NBA Live 10 News Post

IGN has posted their hands-on preview of NBA Live 10.

"Shooting is all handled by one button this year. No more separate jump shot and dunk buttons as in the past. NBA Live 10 handles each contextually depending on where you are on the court, your left stick positioning, and whether you're holding down on turbo. From my experience it works well and behaves pretty much in line with what you'd want. If you drive to the basket and flick to the left or right on the stick, you'll get a pro hop layup to either side when you press the shot button.

General jump shots are now a timed release. Gone are the days of just holding down the button and hoping for the best (thank goodness). Fade aways are still a simple button hold, but I'll take what I can get. This new shooting method presents some difficulties if you've never shot with a specific player before. Different NBA stars have longer jump shot animations so you'll need to practice a bit to nail the timing perfectly. One cool addition to shooting that I nearly forgot to mention is that you can hold up on the left stick while you're shooting a jumper and your player will bank it off the glass ala Tim Duncan."

Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 PuntNL @ 08/21/09 03:03 PM
This is just crazy... off to read again...
# 2 Kully @ 08/21/09 03:03 PM
Wow, another? Nice.
# 3 Stumbleweed @ 08/21/09 03:03 PM
Ahhh, information overload. I wish there was a "head exploding" smiley to express my sentiment visually.

EDIT: When you use the pick and roll you'll also see the defensive help rotations that were missing when I first played NBA 2K10. In NBA Live 10 defenses rotate realistically and you'll have a tough time scoring, even with a perfectly executed pick and roll play.

Oh man, just hook it to my veins.

"Dynamic Season Mode" -- well there's our confirmation on the (at least one of them anyway, hopefully there's more) new mode.

Also, they confirmed the demo date as September 10th.
# 4 HoosierDaddy @ 08/21/09 03:10 PM
Demo out on Sept 10th!
# 5 Kully @ 08/21/09 03:10 PM
Pick and roll is back with a simple hold of the B button (circle on PS3). I've been promised that the pick and roll exploits are gone and there's an illegal screen call that the refs can make if you try and use the mechanic illegally.
Nice. Maybe they can fix the facial animations by release.
# 6 23 @ 08/21/09 03:13 PM
Illegal screens... Oh man I love it
# 7 noshun @ 08/21/09 03:14 PM
Checking it out.
# 8 RoyalBoyle78 @ 08/21/09 03:22 PM
good read, the excitement keeps building for Live, awesome.
# 9 Jamin23 @ 08/21/09 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by HoosierDaddy
Demo out on Sept 10th!
That's in three weeks.
# 10 kunqlao @ 08/21/09 05:20 PM
Cool sounds good, happy we got timed releases now.
# 11 Muzyk23 @ 08/21/09 05:27 PM
weird facial expressions?..lol..isn't it the area the devs put a lot of emphasis on?
# 12 HOLLIDAY1183 @ 08/21/09 10:31 PM
Don't think I've played a single game in either 2K or Live since like 02, on anything less than Superstar & HOF. It's the first thing I do day one, make a settings file on the highest difficulty and never look back. So I'm glad they've made it so tough. Illegal screens?!?! SWEET. This just means when me and my brothers are doing our all-night marathons the games will be even more intense

And guys, I can't say it enough, but prob the most impressive thing about all these vids to me, is how the paint is represented properly. This is the NBA, and people don't just dribble and waltz, spin thru that s*** like it's nothing, you either drive thru to score or kick out, and in Live it looks like you WILL get ripped or face heavy congestion tryna just spin and dribble thru the paint.

Been hoping for this for awhile, and Live has answered the call. Your turn 2K--if I see isomotion being pulled off in the paint in 2K10, the game's going back in the box (and maybe even back to the store)
# 13 blues rocker @ 08/23/09 09:21 PM
Hey Beluba - I was reading the IGN hands on preview and I'm concerned with their description of the "direct passing receiver control". The bold part of the paragraph below is what bothers me.

