Madden 2010 News Post

IGN has posted the following Madden NFL 10 updates:

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
Madden NFL 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 rsoxguy12 @ 07/21/09 12:25 AM
# 2 Moegames @ 07/21/09 01:52 AM
I dont care what any naysayers say...Madden 2010's player models look LOADS better this year..the overall visuals look VERY nice. Oh man..the game is beautiful..with the presentation sprinkled on top ..this game will be a blast to play...

# 3 therizing02 @ 07/21/09 01:59 AM
Originally Posted by Moegames
I dont care what any naysayers say...Madden 2010's player models look LOADS better this year..the overall visuals look VERY nice. Oh man..the game is beautiful..with the presentation sprinkled on top ..this game will be a blast to play...

Agreed. Madden 10 is going to be filthy. Demo in 3 days
# 4 SeaNNyT @ 07/21/09 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by Moegames
I dont care what any naysayers say...Madden 2010's player models look LOADS better this year..the overall visuals look VERY nice.
While they look better they still need a lot of fixing. they just don't look life like. Some of it looks to be a lack of length, and part of it the way they stand with bent knees and elbows all the time. Also there midsections and upper body relative to their legs just does not look like the correct ratio, wiith the upper body being too small.
# 5 Yo-Yo @ 07/21/09 02:28 AM
looks good. love how it shows the big stats. i always click around games to see who had an amazing performance.
# 6 ockbarz69 @ 07/21/09 02:51 AM
you say no video highlights in tha weekly wrap up what??? n i think they are doing the halftime show ALL WRONG they are talking to you like you are playing the game thats NOT in real life so dont put it in the game i dont want tha dude sayin now enjoy the rest of your game i want him to talk like boomer in 2k5 like hes actually broadcasting a real game (lets get back to the game) come on EA i mean i cant really complain atleast you got it in but maybe youll fix this in the next 10 years or so haha jk keep it up
# 7 RaGinG TyRanT 5 @ 07/21/09 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by SeaNNyT
While they look better they still need a lot of fixing. they just don't look life like. Some of it looks to be a lack of length, and part of it the way they stand with bent knees and elbows all the time. Also there midsections and upper body relative to their legs just does not look like the correct ratio, wiith the upper body being too small.
I don't see this as being the issue. What I feel will be the one thing that will take this game to the promise land is ultra smooth animations, accurate physics, and momentum.

Something that they will nail with Madden 11. Once that is complete Madden will finally be a true game of Football

They definitely made a ton of ground in just a 1 yr cycle with Madden 10, and now that they are already working on 11. I know it's going to be all about the 3 features I mentioned.
# 8 Spanky @ 07/21/09 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by SeaNNyT
While they look better they still need a lot of fixing. they just don't look life like. Some of it looks to be a lack of length, and part of it the way they stand with bent knees and elbows all the time. Also there midsections and upper body relative to their legs just does not look like the correct ratio, wiith the upper body being too small.
I've spent the better part of three years ripping this travesty of a game, but come on now, aren't you being just a little picky here?
# 9 SeaNNyT @ 07/21/09 03:41 AM
You see player models the entire game, how is that nitpicky. If players don't look real it takes the immersion out of it just as much as animations do.
# 10 Cnada @ 07/21/09 03:52 AM
This is the first year on next gen like i feel im PART of the sunday experience that is the NFL. I can imagine myself being back in Canada watching FOX in the afternoon getting all the news about how the games have played out.


Thank you thank you thank you!
# 11 Altimus @ 07/21/09 04:03 AM
This is going to be a long wait. Even though I say that every year, this is year is the most anticipating year of Madden ever!
# 12 droopizzle34 @ 07/21/09 04:44 AM
Madden 10 is the step in the right direction all the previous Maddens on this current crop of consoles were supposed to be.Although I am still stuck with that "wait till next year" feeling again,I do think Madden will be playable well into next August this time around.
# 13 TreyIM2 @ 07/21/09 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by LAKE4742
After watching the NFL network recently, and remembering everything that makes sunday and NFL broadcasts so exciting and fun to watch, and after seeing the half-time show on Madden 10 (would've been better with some highlights, but whatever)-I'm getting excited!
I've recently had some fun playing the NCAA 10 demo. If Madden plays even a little better than that game, added with the loads of presentation NCAA 10 left out-I'm sold........as long as the players can at least run as fast the NCAA players.

