Madden 2010 News Post

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
Madden NFL 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 141 RyanMoody21 @ 07/21/09 08:48 PM
Much better than expected. That said, its the repetition that has killed this stuff in the past, and that trickles down to in game commentary. The way the audio is cut, it looks like it could be the same way. Lack of fluid sentences are a killer, the voice pitch changing more than 3 times in a sentence is a little annoying.

Im not saying I don't like it but its going to take 2-3 installments to get it seamless. Typically EA has not kept things like this around long enough to provide that.

Defiantly cool and slick the first time seeing it, but what about the 50th will it still come off fresh and "off the cuff", or will it be repetitive and stale?
# 142 CarryTheWeight @ 07/21/09 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by Deegeezy
Statements like this are absolutely ridiculous. I think 99% of us would much rather this than nothing at all.

We are so spoiled these days.
QFT. Even the 2K series took a few years to progress to the presentation of 2K5, so I'm not expecting the world overnight, so to speak. I'm happy that EA finally took the time to pull features like these off and I'm especially looking forward to 11 to see just how much improvement can be made. Yes, we all can see that everything still seems a little rough around the edges this year but hey, at least they made the effort. It's something we couldn't really say about any previous Madden game (ESPECIALLY from the Ortiz era).
# 143 bigsmallwood @ 07/21/09 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by ProjectSRT
Anyone complaining about these new presentation features just doesnt know what the hell they are talking about. Go back and play the trash that was Madden 06 through Madden 09 and then come back and whine. To make this much improvement is awesome, i mean look at NCAA 2010, those ppl got nothing in terms of presentation improvements and the Madden folks are getting presentation close to what was seen in NFL 2k5.
Close but far from a cigar

Almost doesn't count...especially when going against a 4+year old game on LAST GEN....SMH

Nice lil upgrade though by Ian and Crew
# 144 roadman @ 07/21/09 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by RMoody
Much better than expected. That said, its the repetition that has killed this stuff in the past, and that trickles down to in game commentary. The way the audio is cut, it looks like it could be the same way. Lack of fluid sentences are a killer, the voice pitch changing more than 3 times in a sentence is a little annoying.

Im not saying I don't like it but its going to take 2-3 installments to get it seamless. Typically EA has not kept things like this around long enough to provide that.

Defiantly cool and slick the first time seeing it, but what about the 50th will it still come off fresh and "off the cuff", or will it be repetitive and stale?
I did the same with 2k5 after a few times, click, click, click. At least though it gives players an option to view it or not to.
# 145 Muck364 @ 07/22/09 12:18 AM
this is all looking fantastic so far and i cant wait for the game. Another thing that adds to the presentation ive seen and i havent heard mentioned is the montage similar to the espn one at the end of the game saying "this has been an nfl and ea sports presentation". Its at the end of the full game of the titans v ravens ian put on you tube
# 146 Rback21 @ 07/22/09 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by DorneyDave
Anything will be stale the 50th time you see it, well, not The Dark Knight...but anything else yes.
# 147 Moegames @ 07/22/09 05:30 AM
Originally Posted by johnprestonevans
I'm this biggest Presentation Whore there is. Post game shows, highlights and broadcast cams have been at the top of my wishlist for years. Sure the Extra Point is not perfect yet, but this is a HUGE leap in the right direction. H-U-G-E! I dont think this was a "half-assed" effort from EA. Madden has been a sinking ship with countless holes to fill since 06. The series sailed to sea with a hull that looked like a cheese-grater for the "next-gen" 360 launch. Im not defending EA and I will admit there is room for improvement, but lets be happy with what do finally do have - a substantial upgrade to presentation & immersion (finally).
I dont know about you being the biggest presentation whore there is... lol, lets just say your "one" of the biggest presentation whores there is...because you can look up my post history and see that i been harping on EAsports to revamp their presentation/Atmosphere in Madden since 2006 or so..or about the time NFL 2k had to close its doors.

