NHL 2K10 News Post

Check out another hi res screenshot from NHL 2K10. This one features Lecavalier.

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Game: NHL 2K10Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 23 - View All
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# 1 CarryTheWeight @ 07/22/09 05:43 PM
I like this screenshot a lot more than the lower-res image we saw in the other thread...Regher's face looks a lot more detailed in the high-res shot. Good to see that much more detail has been applied to the textures and uniforms.

The huge numbers on the front of the Tampa defenseman in the background, though, kinda bugs me but oh, well. Not anything I'll be noticing during gameplay.
# 2 Russo @ 07/22/09 06:06 PM
that's because they're naturally big like that.


notice how he's holding Regher's stick. Don't know if that's new though.
# 3 VeNOM2099 @ 07/22/09 06:46 PM
He's not holding Regher's stick. Look at the shadows, his arm is much more forward than the stick.
# 4 BigH2k6 @ 07/22/09 08:11 PM
Looks like they have full benches

I count 13 players on the Tampa bench and 1 goalie
# 5 Eddie1967 @ 07/22/09 08:54 PM
# 6 TreyIM2 @ 07/22/09 10:26 PM
The uniform textures look GREAT! More realistic than NHL10's, actually. Hmm....but I need more. I am dead set on NHL 10 this year and that article on NHL2K10 was all about the Wii, not the big boys so I am skeptical. They need to talk more about what is in the PS3/360 versions along with pumping out the preview vids.
# 7 tyler289 @ 07/22/09 11:55 PM
Man, the puck is HUGE. Sorry, EA's game is like that too, but geez. Maybe I'm seeing things, but it looks huge.
# 8 tyler289 @ 07/23/09 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by baa7
Nope, they're big in every screen, regardless of the depth perception -- like the bucket head goalie masks.
I mean, it's bigger than the stick!
# 9 slickdtc @ 07/23/09 01:57 PM
Who cares how big the puck is. It'll look fine when you're playing the game, trust me.

This is why I hate screenshots. You get people to nit pick and bad mouth the game and when they actually play the game, you won't notice half of this crap. The only thing this shot is good for is to show off a new animation / feature (protect puck by shielding the defender using your body?) and to see the general graphics/models/faces.
# 10 slickdtc @ 07/23/09 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by baa7
What kind of logic is that? Even if the puck is the size of a frisbee, it'll be great; just listen to me, no worries.

The goalie masks in the game are too big and they're very noticable. Or are they fine and we should just trust you? And how big would they have to get before we should care? Breadbasket? Piano? House-size?
Do the big masks affect the gameplay enough for it to matter? I guess maybe if you shoot it to within an inch of his head that extra few centimeters/inches might deflect the shot. But let's be real here... how many times is that going to happen a season, let alone a game.

And the puck is not the size of the frisbee. It's incrementally bigger then it should be (though you can't even tell for sure with the angles).

Plus, when you're playing the game, you are not going to notice. Because we don't play with camera angles that are feet away from the players (otherwise you wouldn't be able to see what's actually going on on the ice). We play from a 3/4 view, side view, or whatever your preference is. It's going to look in proportion from that vantage point. And that's why I say it doesn't matter. Some things look strange from this up close shots, but we don't ever USE this angles except in replays. Certainly we do not while playing the game... which is all that matters.

And to answer your question, when the tiny size difference affect gameplay, that's when we should start to care. Which these won't, which is why I'm so quick to dismiss these minuscule differences.
# 11 slickdtc @ 07/23/09 02:51 PM
I wish 2k would post a screenshot of the puck flat in the middle of a faceoff dot so we can all break out our rulers and measure.
# 12 slickdtc @ 07/23/09 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by baa7
Which is exactly what I said. You're the one turning this into a huge issue, lol. Until you showed up, we were having a reasonable conversation about it.
Tyler said it was, "HUGE" and others agreed that it was big, though it was also addressed that it's probably a depth or camera thing.

I posted saying who cares how big the puck looks, you won't notice it during gameplay camera angles (then proceeded to say how I hate screenshots because they create a bunch of fuss over things you won't notice during regular gameplay). I was the one downplaying the big puck issue [which it isn't], so I don't know how I made the conversation unreasonable or made it a huge issue. In fact, you're the one who challenged my statement by exaggerating how big the puck is [frisbee size] and then saying I wouldn't care if it was that big. I would care if that was the case, but it's not and it's not even close. It's incrementally bigger then it should be, which you just admitted it is. Then you exaggerate on a completely different subject [size of goalie masks, which are also incrementally disproportionate]. So I'd have to say you are the one instigating here, not me.
# 13 Eddie1967 @ 07/23/09 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by slickdtc
Do the big masks affect the gameplay enough for it to matter? I guess maybe if you shoot it to within an inch of his head that extra few centimeters/inches might deflect the shot. But let's be real here... how many times is that going to happen a season, let alone a game.

