Madden 2010 News Post

IGN has posted the following Madden NFL 10 updates:

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 Phoenix29 @ 07/21/09 05:12 PM
Looks like maybe I will buy madden 2010, didn't want to because I thought 09 was good, but this looks like it will be a very good game, and one that can be played for a couple seasons.
# 22 Rebel10 @ 07/21/09 05:23 PM
They mention a coop description coming out "tomorrow" (ie, today, the 21st)
# 23 SageInfinite @ 07/21/09 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Agree. Coming from Atari to this..no way I'll nitpick.
# 24 Phoenix29 @ 07/21/09 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by joejccva71
Wow bro, if you thought 09 was good then you're going to love 10. It's lightyears past 09.
haha I liked the superstar mode, but I am hoping they fixed that a lot, because no matter how hard I try those training things especially the weight lifting and the 40 yard dash are impossible. I am not the biggest Madden/NFL fan anyways, and so the updated rosters won't be a problem either, but is there a link somewhere to see all the changes?
# 25 RGiles36 @ 07/21/09 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by LAKE4742
After watching the NFL network recently, and remembering everything that makes sunday and NFL broadcasts so exciting and fun to watch, and after seeing the half-time show on Madden 10 (would've been better with some highlights, but whatever)-I'm getting excited!
I've recently had some fun playing the NCAA 10 demo. If Madden plays even a little better than that game, added with the loads of presentation NCAA 10 left out-I'm sold........as long as the players can at least run as fast the NCAA players.

Presentation, presentation, presentation! Madden has plenty of it this year! And Madden players look great this year-very authentic!! I'm getting excited!!!! Ready for some NFL football!! Can't wait to try the demo thursday!
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
Wow I didn't ever think I'd hear you say that.

Yeah...especially considering this was his tune just 6 hours ago:

Originally Posted by LAKE4742
You can add me to the "do it right or don't do it at all" camp. I understand Ian doesn't want to carbon copy 2K5, but this is the NFL! 2K5 did so many things right, but more importantly accurate, so just swallow your pride and get it all in there!

I do think it's a little sad that we (regular folk) can instantly point out the lack of enthusiasm of the commentators, or lack of highlights. It's just something else to add to EA's reputation of things that don't make sense, and probaly have no good reason for being absent-except laziness. This is supposed to be a sim, not Ian's little pet project. These kinds of flaws are no better than what David Ortiz was doing.

Just give us a damn NFL sim! Yes, this game seems to be headed in a very good direction, but still, the same ol' laziness is evident.
If it's not laziness, then it's simply lack of skill. No excuses, now or ever. Get it together, EA.
Amazing how abruptly they flip-flop. Abruptly being the key word as most of us have had a change in our opinion in the last 9 or so months .
# 26 XSafety20 @ 07/21/09 09:33 PM
I believe I saw the Auto-Subs feature in the coaching menu of Offline Franchise...

So it looks like we won't be forced to make custom packages/substitutions in-game any more. Thank God!!!
# 27 GiantKingNy @ 07/21/09 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by Moegames
I dont care what any naysayers say...Madden 2010's player models look LOADS better this year..the overall visuals look VERY nice. Oh man..the game is beautiful..with the presentation sprinkled on top ..this game will be a blast to play...

What are you basing your comparison on... other Madden titles lol

If so, then I guess...
# 28 countryboy @ 07/21/09 09:36 PM
the game does look good.
# 29 DGuinta1 @ 07/21/09 09:40 PM
With moving forward in the right direction by EA(hopefully), can't wait to see what Ian and crew do with M11!

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