With that being said, as i said i can "live" with this half time show..its ALOT better then last year lol..miles better but this should be greatly improved for M11 same with the actual play-by-play commentary, thet revamped playbyplay will add to the overall "flow" of the game, right now it just dont do that....you know, if madden gets the playbyplay redone, get more varied cutscenes and player emotion animations in there, smooth out the animation transition phases after plays,etc and add to the half time show,etc... Madden might just be the best sports game out there representing the KING of sports videogame presentation...

As i said in here for years...presentation is the KEY to the entire package..without presentation..the game is nothing, no fun, no excitement, no soul, no funfactor being pushed onto the gamer..its just a dud, period. Some videogame genre's can get by without such things but for sports videogames... presentation is the heart and soul of it all...especially when we are dealing with NFL Football. I would be totally baffled each year a new madden came out in why Madden never touched any real presentation aspects of their football game...this is why im very excited to the changes made with the madden dev team during this last off season, i had a feeling Ian and Company would take notice of our suggestions and input..and they did, this is proof in the pudding.

To me, presentation is JUST AS IMPORTANT as having good gameplay... seriously, people use to laugh at me in here years ago for posting such remarks..no lie, i had people make fun of me for saying stuff like how its so important for sports videogames to represent good tv like presentation...looks like more and more people have finally seen the "light"..
# 148 johnprestonevans @ 07/22/09 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by Moegames
To me, presentation is JUST AS IMPORTANT as having good gameplay... seriously, people use to laugh at me in here years ago for posting such remarks..no lie, i had people make fun of me for saying stuff like how its so important for sports videogames to represent good tv like presentation...looks like more and more people have finally seen the "light"..

100% agree. What makes COD4 the definative shooter? - Its the polish they put on top of incredible gameplay. What makes MLB The Show the definative sports game? - Its the polish they put on top of incredible gameplay. If Madden wants to reclaim the throne of the definative must-have sports game it will need to iron out those little bugs and showcase an authentic looking NFL game that you control. That should be the goal. I feel like we're getting close this year. Keep going...
# 149 LingeringRegime @ 07/22/09 01:37 PM
Glad that they added music to the halftime highlights. It's looking real good now.
# 150 Moegames @ 07/22/09 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by Tears2040
Looks A LOT better than what was shown at E3. A LOT better.

Now onto the 2k5 vs what we have seen in Madden 2010, it doesn't matter.

Playing 2k5 for years I maybe seen the halftime show a handful of times, while cool 90% of the time I always skip it... Why should the EA developers spend time on the halftime show when I know for a FACT most gamers will skip it anyways.......

From a developers point of view they should spend time with gameplay & on the field actions before they worry about anything else. Like stated many times before keep the game the same for next year just with update rosters & work the whole year on RUNNING ANIMATIONS.

This is the ONLY thing that I do not like about Madden is the animations , please fix them!
Alot and i mean ALOT of information can be shown during the half time shows..stats, scores,injury updates, setting adjustments for 2nd half,etc...the half time stuff is important and will become more and more important as they begin to add to it..besides, it add's a nice little break inbetween plays to regain your focus on what took place during the 1st half of the game..it just "feels" right..best way i can describe that...same with in game cut scenes,etc..it feels right.

Saying the half time show isnt worth the time is with the minority..not the majority ..bro
# 151 bigsmallwood @ 07/22/09 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by Moegames
Alot and i mean ALOT of information can be shown during the half time shows..stats, scores,injury updates, setting adjustments for 2nd half,etc...the half time stuff is important and will become more and more important as they begin to add to it..besides, it add's a nice little break inbetween plays to regain your focus on what took place during the 1st half of the game..it just "feels" right..best way i can describe that...same with in game cut scenes,etc..it feels right.

