Madden 2010 News Post

Evening folks,

Wanted to take a moment to quickly provide some details on the roster update that's rolling out tomorrow morning.

Some time between 5:00 am and 8:00 am EST the new roster will be deployed. When this happens everyone connected to our servers will be kicked off. We chose this window because it's the time with the least amount of server traffic. When the rosters are deployed the server will be restarted, resulting in just a few minutes of downtime.

At around 10:00 am EST, we will deploy the same roster to our Online Franchise server. When this happens everyone connected to that server will be kicked off. After several minutes of downtime the server will come back online and all newly created franchises from that point on will use the new roster.

This roster includes the much hyped addition of Mike Vick and Brett Favre as well as many other preseason updates. We hope you all enjoy it.


FAQ - Some of the early questions so those jumping into this thread can quickly catch up.

Q - What's up with the title update? Will I have to restart my franchise? Will the title update contain broadcast cameras? Etc...
A - We're still working through all of the details for our first title update and closer to it's release will provide this level of detail. Stay tuned!

Q - Why did I say tonight?
A - Fixed. I guess because I'll still be sleeping I consider it tonight.

Q - Will we release notes detailing the roster update?
A - Likely. We will work to release these tomorrow.

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 straylight3 @ 08/19/09 10:59 AM
No career stats? Damn that sucks
# 82 ehh @ 08/19/09 11:01 AM
Cool, my franchise can now be started.
# 83 SonicZulu25 @ 08/19/09 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by Mos1ted
I can already see that Vick is definitely going to be a problem on line. I played as the Eagles just now just to get a feel for how Vick plays in this game. I only played one quarter but I easily scrambled for 50 yards on 3 rushes, and this is on all Madden. I didn't watch a lot of Vick games during his Falcons years, but was he really THAT good of a scrambler? (This is an honest question).

I forgot to add that my first 2 passes with him were interceptions LOL.
He was a walking (or maybe running) highlight reel. I used to watch all of the games i could that he played in. The only other players I enjoyed watching as much as him were Barry Sanders and Bo Jackson.

I just hope he has some of that fuel left in the tank for this year.
# 84 thmst30 @ 08/19/09 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by straylight3
No career stats? Damn that sucks
Yea it does. It's not a huge deal, but I would have liked for them to put it in.
# 85 Silent Nature @ 08/19/09 11:32 AM
I tested an online franchise. Vick/Favre isn't up yet.
# 86 drae2 @ 08/19/09 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by Silent Nature
I tested an online franchise. Vick/Favre isn't up yet.
I can't get the roster update for the offline franchise. Is there something special I need to do? I thought that once I booted up the 360 that I should be automatically prompted to update rosters. Can I get a lil help guys? Thanks.
# 87 KaptnKirk12 @ 08/19/09 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by drae2
I can't get the roster update for the offline franchise. Is there something special I need to do? I thought that once I booted up the 360 that I should be automatically prompted to update rosters. Can I get a lil help guys? Thanks.
Pretty sure you have to jump online and it'll download them.
# 88 Silent Nature @ 08/19/09 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by KaptnKirk12
Pretty sure you have to jump online and it'll download them.
Yeah, you can download the roster update for offline franchise mode. Online Franchises' servers haven't been updated yet though.

Hopefully, it'll be done by noon.
# 89 Beasts Inc @ 08/19/09 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by Mos1ted
I can already see that Vick is definitely going to be a problem on line. I played as the Eagles just now just to get a feel for how Vick plays in this game. I only played one quarter but I easily scrambled for 50 yards on 3 rushes, and this is on all Madden. I didn't watch a lot of Vick games during his Falcons years, but was he really THAT good of a scrambler? (This is an honest question).

I forgot to add that my first 2 passes with him were interceptions LOL.

Pretty much, he was never good at anything else and always looked to run first, pass second.
# 90 Deegeezy @ 08/19/09 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by adam914
Who cares? It's their game, they can do whatever the heck they want.
I agree...It just seems like you'll never enjoy your franchise if things like new roster updates bug you.

