NBA Live 10 News Post

Check out the new NBA Live 10 blog and first trailer.

"We’re extremely excited to have Dwight Howard on the cover of NBA LIVE 10. A lot of us here in the studio have been playing the game with the updated Dynamic DNA against the Lakers, and he’s a force in LIVE (not like using Yao with the pick and roll control in NBA LIVE 09 ). Naturally, the first thoughts that a lot of us have whenever a player is revealed as a cover guy for a sports game, is try to tie the cover guy to features/emphasis in that game. Well, we can put that to rest. Our team believes in authentic basketball in every area, and we try, to the best of our ability, to even out every aspect of the game. Does that make you feel better? Don’t worry, we don’t have an all new “freestyle block” feature utilizing the right stick in a circle/half-circle motion.

From this point forward, you’re going to see a new blog every single week that will explain everything we’re doing in detail from the drastically improved net and rim physics, all of the other gameplay fixes that will blow you guys away, to the evolution of Dynamic DNA. Every Friday, one of our producers will talk about something they’re working on, and then on the following Monday, they’ll be on the EA SPORTS LIVE Radio Show to discuss, and answer any questions you guys might have."

Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 Bornindamecca @ 06/12/09 08:01 AM
Way better proportions on the figure. At a glance, Dwight's shoulders don't seem to match up with the absurdity of his real life proportions, but I'd have to get a better look to really judge. Overall, very improved proportions from 09
# 62 pepp32 @ 06/12/09 11:12 AM
We need tip dunks and put backs back in the game! I'm also hoping Mike Wang fixes those canned animations. (You said that would be your main focus Mike, don't let your boy down!) Also responsive gameplay and online franchise along with great presentation would put Live back on top! 2k was a good game it had the little things that made it pretty to look at but I hated the controls. Attention to detail EA....attention to detail...you got to go hard to beat 2k. I know ya'll have it in you to make us believe...hell, we want to believe! At least most of us. So listen...the minor details, there important...think 2k then think beyond 2k. From bumping into reffs to crowd animations. Diving for loose balls. Jump balls mid game when getting tied up with another player. Swiping at the ball when some goes up for a layup, maybe causing a turnover. Highlights for Pre-game halftime and post game got to be on point with some good commentary. Ya see, 2k has all of that. Then going beyond 2k...signiture stuff like Lebron claping powder on his hands pre-game, rebounding battles with players tipping the ball in the air until someone ends up with it. Finally bring the arenas to life...their boring as hell...you know...cheerleaders, mascots, benches ect. You got to inovate people, we need that wow moment from Live. Madden has giving me my football jones back. Ian Cummings from the Madden Team is my new favorite person in the sports gaming world right now. Will Mike Wang and the NBA Live 10 team shock the world and reclaim the NBA video game crown or will this be another disapointing year...time will tell and so will the upcoming previews.....good luck people, here's to hoping this is our year! Time to man up and earn our money! I'm out.
# 63 Steadtler @ 06/12/09 11:15 AM
Hey Marcus, ìts your pal Mat. Sick cover my man! The art team is on a roll. Show us the improved net physics already, I 'hear' its going to look sweet
# 64 sportyguyfl31 @ 06/12/09 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by jusmegamer
We all have feelings. 2K was the better game from the beginning of existence in NBA and NFL. The only way I feel EA will surpass 2K in basketball is if NBA goes to that exclusive garbage which hurts the fans. I hope EA is found to be engaging in an unlawful monopoly in this upcoming lawsuit. They really dont care about the fans these weekly forums help with the hype meter more than provide useful info to fans.

Points for originality and fresh content anyone?
# 65 Anaxamander @ 06/12/09 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Im interested but no multi-user season mode or franchise mode (ability to control every team) = no buy.
I hope they added that this year, because even though I liked Live 09, I will not buy without a play-any-game franchise either.
# 66 PuntNL @ 06/12/09 01:21 PM
Really curious to the net and rim physics too... Really can't wait for 10 to drop... Most anticipated sports game for this year..
# 67 thesniper321 @ 06/12/09 04:59 PM
I have been a die 2k fan for 10years, but 2k dropped the ball BADLY last year. I had enough of Legod james, moise bryant or jesus smith windmilling it on 5 people in the paint without any collision, people shooting throught my hand, or litteraly throught menba 2k9 is A FAILURE this year I will be looking for live becuz I know the 2k engine isn't able to calculte properly even 1 good collision bye bye 2k, rest in peace piece of sh*t.
hey live
# 68 23 @ 06/12/09 05:37 PM
Ray, when did you become a fan of NBA Live?
# 69 23 @ 06/12/09 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by RayAP19
Since they created player DNA in Live 09. Quite frankly, both 2K9 and Live 09 are unplayable for me-- Live because of the animations and 2K9 because of the maddeningly unrealistic AI.

