs to be upgraded the new features really enhance the game for die hard hockey fans. NHL 2K10 hasnt shown us enough and we haven't been able to play it yet, so obviously there is no hype for the game.
# 29 armi5718 @ 08/26/09 12:37 PM
So, with the caps uniforms, is this something they can fix with a patch? Or is this something they will fix before release.
# 30 Qb @ 08/26/09 12:38 PM
Hey Percy, please don't indulge those seeking to prolong the 2K/EA battle any longer. Things run a lot smoother around here when we avoid that crap. Thanks man...
# 31 Qb @ 08/26/09 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
But if I like it; I will defend it!
Believe me, we know. And of course...
# 32 LuGer33 @ 08/26/09 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by maxsilverhammer67
I didnt make my comments based on the ea - 2k battle lol I play every single sports game that comes out. All I am saying is 2ks game last year "simulated" the sport of hockey better then ea's. People like the easy game play and slick player graphics and pick up and play mentality of the NHL series and thats all fine , as its the american way. 2ks biggest problem is the out of the box settings are terrible and do a poor job of trying to mimick eas out of the box spot on arcade fest settings. Anyway you look at it, sports games have progressed at a snails pace on these "next gen" platforms.
# 33 Flyermania @ 08/26/09 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by maxsilverhammer67
I didnt make my comments based on the ea - 2k battle lol I play every single sports game that comes out. All I am saying is 2ks game last year "simulated" the sport of hockey better then ea's. People like the easy game play and slick player graphics and pick up and play mentality of the NHL series and thats all fine , as its the american way. 2ks biggest problem is the out of the box settings are terrible and do a poor job of trying to mimick eas out of the box spot on arcade fest settings. Anyway you look at it, sports games have progressed at a snails pace on these "next gen" platforms.
Your opinion only, and I respectfully disagree.
# 34 ChiTownKid @ 08/27/09 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by VeryEvilAsh
Still seems too easy to get into the offensive zone, no need to dump in.
# 35 Vikes1 @ 08/28/09 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by VeryEvilAsh
Still seems too easy to get into the offensive zone, no need to dump in.
I agree VEA.

I've spent most of my time with the demo playing on All-Star level. And yes...most times I can carry the puck with ease into the offensive zone. In my experience anyway...with the AI coverage of my players in the neutral zone being quite a bit better than past games, my best bet so far has been to simply carry the puck in deep. Vs passing to my forwards and getting the pass intercepted a number of times. Of course I'm still just getting use to the passing in '10'.

I seem to have more trouble with the AI poke checking the puck from behind, while heading up ice...rather than being stood up at the blue line. In all honesty, I'd say entering the offensive zone in NHL '10' seems to me, no more difficult than past games. Maybe the aggression slider can help with this. If not...I really don't think this will spoil the game for me. Loving it otherwise.

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