Presentation, presentation, presentation! Madden has plenty of it this year! And Madden players look great this year-very authentic!! I'm getting excited!!!! Ready for some NFL football!! Can't wait to try the demo thursday!
Couldn't agree with you more. I am constantly watching the NFL Network, these days, after getting Fios a few months ago. GREAT channel! And as for NCAA 10, maaaan, the demo made me run get the actual game on release day. I haven't purchased an NCAA since NCAA Football 2005 plus I'm not a big college football fan but NCAA 10 will make me wanna get into it even more. Great, fun game and I KNOW Madden 10 will top it.
As for the demo, I have checked my code the day I got it on Friday, Saturday, and yesterday and I'm about to check it again, in a minute, before playing another Dynasty game of NCAA 10 - Lol.
# 14 jbone2010s @ 07/21/09 03:32 PM
i like the changes they r making with madden yall can sit here and say bad things about it and have nfl 2k5v.s madden 10 thats stupied they dont make games anymore madden does yall all talk but yet we buy madden year after year lets try 2 make this year the best yet this year is about fight for every yard so lets make the runing game and gameplay smoother the runs always seem to move slow and choppy get reaL with the game if you have a big back they move slower if their small make it that way if they can do a little bit of bit add that just a thought the halftime is good but add to it more like locker room vistes around the league action dont just a screen talking to you show what really happen at half get the gamer involed as for offseason please add this if a player want a new deal with his team have him fight to stay out of camp untill he get the deal hes looking deal or trade him where he happy or if a players a problem on/off the field make them pay for it buy sitting them out a few games depending on what they do when its time to draft have the staff go over the team needs and what will the best pick moving forward if a team has a bad season put the coach on the hot seat and job on the line just a few thoughts please consider this for madden 10 it would help the sells for this year and give the fans football at the touch of their hands....
# 15 PantherBeast_OS @ 07/21/09 03:35 PM
Thanks for posting this bro. Nice pics. I can't wait until I get the game in my hands. I am going to create my franchise offline first thing.
# 16 BayAreaRYder226 @ 07/21/09 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by ockbarz69
you say no video highlights in tha weekly wrap up what??? n i think they are doing the halftime show ALL WRONG they are talking to you like you are playing the game thats NOT in real life so dont put it in the game i dont want tha dude sayin now enjoy the rest of your game i want him to talk like boomer in 2k5 like hes actually broadcasting a real game (lets get back to the game) come on EA i mean i cant really complain atleast you got it in but maybe youll fix this in the next 10 years or so haha jk keep it up
He says "Enjoy the rest of the game" if that makes a difference. Listen again...
# 17 SageInfinite @ 07/21/09 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by LAKE4742
After watching the NFL network recently, and remembering everything that makes sunday and NFL broadcasts so exciting and fun to watch, and after seeing the half-time show on Madden 10 (would've been better with some highlights, but whatever)-I'm getting excited!
I've recently had some fun playing the NCAA 10 demo. If Madden plays even a little better than that game, added with the loads of presentation NCAA 10 left out-I'm sold........as long as the players can at least run as fast the NCAA players.

Presentation, presentation, presentation! Madden has plenty of it this year! And Madden players look great this year-very authentic!! I'm getting excited!!!! Ready for some NFL football!! Can't wait to try the demo thursday!
Wow I didn't ever think I'd hear you say that.
# 18 ewto16 @ 07/21/09 04:00 PM
Anyone else think the IGN info was ultra lame? I already know all of that from visiting this forum and reading Ian's blogs.

It is all like a month old....
# 19 iLukeisamazing @ 07/21/09 04:13 PM
OS isn't a place where casual gamers, or even some hardcore sports gamers come all the time. Some only go to IGN for whatever reason. I'm sure IGNs not brand new info will be helpful for those people.
# 20 Skyboxer @ 07/21/09 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by dickdalewood
I think we'll agree to disagree. Best player models of any game (except maybe Fight Night)... in my opinion of course.
Agree. Coming from Atari to this..no way I'll nitpick.

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