And the puck is not the size of the frisbee. It's incrementally bigger then it should be (though you can't even tell for sure with the angles).

Plus, when you're playing the game, you are not going to notice. Because we don't play with camera angles that are feet away from the players (otherwise you wouldn't be able to see what's actually going on on the ice). We play from a 3/4 view, side view, or whatever your preference is. It's going to look in proportion from that vantage point. And that's why I say it doesn't matter. Some things look strange from this up close shots, but we don't ever USE this angles except in replays. Certainly we do not while playing the game... which is all that matters.

And to answer your question, when the tiny size difference affect gameplay, that's when we should start to care. Which these won't, which is why I'm so quick to dismiss these minuscule differences.
LOL, great post. These things would never be noticed during gameplay.
# 14 JimmyDeicide @ 07/23/09 10:52 PM
Are you lot on crack , of course it will be noticeable if the puck is big.

Hopefully its the same size as 2k9.
# 15 Keirik @ 07/23/09 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by slickdtc
Who cares how big the puck is. It'll look fine when you're playing the game, trust me.

This is why I hate screenshots. You get people to nit pick and bad mouth the game and when they actually play the game, you won't notice half of this crap. The only thing this shot is good for is to show off a new animation / feature (protect puck by shielding the defender using your body?) and to see the general graphics/models/faces.
i care, and so do a lot of people. Glad to see you dont personally care, but there are plenty that do. You're logic is extremely flawed, and you know what, i think 2k buys what you're shovelling most of the time with the same logic.

The game will play good, so who cares if the pucks are the size of my mother's meatloaf.
# 16 savoie2006 @ 07/24/09 04:40 AM
Well maybe they have a puck size option this year. Small, Normal, and Mothers Meatloaf
# 17 slickdtc @ 07/24/09 06:50 AM
Originally Posted by JimmyDeicide
Are you lot on crack , of course it will be noticeable if the puck is big.

Hopefully its the same size as 2k9.
Originally Posted by Keirik
i care, and so do a lot of people. Glad to see you dont personally care, but there are plenty that do. You're logic is extremely flawed, and you know what, i think 2k buys what you're shovelling most of the time with the same logic.

The game will play good, so who cares if the pucks are the size of my mother's meatloaf.
More and more of the same...

The puck is incrementally bigger then it should be, guys. It's not astronomically larger to where it will affect the gameplay at all. That's what I'm trying to say. But now this is 3 posters who have twisted it and exaggerated the size (frisbee, meatloaf... really?) of the puck.

My logic is flawed because God forbid the puck be slightly bigger then it should be (if it even is, given the angles of the shots). I can't believe we're really going over something so minute.

I'd love for the puck to be 1 inch thick and 3 inches in diameter, but if it's 1.2 inches thick and 3.1 inches in diameter, I will live and so will the rest of you.

Come on guys...
# 18 LuGer33 @ 07/24/09 10:07 AM
You can only see the first two rows, but I don't see any team sweaters in the crowd. Kind of annoying.

Everything else, like the last screen, looks much nicer in high res.
# 19 Keirik @ 07/24/09 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by slickdtc
More and more of the same...

The puck is incrementally bigger then it should be, guys. It's not astronomically larger to where it will affect the gameplay at all. That's what I'm trying to say. But now this is 3 posters who have twisted it and exaggerated the size (frisbee, meatloaf... really?) of the puck.

My logic is flawed because God forbid the puck be slightly bigger then it should be (if it even is, given the angles of the shots). I can't believe we're really going over something so minute.

I'd love for the puck to be 1 inch thick and 3 inches in diameter, but if it's 1.2 inches thick and 3.1 inches in diameter, I will live and so will the rest of you.

Come on guys...
your logic is flawed because your reasoning for the puck not being an issue is just because you personally dont care. That doen't make it any less or any more of an issue to others.

Heck, maybe some people would like to play bobblehead hockey as long as it plays a decent game. I personally would not want to however and you win nothing with the "i dont care so you shouldn't either" mentality.

whats up next, over the top fog in the ice? Oh wait...
# 20 JimmyDeicide @ 07/24/09 10:36 PM
If you think i put someone down with my post then sorry too all you sensitive nancy drew readers.

No really i thought everyone used that line nowadays.

Maybe Scott you are partial to some crack?
2k hockey is my crack.... and beer.

No seriously im sorry i wasnt really serious and never am .

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