Madden 2010 News Post

MaddenTips have made the Madden NFL 10 Playbooks & Diagrams available now, for free download. This eBook file includes all 32 Team Playbooks as well as the scheme specific & defensive books.

http://www.maddentips.com/pc (PC)

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Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 mmorg @ 08/05/09 09:06 PM
Thanks a lot!
# 2 Deegeezy @ 08/05/09 09:12 PM
Am I the only one that was pumped to download this and then when it was finally done you realized it was pointless to have right now? haha
# 3 vgsportsBert @ 08/05/09 09:17 PM
Well you can scout out the playbooks to see which ones have the formations & plays you like. A lot of guys are already putting together schemes to run.

It's a start anyway
# 4 mavfan21 @ 08/05/09 09:40 PM
Thanks Bert. Now Ifind apb I like before the game drops.
# 5 will12203 @ 08/05/09 09:47 PM
thanks this is awesome man
# 6 AP-AD-28 @ 08/05/09 09:49 PM
# 7 Clarke_311 @ 08/05/09 09:51 PM
Thanks for this dude!!!
# 8 Obelysk @ 08/05/09 10:12 PM
where is the Ravens new 1-4-6 defense? I can't find it. Also how come there are no more of the fullhouse plays with just 1 WR?
# 9 Cutler2Hester23 @ 08/05/09 10:21 PM
Well I had these in my late *** thread. First impressions.

-Haven't found the dollar 1-4-6 which was fabled to be in the jets DPB, they still are by far the best overall DPB I've seen with the ravens taking a far 2nd.

-Best OPB so far is the Pats, they have a great balance and look to be killer if you have a good YAC WR. They have a ton of designed swings and screens that are intended for Welker. Also they have a bunch of heavy running formations with a few balanced packages sprinkled in for good measure. Oh they also have the RB direct for the cheesers out there.
# 10 Obelysk @ 08/05/09 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by Cutler2Hester23
Well I had these in my late *** thread. First impressions.

-Haven't found the dollar 1-4-6 which was fabled to be in the jets DPB, they still are by far the best overall DPB I've seen with the ravens taking a far 2nd.

-Best OPB so far is the Pats, they have a great balance and look to be killer if you have a good YAC WR. They have a ton of designed swings and screens that are intended for Welker. Also they have a bunch of heavy running formations with a few balanced packages sprinkled in for good measure. Oh they also have the RB direct for the cheesers out there.

The only thing that I think it might be is the Nickle Odd Split but in the diagram it says it has 3 Dlimen. I guess we were lied to.
# 11 Cutler2Hester23 @ 08/05/09 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by Obelysk
The only thing that I think it might be is the Nickle Odd Split but in the diagram it says it has 3 Dlimen. I guess we were lied to.
I think you're right I'll keep searching though.
# 12 reyes the roof @ 08/05/09 10:38 PM
I liked what I saw from the Bears playbook, it matches up with the type of plays I am looking to run, lots of runs from singleback sets with TEs motioning in to block so I will be able to keep my 2 TEs on the field most of the game
# 13 SFNiners816 @ 08/05/09 10:44 PM
I'm glad to see that the West Coast Generic playbook has been revamped this year. Looks, like they have taken a lit bit from all of the WCO playbooks.
# 14 ianlast @ 08/06/09 12:07 AM
Originally Posted by Details
All playbooks should include the Hail Mary. Just an obvious omission that stands out.
Pretty sure they're in every playbook under the "Hail Mary" category.
# 15 ianlast @ 08/06/09 12:17 AM
The Cardinals "Gun Spread - Post Trail" has to be the play they ran for Fitzgerald's long TD in the Super Bowl.
# 16 ianlast @ 08/06/09 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by Details
Pretty sure they're not.
In the game itself? Every team in 09 had a "Hail Mary" category in their playbook.
# 17 Cnada @ 08/06/09 02:01 AM
Anyone found some cool trick plays or special formations?

They have said the Ravens Stacked formation (where they move the LT to the other side much like the wildcat) is in there, anyone know if its the jumbo formation or its a sub package?

Any cool, defensive plays?

what teams have interesting wilcat plats, miami obviously has the most, the eagles ones are cool.
# 18 Chiefsfan881129 @ 08/06/09 02:27 AM
Originally Posted by Cnada
Anyone found some cool trick plays or special formations?

They have said the Ravens Stacked formation (where they move the LT to the other side much like the wildcat) is in there, anyone know if its the jumbo formation or its a sub package?

Any cool, defensive plays?

what teams have interesting wilcat plats, miami obviously has the most, the eagles ones are cool.
i seen the flea flicker the WR Resverse which is called jet sweep wr double pass

the only thing i cant seem to find unless i missed it someone can any1 tell me what play book has the HB Pass i looked at SD and nothing

so i am cerious if any1 seen it thanks
# 19 Deegeezy @ 08/06/09 07:23 AM
Originally Posted by Details
All playbooks should include the Hail Mary. Just an obvious omission that stands out.
Every playbook has Hail Mary and Goaline.
# 20 drae2 @ 08/06/09 07:46 AM
This is fantastic!

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