Live 10, however, seems to be correcting their animation/visual problems (they at least claim to be doing so), while 2K10 probably won't address the unrealistic AI issues at all.

I'll probably end up buying Live this year, and if 2K doesn't make a significant effort to make the AI play like real life players and teams, I'm not even thinkin about buyin it.

Got it... I remember you being in the 2k forums alot looking for solutions and stuff, and seemed to be pretty fair but I didnt see you get a chance to chime in during the year in here.

Im certain you could've given some pretty good input.
# 70 bowdown2shadi @ 06/12/09 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by RayAP19
I'll probably end up buying Live this year, and if 2K doesn't make a significant effort to make the AI play like real life players and teams, I'm not even thinkin about buyin it.
Live is my new #1 this year. I have a feeling 2k wouldn't wakeup 'til 2k11.
# 71 stephensonmc @ 06/12/09 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by RayAP19
Input as in what? Do you mean to the developers? I don't really get my hopes up on my ideas being heard, since 2K doesn't have nearly the level of community/fanbase interaction that EA does. Not only that, but I actually think if 2K visits the OS board, they know my beef with the unrealistic AI-- if they don't now, they never will.

EDIT: Oh, lol, you meant on here. Yeah, I probably should have been on here more, but Live 10 looks like it's on point. I'll be gettin my thoughts out for Live 11 though for sure.
We'll listen to you buddy! We need the feedback
# 72 Soda @ 06/13/09 04:04 AM
can't wait to see how this game is going to turn out this year, i just want a good, fun, realistic, non frustrating bball game to play
# 73 Muzyk23 @ 06/13/09 08:00 AM
if that's in-game Dwight I'm happy with the player models..we'll see how they move ..if they have some weight to them
# 74 NoTiCe_O @ 06/13/09 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by Jazza2319
A lot of people, myself included, are gonna be extremely happy if Dwight looks like that in-game, and if other players get similar attention. Looks great, but we need to see some gameplay so we can believe what you guys are saying...you say the whole fixing certain issues thing every year, i'd just like to see some proof before getting my hopes up.

Also Marcus, where is the best place to ask questions or post comments for you guys to read?
That's what the weekly bolgs are for, everyone was skeptic when Madden started first realeasing info too, then they started reading the blogs and actually saw the improvements for themselves, myself included. Just be patient and wait for the NBA Live blogs i know they will be informative and show alot. Its too early for them to show gameplay anyways, you gotta see whats under the hood before you see the car in action.
# 75 Jamin23 @ 06/13/09 11:24 AM
I am getting so anxious for these blogs to start.
# 76 NoTiCe_O @ 06/13/09 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by Jazza2319
Oh ok man, that makes sense...so first info will be next Friday?
Yea, nect blogs gonna be this Friday coming up, and its gonna continue the process every week
# 77 green94 @ 06/14/09 09:16 PM
Amazing how the tide has turned in just one year for NBA video games.

Live was untouchable in the 90's.

2k had been amazing since the days of the Dreamcast.

Now we've come full circle, Live looks to take back what was rightfully theirs...

Should be fun... I all but gave up on bball games after playing 2k last year.

Hopefully Live can bring me back.
# 78 raidersbball20 @ 06/14/09 11:17 PM
dwight howard looked great in that video
# 79 Mintsa @ 06/15/09 10:36 AM
What is this weeks blog actually covering ???

Or is this first blog just an overview of what is going to be covered over the summer ??
# 80 NoTiCe_O @ 06/15/09 01:19 PM
You might just have to wait and see. I know with the Madden weekly blogs they never told you what it was gonna be about but it was always something interesting and informative. Probly gonna be the same wit Live.

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