NCAA Football 10 News Post

The official patch for NCAA Football 10 has been released for the PS3.

"Per Adam_Thompson_EA:

1) Option to turn off DLC in online dynasty
2) Sliders are fixed
3) Default roster now matches the one we put in the EA locker"

Game: NCAA Football 10Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 61 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 bigsmallwood @ 07/15/09 09:27 PM
What all is the 1st patch going to fix?

Can you all patch an option for more stat overlays?

Maybe a brief pregame or postgame scene?
# 82 rckabillyRaider @ 07/15/09 09:28 PM
pretty soon we'll have a great roster from the great community roster guys and we are good to go!
# 83 J-Unit40 @ 07/15/09 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by Spin
this is and will be football heaven

Seriously, this is officially the best NCAA we have had. I liked the game before the patch, but this just took it to a new level.

AuburnAlumni and pass rush buffs....rejoice!
# 84 redsfan4life @ 07/15/09 09:29 PM
I'm still seeing old robo QB though. The pass rush is good, but he still manages to throw it jumping off his back foot..grr.
# 85 CKW11 @ 07/15/09 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by CKW11
Is there any way i can download the patch thru a USB and them upload that to my ps3 cause my internet connection to my ps3 sucks and wont download the patch, and if i cant download the patch i cant get named rosters.
Can i get an answer to this? Please? Adam?
# 86 Anaxamander @ 07/15/09 09:30 PM
We might have the best NCAA ever on our hands...
# 87 OMT @ 07/15/09 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by Spin
the pass rush slider at 100, WOW, the dline is relentless.

I hadn't had a chance to synch up to the patch build to test them myself and was terrified that they wouldn't do as much as you guys hoped!
# 88 Spin @ 07/15/09 09:30 PM
i just did an all out blitz and my players took a much better angle to the qb and the sack, HEAVENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!
# 89 Marino @ 07/15/09 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by J-Unit40

Seriously, this is officially the best NCAA we have had. I liked the game before the patch, but this just took it to a new level.

AuburnAlumni and pass rush buffs....rejoice!
Man, AA is going to go crazy when the 360 patch is released. It is the one thing that he wanted.
# 90 Manbearpig @ 07/15/09 09:32 PM
what about the CPU running game, can if also be improved with the sliders
# 91 rckabillyRaider @ 07/15/09 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by Adam_Thompson_EA

I hadn't had a chance to synch up to the patch build to test them myself and was terrified that they wouldn't do as much as you guys hoped!
U guys came through. NICE JOB!
# 92 Spin @ 07/15/09 09:34 PM
the rush defense slider is a welcomed addition also
# 93 Cvhsalumni @ 07/15/09 09:34 PM
Let's just say the sliders work. With Human offense settings all at 0 and CPU defense settings all at 100 I ran 20 straight plays in practice mode: 10 passing, 10 rushing.

10 pass plays:
0-10 3 INTs, sacked twice. Never had more than 3-5 seconds to throw.

10 rush plays:
never gained positive yards.

This is exactly what people wanted. A slider set that actually works. When offense is 0 and defense is 100 defense should win every time. I am FIRED UP.
# 94 OMT @ 07/15/09 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by rckabillyRaider
U guys came through. NICE JOB!

Now get off the computer and go play some video games!
# 95 Hipster-Doofus @ 07/15/09 09:36 PM

I realize the main issues addressed with the patch, and I'm also aware that you might not know everything addressed, however do you know if the issue regarding Stadium Sounds was fixed or not? Or is that something that is going to be addressed at a later date?
# 96 LionsFanNJ @ 07/15/09 09:37 PM

# 97 J-Unit40 @ 07/15/09 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by Manbearpig
what about the CPU running game, can if also be improved with the sliders
Oh yeah my man. The CPU run game is better as well.

I just put Florida on defense vs. Florida International on offense in practice mode and looked for 3 things:

1) Pass rush - check (you should see Dunlap and Cunningham destroying the OTs with the pass rush set to 75....wow!)

2) CPU run game - check (bumped up run blocking and ability or mix in lowering USER rush defense)

3) FG length/power - check (toned down with lowering slider).

Adam and the rest of the EA NCAA crew, thank you for this patch and timely release.
# 98 redsfan4life @ 07/15/09 09:38 PM
I will say this. I haven't played for long (about 20 minutes now I guess) but nearly every time with the sliders at 100 pass rush for human (CPU Pass block at 30) I'm beating San Jose State's OL like a drum. I'm not always getting sacks, but I'd say 80% of the time the QB is on his back when he throws. That's good. Robo QB is still an issue though.
# 99 Skyboxer @ 07/15/09 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by J-Unit40
Oh yeah my man. The CPU run game is better as well.

I just put Florida on defense vs. Florida International on offense in practice mode and looked for 3 things:

1) Pass rush - check (you should see Dunlap and Cunningham destroying the OTs with the pass rush set to 75....wow!)

2) CPU run game - check (bumped up run blocking and ability or mix in lowering USER rush defense)

3) FG length/power - check (toned down with lowering slider).

Adam and the rest of the EA NCAA crew, thank you for this patch and timely release.
Does the CPU run better on AA now??? If so WOOT!!!
# 100 Manbearpig @ 07/15/09 09:41 PM
wow, I may have to buy this game now to pass time in between madden

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