NHL 2K10 News Post
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Not bad....but it just seems too twitchy to me for some reason. And the announcing was a little underwhelming, I guess I was hoping for a bit more this year.
I don't have a dog in this fight, but EA is going to get my money this year and I have a feeling I'll be very happy with it.
I don't have a dog in this fight, but EA is going to get my money this year and I have a feeling I'll be very happy with it.
# 62
Flyermania @ 08/13/09 08:12 AM
I'm not crazy about the puck physics, especially when the puck is on the stick. It looks too "stuck" to the stick, especially on breaks to the net. It looks like a cursor instead of a puck.
Maybe it is because I don't understand how commentary is added to a videogame, but would it not give better results if the recordings were done with a demo of the game and the commentators describing what is happening in the actual game? I think that this would make the best commentary for the specific game. Maybe what they should do for 2k11 is to get them in early to ad-lib a 2k10 game and then have them come again later in development to record new things that the devs would have added. I think it would sound less canned that way.
And have both of them ad-lib a game together at the same time.

The commentary thing baffles me because we know NHL 2k can do better. Everyone points to NHL 2k5 as not only the best commentary in this series, but possibly in any sports video game. Personally, I feel like MLB 09: The Show does the best job, especially with the play by play and seamless lines where they add in that variable (when they have to say a player's name, it doesn't sound robotic even though it's just added in depending on who the player is).
But we also know Visual Concepts can do a great job with commentary. I have to look no further then ESPN NFL 2k5 to show this. Though that commentary can be repetitive, it always sounded great. I don't get why NHL 2k can't get this right.
But we also know Visual Concepts can do a great job with commentary. I have to look no further then ESPN NFL 2k5 to show this. Though that commentary can be repetitive, it always sounded great. I don't get why NHL 2k can't get this right.
# 67
Flyermania @ 08/13/09 10:31 AM
BigH2k6, I understand your point about Drew & Randy having a script and that it is different than an actual broadcast. But they should at least be able to show improvement...heck, they ad-lib on TV so why not do the same while recording the script to make it sound more lively? I don't see how they or 2k could be overly pleased with how it sounds. The commentary goes a long way towards enhancing the presentation.
Besides, lets not make it sound like 2k never had good commentary in the first place. They actually HAD Thorne and Clement in the series before.
But whatever, it's just another area 2k is lacking in recent years.
But whatever, it's just another area 2k is lacking in recent years.

# 70
CarryTheWeight @ 08/13/09 03:44 PM
Visual Concepts has done commentary right this year: MLB 2K9. Gary Thorne and Steve Phillips have one of the best commentary tracks I've ever heard in a sports game and I actually prefer it to The Show's (although The Show has many, many more incidental lines due to the Blu-ray Disc's space).
Supposedly the commentary track for NBA 2K10 has been overhauled. If it's anything like MLB's, then I think NHL should receive the same treatment ASAP.
But you have to admit, in the presentation department, 2K10 crushes 10. Hands down. To me, this is one of the biggest oversights EA made this year. 11 has to ship with TV styled presentation similar to Madden's...because I have had enough of the stale cutscenes we've seen since 07 and 08 on every stoppage of play.
Supposedly the commentary track for NBA 2K10 has been overhauled. If it's anything like MLB's, then I think NHL should receive the same treatment ASAP.
But you have to admit, in the presentation department, 2K10 crushes 10. Hands down. To me, this is one of the biggest oversights EA made this year. 11 has to ship with TV styled presentation similar to Madden's...because I have had enough of the stale cutscenes we've seen since 07 and 08 on every stoppage of play.
Now I get a feeling it is the same thing for commentary. What 2K and VC should do is put Hahn and Remanda in front of a game with no commentary and no preset lines and just let them fly with the commentary. I mean, it could not get anymore natural than that. That would also be indicative whether Hahn and Remanda can do this sort of thing

# 72
Flyermania @ 08/13/09 10:07 PM
# 73
savoie2006 @ 08/14/09 02:06 AM
# 74
CarryTheWeight @ 08/14/09 04:45 AM
I think both games can have better celebrations.
In a real game, after a player scores they'll continue to cost by the net and then their teammates join them in a big 5-man group snuggle fest.
In EA's game the player always stops on a dime after scoring regardless if they were screaming in on a breakaway.
In 2K's game they break into a goal scoring celebration animation immediately after scoring.
If you play a game of NHL2004, you'll see that players will actually continue to skate after scoring while putting their hands in the air. And then their teammates mob them.
Why on earth this was change for the EA series is beyond me.
I like 2K's real time celebrations but like RealmK stated, the transition needs to be more fluid.
# 76
CarryTheWeight @ 08/14/09 04:09 PM
Like I said, this year may be different. I don't show my face much on the EA forums but I'm putting my 60 dollars down this year again for the game, there's no question about it. Here there's a lot more interesting conversations because we don't quite know the direction of the game and there's a lot to speculate, plus there's a good level of mature discussion on this board that can't really be found in the NBA or NFL forums.
There's a lot of elements of last year's title that I felt were excellent ideas but were executed horribly...check my post in the "Developers Are Listening" thread. I loved the idea of playoff beards and an interactive Cup celebration but both features were embarrassing. So no, I'm not giving them a pat on the back here. 2K's been great for little details but the big details haven't been given enough TLC, whereas with EA, it's the other way around (although they've been VERY guilty of messing up big features in NCAA the past two years).
Long story short Realm, I agree. The game still looks sloppy in places but I won't make any major assessments until I play the game. That may just be my view of things but that's how I'm doing it...and doing the same with NHL 10 as well.
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