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# 161
Shakedowncapo @ 08/12/09 12:04 AM
Wade was doing it before any of them... 
With that in mind.. I really hope I can weak side block with him(of course with great timing) I hope Mike could go in-depth about how that's in/not in the game this year.

With that in mind.. I really hope I can weak side block with him(of course with great timing) I hope Mike could go in-depth about how that's in/not in the game this year.
In 2K9 its not like when you stole the ball or knocked the ball loose you had a million different animations really just ones that fit for that situation.
These look fine for those situations sounds like your reaching to find faults to me
Stop the back and forth bickering.
Keep your comments on the video please.
Keep your comments on the video please.
what is with everybody always thinking that if someone says something bad about livethey assume there 2k fanboys?
i can understand if they were saying stuff like this game is gonna suck 2k is way better and stuff like that but he was just pointing out the parts that he didnt like, he has his opinion and he can express it whenever he wants and he can think whatever he wants
i can understand if they were saying stuff like this game is gonna suck 2k is way better and stuff like that but he was just pointing out the parts that he didnt like, he has his opinion and he can express it whenever he wants and he can think whatever he wants
and i dont see the point of coming to this section if all your gonna do is hate on the game and not even give it a chance

if your gonna come in and say bad things you should atleast give it a chance, and if you still dont like it there is no need to come to the live section just to complain about it
When in the vid, the situations the ball was knocked loose were all the same. There's not going to be much variety when the situation is the same every time.
In 2K9 there are many situations you can steal the ball in so thats why there was so many animations. If you play 2K9 and try to steal the ball in the same situation every time you aren't going to get that many different animations because its the same situation over and over again.
That's why I said you were reaching for something wrong I'm not trying to attack you for posting your opinion.
Stay on topic...break the rules and deal with the results of that, or stop derailing the thread talking about other posters... im not asking you anymore
# 173
HoosierDaddy @ 08/12/09 12:47 AM
Wow, I'm going to repost my questions. Since the last 3 pages have been nothing but bickering. I hope that's okay.
***clears throat***
So how about that new Live video that was put up?
So how about that new Live video that was put up?
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