"Probably the biggest change to the core gameplay is direct-passing. This oft-used mechanic is now toggled to the left trigger. Press and hold it and you'll get the usual icon passing that you're used to. Instead of just being able to dish the rock to your favorite star with this mechanic, you'll now be able to hold their button and take direct control of them yourself. If they're too far away to make a pass, just hold the appropriate button and bring them closer. My one gripe with this was that there was no real way to make a quick scoring cut to the basket. Dishing a player the ball and having him launch a quick shot before the defense was back on him just didn't seem possible in the preview build I was playing. I'd rather it be contextual so the player would realize that he's getting closer to the basket and have a sense of urgency when he gets the ball."

This new feature sounds like Live's version of 2k's "icon lead passing" where you can direct the receiver to cut in a certain direction as you pass to him. I'm glad Live has finally added something like this, as icon lead passing was my favorite part of 2k and really made passing very fun. However, I'm not happy with what IGN reported about the slow responsiveness of this feature in Live 10 (in bold above).

2k did their icon lead passing the right way by having the receiver make a FAST, HARD cut (by default) in whatever direction you told him to. In 2k the reciever always cuts with a quick burst of speed as soon as you pass to him - this allows you to direct the receiver in a quick, responsive way and get him to open areas as fast as possible before the defense can get to you.

but after reading IGN's description of Live 10, it sounds like Live's "lead passing/receiver control" is sluggish and the receivers don't make FAST cuts like they do in 2k. Can this be fixed in time for the game release? This feature was the one I was looking forward to the most, but if it's not done properly and the receivers make sluggish cuts, then the feature is basically worthless and I may have to think twice about Live 10.

To remedy this I would just make it a default for the players to automatically make a quick cut every time you use this passing feature. That way if you want to direct a guy to cut to the hoop for a layup, he will cut fast like he should in real life, as opposed to ******ly jogging to the hoop only to be stopped by the defense because he moved too slow.
# 14 Beluba @ 08/23/09 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by blues rocker
Hey Beluba - I was reading the IGN hands on preview and I'm concerned with their description of the "direct passing receiver control". The bold part of the paragraph below is what bothers me.

"Probably the biggest change to the core gameplay is direct-passing. This oft-used mechanic is now toggled to the left trigger. Press and hold it and you'll get the usual icon passing that you're used to. Instead of just being able to dish the rock to your favorite star with this mechanic, you'll now be able to hold their button and take direct control of them yourself. If they're too far away to make a pass, just hold the appropriate button and bring them closer. My one gripe with this was that there was no real way to make a quick scoring cut to the basket. Dishing a player the ball and having him launch a quick shot before the defense was back on him just didn't seem possible in the preview build I was playing. I'd rather it be contextual so the player would realize that he's getting closer to the basket and have a sense of urgency when he gets the ball."

This new feature sounds like Live's version of 2k's "icon lead passing" where you can direct the receiver to cut in a certain direction as you pass to him. I'm glad Live has finally added something like this, as icon lead passing was my favorite part of 2k and really made passing very fun. However, I'm not happy with what IGN reported about the slow responsiveness of this feature in Live 10 (in bold above).

2k did their icon lead passing the right way by having the receiver make a FAST, HARD cut (by default) in whatever direction you told him to. In 2k the reciever always cuts with a quick burst of speed as soon as you pass to him - this allows you to direct the receiver in a quick, responsive way and get him to open areas as fast as possible before the defense can get to you.

but after reading IGN's description of Live 10, it sounds like Live's "lead passing/receiver control" is sluggish and the receivers don't make FAST cuts like they do in 2k. Can this be fixed in time for the game release? This feature was the one I was looking forward to the most, but if it's not done properly and the receivers make sluggish cuts, then the feature is basically worthless and I may have to think twice about Live 10.

