Madden 2010 News Post

Evening folks,

Wanted to take a moment to quickly provide some details on the roster update that's rolling out tomorrow morning.

Some time between 5:00 am and 8:00 am EST the new roster will be deployed. When this happens everyone connected to our servers will be kicked off. We chose this window because it's the time with the least amount of server traffic. When the rosters are deployed the server will be restarted, resulting in just a few minutes of downtime.

At around 10:00 am EST, we will deploy the same roster to our Online Franchise server. When this happens everyone connected to that server will be kicked off. After several minutes of downtime the server will come back online and all newly created franchises from that point on will use the new roster.

This roster includes the much hyped addition of Mike Vick and Brett Favre as well as many other preseason updates. We hope you all enjoy it.


FAQ - Some of the early questions so those jumping into this thread can quickly catch up.

Q - What's up with the title update? Will I have to restart my franchise? Will the title update contain broadcast cameras? Etc...
A - We're still working through all of the details for our first title update and closer to it's release will provide this level of detail. Stay tuned!

Q - Why did I say tonight?
A - Fixed. I guess because I'll still be sleeping I consider it tonight.

Q - Will we release notes detailing the roster update?
A - Likely. We will work to release these tomorrow.

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 njmcfreak @ 08/18/09 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by adam914
Who cares? It's their game, they can do whatever the heck they want.

Exaclty, plus maybe a decent to good QB is all that players needs to win enough games and make it to the Superbowl and win it!
# 22 Qb @ 08/18/09 08:19 PM
Thanks for the info, Phil.
# 23 ZoneKIller @ 08/18/09 08:30 PM
Thanks Phil!! Cant wait for Vick!

Any info on more DLC add-ons???

Maybe NFL logos for created teams??please
# 24 dougdeuce @ 08/18/09 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by Deegeezy
I dont understand why people would restart their franchise just to have a player in it that will only be on the franchise for 1 year before retiring.
Lifelong Packer fan...
Oct. 5th is my birthday!
Oct. 5th = Packers at Vikings on MONDAY NIGHT!!!

What a great birthday this will be!

I want to play this game in my franchise and feel that emotion. That's why
# 25 OJsakila @ 08/18/09 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by Deegeezy
I dont understand why people would restart their franchise just to have a player in it that will only be on the franchise for 1 year before retiring.

o I dunno...maybe because he's arguably THE GREATEST QB OF ALL TIME.....?! I mean, come on dude. Do you even follow football on Sundays?

(p.s. to all the nit-picking haters....I said, "arguably.")
# 26 SmoothOlaf @ 08/18/09 09:02 PM
Thanks for the update.
# 27 countryboy @ 08/18/09 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by dougdeuce
Lifelong Packer fan...
Oct. 5th is my birthday!
Oct. 5th = Packers at Vikings on MONDAY NIGHT!!!

What a great birthday this will be!

I want to play this game in my franchise and feel that emotion. That's why
Not to take the thread completely off topic, but....October 5th is my birthday as well. But I'm neither a Pack or Vike fan. I was cursed in my childhood and became a Raiders' fan.
# 28 marcoyk @ 08/18/09 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by DocHolliday
Sig throws for those guys?
Good Question.
# 29 itsnotagame @ 08/18/09 09:26 PM
I noticed Hester dreads are longer. They now hang out of his helmet I wonder if this will get updated?
# 30 En Fuego @ 08/18/09 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by itsnotagame
I noticed Hester dreads are longer. They now hang out of his helmet I wonder if this will get updated?
yea and can you guys make Hester's chinstrap touch his chin???

i'm kidding, none of this bothers me.
# 31 DavonBrown @ 08/18/09 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by DocHolliday
Sig throws for those guys?
Favre's is already in. "Mississippi Style". They couldn't use his name because he wasn't in the NFL at the time.
# 32 dougdeuce @ 08/18/09 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
Not to take the thread completely off topic, but....October 5th is my birthday as well. But I'm neither a Pack or Vike fan. I was cursed in my childhood and became a Raiders' fan.

Well, at least you can enjoy this game as a birthday present. I personally can't wait until the Nov. 1st game at Lambeau. I'm excited he's back, it adds so much more emotion to the division. I wonder how he'll be treated when he walks out of that tunnel... It'll be interesting to say the least.

Sorry about the Raiders fan thing. That just sucks
# 33 BDKiiing @ 08/18/09 09:59 PM
just wondering, is this coming out for PS2 aswell?
# 34 ezio @ 08/18/09 10:20 PM
So we have to restart franchise if we want to use this correct? Just want to confirm. thanks.
# 35 BroMontana82 @ 08/18/09 10:25 PM
nice, come on patch1....
# 36 mrgoodkat @ 08/18/09 10:38 PM
What would have been the point of starting a franchise before the first roster update anyhow? Nevermind Vick, and now Favre, there are teams that are missing players entirely. Even if that isn't your team, you are still playing an incomplete game.

And this update wont add all the missing players anyhow, most of which are rookies battling for a spot.

Im planning on finally starting a franchise once depth charts are set, towards the beginning of the NFL season.
# 37 Brooklynbks4 @ 08/18/09 10:44 PM
woo great job now we gotta deal wit bret again lol
# 38 Sausage @ 08/18/09 11:02 PM
Great update and notes. I hope folks read this because I have seen the question asked in a few threads.
# 39 erkizzlemynizzle @ 08/18/09 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by porhawj
hello Phil_Frazier,

is patch gonna be release ? if yes, when it release ? there are some problem in franchise mode for stats are not correct like alot NFL Teams Punters has over 100 punts attempt, 3-4 Defense for OLB are elite pass rusher are too way low and there is some problem in gameplay are Cpu run out of bound without feets stay in bound******** type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("postmenu_2040046308", true);

This further proves my belief that everyone who wants to post on this site should have to pass an I.Q. test to be allowed the privilege of doing so.
# 40 dubplate @ 08/18/09 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by porhawj
hello Phil_Frazier,

is patch gonna be release ? if yes, when it release ? there are some problem in franchise mode for stats are not correct like alot NFL Teams Punters has over 100 punts attempt, 3-4 Defense for OLB are elite pass rusher are too way low and there is some problem in gameplay are Cpu run out of bound without feets stay in bound******** type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_2040046308", true);

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