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And once again, you exaggerate the size of the puck. If it was anywhere close to the size of a frisbee or breadbox, yes, it would raise some red flags. As it stands, it's nowhere close to that size so it would be great to avoid those comparisons because they're just flat out stupid. If you think the puck is as big as these various objects that have been described so far in this thread, then I'm sorry but you're just an idiot because it's nowhere close. That's all there is left to say because no one in their right mind would say that puck is the size of a dinner plate, meatloaf, breadbox, or frisbee. I'll leave out pancake because some people make huge pancakes, others make small ones. Personally, I like the smaller ones.

That's what I'm trying to get it. We can't tell from the screens because we don't have anything to compare it to. That's why I said I wish they'd have an overhead view of the puck in the middle of a faceoff dot. That way we would be able to compare it in relation to something else (scale). Right now, it's all speculation because we don't know for sure. But somehow you can get exact measurements from these screenshots...
This is why I've said I don't care. People are saying it's too big but they haven't even seen it in comparison to anything that would actually help you determine the size of the puck. You can say it looks big on the stick, but you can't know for sure because the scale of the stick isn't a proper measuring scale to determine the size of the puck.
But keep going with the exaggerated comments. Now we're on to bobblehead hockey? I don't get how a small size difference that's barely noticeable (if it's even true, which we can't say with 100% accuracy from the screenshots we've been provided) somehow gets to bobblehead hockey. You guys are making all kinds of exaggerated statements to support your arguments but it has no relation to what I'm trying to say.
In the screenshots, the puck is significantly bigger than it should be in my opinion. That's pretty equated to anything else being significantly bigger than it should, be it head, stick, arms, whatever.
I think it looks very ********. Great that you don't. The only fact of the entire thing is that 2k drops the ball again as usual by not providing enough media to put something like this to rest. Heck, the game is less than 2 months away and we get our first look at stuff NOW?
2k = significant fail, yet again..

# 25
JimmyDeicide @ 07/26/09 10:34 PM
Come on all he slick is trying to say is its the size of the other games im sure, which is a little bigger than actual size which has been fine any other year.
# 26
JimmyDeicide @ 07/26/09 11:20 PM
Its huge but as hes saying it doesnt really take away from anything its not like its a puck from NHL 95 now is it?
# 27
tabulaRasa @ 07/28/09 08:40 PM
Turn off the puck shadow, and problem solved.
BTW, awesome proportions, and nice nice upgrade in GFX.
BTW, awesome proportions, and nice nice upgrade in GFX.
# 28
savoie2006 @ 07/28/09 08:49 PM

# 29
savoie2006 @ 07/28/09 09:18 PM
Honestly, with the whole puck debate, did anyone take into consideration the zoom level on the game? I mean it's entirely possible they zoomed in before they snapped the pic.
# 31
savoie2006 @ 07/29/09 02:18 AM
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