To remedy this I would just make it a default for the players to automatically make a quick cut every time you use this passing feature. That way if you want to direct a guy to cut to the hoop for a layup, he will cut fast like he should in real life, as opposed to ******ly jogging to the hoop only to be stopped by the defense because he moved too slow.
Don't sweat the preview. They were just scratching the surface with the feature. You have COMPLETE control of the receiver when you hit his face button, so you can move him around as fast or slow as you want for as short or long as you want. Believe me, it blows away any icon passing feature in any game.
# 15 23 @ 08/23/09 11:33 PM
I would really like to know how this thing works... it sounds complicated though...but it also sounds like you could pull off some sick dimes if you know what you're doing
# 16 blues rocker @ 08/23/09 11:36 PM
Originally Posted by Beluba
Don't sweat the preview. They were just scratching the surface with the feature. You have COMPLETE control of the receiver when you hit his face button, so you can move him around as fast or slow as you want for as short or long as you want. Believe me, it blows away any icon passing feature in any game.
sweeeeeeeeeet...I just really want the receiver to move fast and look like he's scrambling and trying hard to get open and get to his spot. I don't want a situation where I would've had a wide open shot or layup, but I missed the scoring opportunity because the receiver just moved slower than he should.
# 17 KChow21 @ 08/23/09 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by HoosierDaddy
Demo out on Sept 10th!
Is that the same for both 360 and PS3???
# 18 blues rocker @ 08/23/09 11:54 PM
Hey Beluba - when using this "lead passing/receiver control" can you make the receiver really explode from a standing position to make a quick cut to the hoop (similar to how a ball handler can explode with a sudden burst of speed to beat his man)? I just really want this thing to work how it should.

For example: if I have a guy who is in the corner, and I want him to quickly cut to the hoop along the baseline for a layup...can I make him just explode to the rim as fast as he can to get the open layup, or will he slowly accelerate? because in real life, players use these sudden bursts of speed, jukes, and quick changes of direction when moving without the ball to get to open spots and lose their defender.

In a perfect world I imagine you could used the left stick to perform jukes, quick directional changes, and sudden bursts of speed to fake out your man and lose your defender. like if i quickly flick the left stick back and forth, my man will juke and change direction very quickly. or if i quickly flick the left stick all the way to the left in a strong motion, the receiver will explode and accelerate instantly to the left...but if i just slowly move the directional stick to the left, the receiver will slowly move in that direction as opposed to "exlploding." this is how I imagine this receiver control could work if done right...please tell me it's this good.
# 19 tonybologna @ 08/23/09 11:58 PM
This looks to be a better game this year. However, it will be hard to win me over from NBA 2K9. I used to be all NBA Live series until 2005 & then I switched to NBA 2K. It would take a lot to make me switch back too. Thanks!
# 20 blues rocker @ 08/24/09 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by blues rocker
Hey Beluba - when using this "lead passing/receiver control" can you make the receiver really explode from a standing position to make a quick cut to the hoop (similar to how a ball handler can explode with a sudden burst of speed to beat his man)? I just really want this thing to work how it should.

For example: if I have a guy who is in the corner, and I want him to quickly cut to the hoop along the baseline for a layup...can I make him just explode to the rim as fast as he can to get the open layup, or will he slowly accelerate? because in real life, players use these sudden bursts of speed, jukes, and quick changes of direction when moving without the ball to get to open spots and lose their defender.

In a perfect world I imagine you could used the left stick to perform jukes, quick directional changes, and sudden bursts of speed to fake out your man and lose your defender. like if i quickly flick the left stick back and forth, my man will juke and change direction very quickly. or if i quickly flick the left stick all the way to the left in a strong motion, the receiver will explode and accelerate instantly to the left...but if i just slowly move the directional stick to the left, the receiver will slowly move in that direction as opposed to "exlploding." this is how I imagine this receiver control could work if done right...please tell me it's this good.
^^^^Any word on this yet, Beluba?

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