The moment you start a franchise, you have to mentally seperate yourself entirely from NFL reality. Otherwise, every time a team makes a roster move, you'll constantly be feeling your franchise is no longer "realistic."
# 91 Deegeezy @ 08/19/09 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by OJsakila
I mean, come on dude. Do you even follow football on Sundays?

LMAO...If you only knew dude... if you only knew.
# 92 drae2 @ 08/19/09 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by KaptnKirk12
Pretty sure you have to jump online and it'll download them.
Thanks man. I got them, but they got the Bears roster all out of whack. They left of TE Kellen Davis, 3rd string QB Brett Basanez, WR Devin Aromashodu, C Donovan Raiola, and others. I do see that they did add some, but why not just do the rosters as is for now?
# 93 Beasts Inc @ 08/19/09 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by drae2
Thanks man. I got them, but they got the Bears roster all out of whack. They left of TE Kellen Davis, 3rd string QB Brett Basanez, WR Devin Aromashodu, C Donovan Raiola, and others. I do see that they did add some, but why not just do the rosters as is for now?

I say keep Brett out but bring Hanie up a bit, 45 is WAAAAY too low (I'd say with his performance thus far in career, last year's preseason and this year's one game, he should be in the high 50's - low 60's). Most of the guys you're talking about have no chance of making the roster (save for D.A., maybe, if you heard All Access a couple of weeks ago, Cutler was high on him). Davis may or may not depending on how he blocks and if they wanna put Gaines in more of a H-Block role as opposed to being the new John Gilmore. That's why I never start a real serious franchise until the post-preseason update hits.

Since you're a Bears fan, I'll ask you: What changes were made to this update for the Bears? (all I know is Omiyale and C. Williams were put in their correct positions and upped a bit)
# 94 SonOfWisconsin @ 08/19/09 12:13 PM
online franchise rosters were supposed to be up like an hour ago, does anyone know whats goin on? I wanna start sending invites lol
# 95 drae2 @ 08/19/09 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by Beasts Inc
I say keep Brett out but bring Hanie up a bit, 45 is WAAAAY too low (I'd say with his performance thus far in career, last year's preseason and this year's one game, he should be in the high 50's - low 60's). Most of the guys you're talking about have no chance of making the roster (save for D.A., maybe, if you heard All Access a couple of weeks ago, Cutler was high on him). Davis may or may not depending on how he blocks and if they wanna put Gaines in more of a H-Block role as opposed to being the new John Gilmore. That's why I never start a real serious franchise until the post-preseason update hits.

Since you're a Bears fan, I'll ask you: What changes were made to this update for the Bears? (all I know is Omiyale and C. Williams were put in their correct positions and upped a bit)

They added Al Afalava, Michael Gaines, and a few others. I know one thing. They had better do something about those WR's before the season starts.
# 96 CSL @ 08/19/09 12:20 PM
Downloaded earlier but didn't really have time to check out what was new except Favre and Vick. Noticed Vince Young got a boost from 68 to 71. Good going.
# 97 Silent Nature @ 08/19/09 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by SonOfWisconsin
online franchise rosters were supposed to be up like an hour ago, does anyone know whats goin on? I wanna start sending invites lol
I am having the same issue. I thought it'll be done by 11 AM.

Apparently, it's not updated yet. I'm checking the online franchises rosters. No Vick or Favre yet.
# 98 Beasts Inc @ 08/19/09 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by drae2
They added Al Afalava, Michael Gaines, and a few others. I know one thing. They had better do something about those WR's before the season starts.

Didn't they add them to the previous update last week?
# 99 drae2 @ 08/19/09 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by Beasts Inc
Didn't they add them to the previous update last week?
I don't think so, but I could be wrong. I guess I'll have to start a new franchise.
# 100 UtahUtes32 @ 08/19/09 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by Deegeezy
I agree...It just seems like you'll never enjoy your franchise if things like new roster updates bug you.

The moment you start a franchise, you have to mentally seperate yourself entirely from NFL reality. Otherwise, every time a team makes a roster move, you'll constantly be feeling your franchise is no longer "realistic."
Lol I thought I was the only one who felt this way

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