Madden 2010 News Post

Destructoid has the scoop.

"GameStop has just announced that pre-ordering Madden NFL 10 for the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 will net its customers an exclusive demo of the title. The demo will features four five-minute quarters, with the Arizona Cardinals and Pittsburgh Steelers as the playable teams. Codes for the pre-order demo will hit stores by July 15, and the demo is slated to go live by the end of July."

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 121 bases1616 @ 07/11/09 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by ExtremeGamer
I was told by a manager that I know well that the rave cards will be in store on Friday. If you gave email, you will receive the demo by email, but they will have them on cards as well. Gamestop's website confirms this as well.
Tell the Gamestop Manager you talked to he was wrong or received wrong information. Apparently the codes did not come in Friday. Most of the people I have talked to at several stores in the Orlando area would say wait let me check or just said they did not know.

That tells me there Managers are not briefing there people on this promotion or the codes just do not come out until next week sometime like it was mentioned later in this thread.
# 122 splff3000 @ 07/11/09 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by sneezor01
People STOP!!!!!!! Listen this is how it is suppose to happen and what is going to happen. If you preordered the game you should be able to pick up the code on the 15th. If they have your E-mail address then you could get and email saying to pick up your code from the store or they will just email you the code. THERE WILL NOT BE A DAMN DISC. Why would I get a DISC when you have a code. People let's not be ignorant. Dynamite is right. HE WORKS THERE! The process will be exactly like Fight Night RD 4. reserve the game get the code. NOT A DAMN DISC!!! Phil has even said what the process will be. Reserve the game, get the code on 7/15 and wait for the DEMO. the only thing you could speculate on is for XBOX 360 which Thursday will it be available 7/16 ir 7/23.

umm, no one has said anything about a disc for awhile. So just relax. It's all good.
# 123 Rback21 @ 07/11/09 08:45 PM
So, if you already have a pre-order, when do you receive the codes? I saw that someone else received an e-mail already and I haven't yet...
# 124 BigEljay15 @ 07/12/09 11:27 AM
Don't worry about the codes if you pre-ordered the game bc The Developer from Madden already announced they r coming out with the demos to be able to download them for the systems later this month so that everyone can get their hands on it
# 125 bases1616 @ 07/12/09 02:13 PM
Originally Posted by BigEljay15
Don't worry about the codes if you pre-ordered the game bc The Developer from Madden already announced they r coming out with the demos to be able to download them for the systems later this month so that everyone can get their hands on it
What? The demo codes we are talking about are for the GameStop preorder orders only. This will include the Cardinals-Steelers 5 minute quarters and it will be available for download 7/23. Yes, there is a demo coming out for everyone that is between the Giants-Cowboys, but will only be 2 minute quarters on 7/30.
# 126 Golden28 @ 07/12/09 02:39 PM
I wonder if anyone could help me out.

I live in the UK and I phoned my local Gamestop to be told that the Superbowl demo is a US only promotion.

Do any of you guys know of any way I can get my hands on the extended demo?

Is my only option pre-ordering from Gamestops US webshop and giving my email address? If yes, I need to be sure I can cancel the pre-order after I get my codes because I don't want to wait for the game to be shipped from the states.

Are there any other options for us non-US residents?
# 127 N51_rob @ 07/12/09 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by Golden28
I wonder if anyone could help me out.

I live in the UK and I phoned my local Gamestop to be told that the Superbowl demo is a US only promotion.

Do any of you guys know of any way I can get my hands on the extended demo?

Is my only option pre-ordering from Gamestops US webshop and giving my email address? If yes, I need to be sure I can cancel the pre-order after I get my codes because I don't want to wait for the game to be shipped from the states.

Are there any other options for us non-US residents?
Here is what I would do. Create another PSN but make it US based, get an US yahoo or something. Pre-order the game online and get the code. DL it using the US based PSN code. That would work. I have a UK based PSN on my PS3 just incase there is a nice UK based demo I would want.
# 128 Golden28 @ 07/12/09 02:56 PM
Great call, thanks!

Just one thing though...why would I have to have a US email account? Could they not just send it to my UK Yahoo address?

BTW I already have a US PSN account so that's taken care of. Just need the darn code!
# 129 xtoddx @ 07/12/09 03:36 PM
I really don't feel like reading all of this thread, so can someone quickly clarify this? On Wednesday I can go into Gamestop with my receipt and get a code for the demo? Is that correct?
# 130 countryboy @ 07/12/09 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by dickdalewood
Yes, but you won't be able to use that code to dl the demo until the 26th.
I thought the demo released on the 23rd?
# 131 Dynamite @ 07/12/09 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by bases1616
That tells me there Managers are not briefing there people on this promotion or the codes just do not come out until next week sometime like it was mentioned later in this thread.
The codes "coming out" works like this: we get the box with the cards in a shipment from UPS from Wherever Town, USA. What day it shows up is random, and can be anywhere from the earliest day people say it will be there ("codes are out Friday") up until the day that is specifically said to be out. Chances are they will show up Monday or Tuesday with instructions to give them to Madden pre-order customers on Wednesday the 15th.
# 132 xtoddx @ 07/12/09 04:10 PM
The demo doesn't come out til the 26th? Isn't there another demo that comes out at the same time?
# 133 bases1616 @ 07/13/09 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by xtoddx
The demo doesn't come out til the 26th? Isn't there another demo that comes out at the same time?
This will include the Cardinals-Steelers 5 minute quarters and it will be available for download 7/23. Yes, there is a demo coming out for everyone that is between the Giants-Cowboys, but will only be 2 minute quarters on 7/30.

I am sorry your Lions organization is a joke, but I posted this thread only a couple slots above the other ones. I am just giving you a hard time about your Lions Go Chargers!!!
# 134 NFLHITMAN @ 07/13/09 04:03 PM
Chargers have had there fair share of suckage in the NFL. Every team will go through it and the Lions have made HUGE strides this year in the off season. Everything rides on Matt Stafford being the real deal.
# 135 countryboy @ 07/13/09 07:40 PM
my local Gamestop told me that the codes won't be available until the 23rd.
# 136 bases1616 @ 07/13/09 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
my local Gamestop told me that the codes won't be available until the 23rd.
That does not sound right. The GameStop exclusive demo is available for download on the 23rd. I will check with the Manager at my local Gamestop in Orlando tomorrow.

Update: Just talked to a couple Gamestop associates at some local Orlando stores and they have no idea when there coming in. They just come in the shipments. I am sure EA has already shipped them the codes and hopefully they will be arriving this week or before the 23rd.
# 137 countryboy @ 07/13/09 08:11 PM
thanks bases.
# 138 splff3000 @ 07/13/09 09:00 PM
Confirming what bases just said. I just left gamestop and the guy said he had no idea when they(the codes) were coming in. I said I thought they were gonna be available tomorrow, but he said they don't have any in so it probably won't be tomorrow. This is really starting to turn into a cluster f***, if you ask me.
# 139 swanlee @ 07/13/09 11:05 PM
is it to late to pre order online and get a demo code through email?
# 140 Instant C1a55ic @ 07/14/09 12:43 AM
Feel lucky, all 3 gamestops in my local area wont be distributing codes in any way except e-mail. THANK GOD they have my e-mail addy.

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