Saying the half time show isnt worth the time is with the minority..not the majority ..bro
Exactly! Presentation is a MAJOR part of ANY game...especially sports games!!! Majority of us fell in love with games whose presentation captivated us...esp. those like 2K5 that went the extra mile (not to mention they only charged 20 bux!)
# 152 rudyjuly2 @ 07/22/09 02:29 PM
I'm a big presentation guy and I like the upgrades to Madden so far. I did like the fake video highlights that 2K5 used to do and the commentary Berman did during them. Corny but still fun.
# 153 Moegames @ 07/22/09 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by RMoody
Much better than expected. That said, its the repetition that has killed this stuff in the past, and that trickles down to in game commentary. The way the audio is cut, it looks like it could be the same way. Lack of fluid sentences are a killer, the voice pitch changing more than 3 times in a sentence is a little annoying.

Im not saying I don't like it but its going to take 2-3 installments to get it seamless. Typically EA has not kept things like this around long enough to provide that.

Defiantly cool and slick the first time seeing it, but what about the 50th will it still come off fresh and "off the cuff", or will it be repetitive and stale?
Again, Again and Again...not totally directing this to you bro but lets not forget the SUDDEN turnaround over 1 year with the madden game....the changes made during the first three years on current gen madden combined dont match the changes made during this last off season with the new madden dev team. Yes i know Ian was already there but he's now the shot caller unlike before and its quite obvious someone's taking madden in a new direction..with a bit more hustle as well

I dont know how many times i try to bring this up to the people that seem to have this everlasting nasty taste in their mouth with madden but give them their chance, give them their shot. Look at this way Rmoody...if you were given the job at lead designer of madden..and you busted your butt day and nite to try and turn around madden as best you could but yet couldnt fix or change everything due to an already dodgy engine or time constraints that prevented you from revamping certain logic aspects,etc and what not...wouldnt you still want to see some smiles on people's faces for the hard work you put in and the damn good job of improving the game over 1 year compared to the previous 3 years combined? I sure would..infact any hard working pationate game designer would..

My point is..even though we all been shafted year and year with recent maddens << (your not the only one).. im giving this new dev team their fair shot at turning this series around. Im not expecting near-perfection after 1 year... Just like our president was left with a mess..so was Ian..i think he's done a stand up job with only 1 year under his belt and i must also give credit to the other dev's working around him that are not well known to us..they all put in work and it sure is being appreciated by many of us..and rightfully so.

I tell you what, Madden 2010..which i havent played yet..will feel like a totally different game from start to finish..mark my words, i know this because i know what it takes to make a fun game of football and M10 is there now....maybe its still riddled with some quirky AI Logic here and there..but its a videogame after all.. what it "really" boils down to is having fun and excitment with the game not putting it under the microscope or under heavy interrogation with extreme prejudice because then you start to lose grips with the very purpose of playing a videogame..which is to have fun, not to investigate it to have something to b1tch about and pain you internally for its imperfections ..thats not why we play videogames ..atleast not the majority of us...correct me if im wrong, gaming is to have fun and enjoying the game for what it is..not what it could be .
# 154 JerzeyReign @ 07/22/09 06:05 PM
2008- Hated you and still played you alot (was in Iraq, no choice)
2009- Lusted You (Won't Say Love because '08 was that garbage
2010- In love with it already, can't wait, grabbin my demo tomorrow
# 155 titansftw @ 07/22/09 07:08 PM
Halftime show has definitely improved from what we saw at E3. Kudos to the team. Keep up the good work guys!

EDIT- To the haters, look at what we had at E3. They have clearly improved the halftime show. NO, it is not yet where I would like it to be, but really, you can't deny it has improved a little bit at least. They made some progress in a rather short span.
# 156 Netherscourge @ 07/23/09 12:04 AM
It's just insane that NFL 2K5 still has a much deeper Highlight Show then Madden 10.

After 5 years and a major hardware upgrade, EA still can't figure it out?

Oh well. At least they added some cutscenes and a Superbowl celebration... more basic things that should have been in the game since day 1.

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