NBA Live 10 News Post

Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
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# 81 Greene_Flash03 @ 07/23/09 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by P21J
I'm still a little unsure why Vince fell after he dunked,was it momentum(or a foul) or was it part of the overall dunk animation?
There was some contact. Supposedly a foul, but ref didn't call it. Me likey.
# 82 elev8rmuzik @ 07/23/09 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by RayAP19
But you're forgetting Live has authentic team sets, plays and tendencies. 2K doesn't even come close to the team-to-team authenticity as far as how they play
I'm not trying to compare the two games outside of what I just saw in this video. This trailer didn't show me any team to team authenticity

Originally Posted by Greene_Flash03
It's a good thing then? That means Live has finally caught up with 2k gameplay-wise?

hahahaha, dude it looks like Dwight... pause the vid and look..
To me that means they're still a couple of years behind. But it all depends on what 2K has to offer.

And pausing the vid is exactly what made me realize that it doesn't look like Dwight
# 83 P21J @ 07/23/09 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by Greene_Flash03
There was some contact. Supposedly a foul, but ref didn't call it. Me likey.
As Borat would say, "Very Nice!!!"
# 84 thmst30 @ 07/23/09 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by rockchisler
in 09 the rim breaks away on dunks and the hoop sways, 2k9 is the one were the rim does not break away on dunks.
In Live 09 the backboard only moves on one specific dunk. 2K9 it moves much more realistically for a variety of dunks. I did finally see the rim movement in the Live 10 trailer, but I still think they need to loosen it up a bit. By far not the most important thing to me, just something I would like to see tweaked.
# 85 Greene_Flash03 @ 07/23/09 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by goh
Shorts look too big to anyone else? Especially with this dude on the Cavs. (I took this from the GT preview)

Looks like they're 2 or 3 sizes too big to me.
Nice one! Looks like Mo gained some weight...
# 86 TooManyTwinkies @ 07/23/09 07:11 PM
The sound the rim makes is still garbage. It just sounds way too plastic, too fake.

I love 2K's rim's physics and sound. If only Live can imitate it...
# 87 Greene_Flash03 @ 07/23/09 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by thmst30
In Live 09 the backboard only moves on one specific dunk. 2K9 it moves much more realistically for a variety of dunks. I did finally see the rim movement in the Live 10 trailer, but I still think they need to loosen it up a bit. By far not the most important thing to me, just something I would like to see tweaked.
Couldn't agree with you more...In the trailer, yes they did "flush" it but no hang.
# 88 TheFiasco87 @ 07/23/09 07:13 PM
I love the camera view at 0.15 it just reminds me of intense playoff basketball.
# 89 videobastard @ 07/23/09 07:14 PM
I downloaded the trailer and watched it a bunch of times. There is nothing in the trailer that wowed me. It sort of felt like when i watched the dunk on lebron video. There was anticipation to watching it but after i was like is that it.
# 90 İroke @ 07/23/09 07:15 PM
I hope that he falls because of the contact. If its an animation its completely stupid. Imagine a fast break where you go right to the basket with no one near you, and your player dunks and then falls...
# 91 thmst30 @ 07/23/09 07:15 PM
Some screens from the vid.

# 92 Greene_Flash03 @ 07/23/09 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by thmst30
Some screens from the vid.

Thanks man! Check out Lewis..he's facing the camera and completely ignored LBJ's layup...
# 93 23 @ 07/23/09 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by elev8rmuzik
Not sure, but everything I'm seeing in this trailer has been in 2K's game for years...

And?... who cares

The same gameplay producer here is the same guy who helped implement that stuff in 2k.

If something is good and it works, then be glad for it... goodness

Both games could take things the other has to make it better... I sure hope this isnt one of the broken down arguments people come up with this year.
# 94 P21J @ 07/23/09 07:21 PM
Steph, one quick question, will the players gradually sweat in this game?
After looking at the above screenshots, I noticed that none of the players had sweat on them or on their jerseys.
# 95 TheFiasco87 @ 07/23/09 07:22 PM
as far as when vince fell after the dunk, it looked to me as though he landed awkwardly causing him to fall.
# 96 shindiana @ 07/23/09 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by TooManyTwinkies
The sound the rim makes is still garbage. It just sounds way too plastic, too fake.

Its definitely a problem!
# 97 TheFiasco87 @ 07/23/09 07:25 PM
maybe im looking too much into it but in one of the screens the fans wearing cavs jerseys arnt cheering when the magic fans are. I like that alot, a nice little detail.
# 98 krazyboy225 @ 07/23/09 07:25 PM
Very nice...Very nice

Got me very hyped because this is only 70% complete

and with our feedback from this video they can fix alot of stuff.
# 99 RubenDouglas @ 07/23/09 07:25 PM
Not much to say about a video like this.. It's nice but ive seen "nice" like this before on many different levels
# 100 TheFiasco87 @ 07/23/09 07:26 PM
its not from the final build so i would actually be kind of shocked to NOT see some things that should be fixed.

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