Madden 2010 News Post

IGN has posted their preview of Madden NFL 10, talking about some more online franchise details.

"When you start up your league, one person is designated as the commissioner. It's his job to approve trades and to decide whether to kick things off with a live fantasy draft or go with traditional rosters. Trades can be done in several different ways. You can go for a 3-for-3 trade, a 2-for-3 trade, you can include draft picks or future draft picks in the deal. The only catch is that every move needs to be given the go-ahead by the commish. Here's hoping that there's a voting mechanic to overthrow unruly commissioners who unfairly favor one team over another.

Cooler still is the ability to change things within your franchise from a PC or iPhone while on the go. EA Sports is planning to offer an online franchise hub of sorts, along with an iPhone application, that will let you do things like set your depth chart, propose trades and possibly simulate games on your schedule (though that's still up in the air) with the consent of the other player. The interface for all of these interactions is run through EA Sports World and looked sleek and fairly easy-to-use from my quick demo. The demoer quickly shuffled his quarterbacks and the Xbox sitting next to the PC instantly updated with the new information."

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Da Bears @ 06/01/09 11:30 PM
Thanks .
# 2 lint @ 06/01/09 11:35 PM
What if you could do coach mode from your IPhone.... call the play then see the result of the play through your Iphone...

or is that too much?
# 3 Obelysk @ 06/01/09 11:35 PM
you can include draft picks or future draft picks in the deal.
Wait didn't game spy say that you could not trade draft picks, what is going on here?
# 4 lint @ 06/01/09 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by Obelysk
Wait didn't game spy say that you could not trade draft picks, what is going on here?
We need reliable confirmation.... allgames is pretty reliable.
# 5 lolfalconsbeatu @ 06/01/09 11:39 PM
Originally Posted by lint
What if you could do coach mode from your IPhone.... call the play then see the result of the play through your Iphone...

or is that too much?
lmao....i dont even no how to respond to that

....i guess it would be cool....
# 6 lint @ 06/01/09 11:45 PM
making sure my avatar works.
# 7 Smoke316 @ 06/01/09 11:50 PM
thanks steve
# 8 PantherBeast_OS @ 06/01/09 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by lint
We need reliable confirmation.... allgames is pretty reliable.
LOL dude steve is owner of this site. He was the one that posted this thread. Steve o would never give us false info. This info is legit my friend. If you don't believe it. Then you will just have to wait until you get the game yourself I guess.
# 9 ChicagoChris @ 06/01/09 11:55 PM
From the IGN article:

"..enjoying customized camera angles for every position on the field."

Thoughts? Customized cameras in??
# 10 lint @ 06/02/09 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by MJenness
Steve is ONLY posting what IGN reported....I didn't see Steve say that he personally previewed the game and gave this report....he's only giving us a head-up about what IGN is saying!
Leave it to a Panties fan to misquote me... panther fan not you mjenness
# 11 Smoke316 @ 06/02/09 12:10 AM
good to know ign's only real worry is not finding 31 peeps to play with. To me a league would run better with 6 - 8 real mature and solid people. FYI im lookin' for one or two more if anyone is interested pm me.
# 12 KingsRock91 @ 06/02/09 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by ChicagoChris
From the IGN article:

"..enjoying customized camera angles for every position on the field."

Thoughts? Customized cameras in??
I'm pretty sure it's talking about the co-op cameras for different positions.
# 13 billyboy316 @ 06/02/09 12:12 AM
"you can include draft picks or future draft picks in the deal."

Wait does that mean we will be able to trade future picks in offline franchise?? God I hope that is the case.
# 14 sportzbro @ 06/02/09 12:13 AM
cool thanks
# 15 billyboy316 @ 06/02/09 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by Dmacho
Online chise is getting me kinda hype; however, I don't see how practical it will be. Everybody has to finish their game for the franchise to move onto the next week. This seems as if it could become problematic.

Has anybody has any experience with a sort of feature like this in another game(like NCAA 09)? I'd love to hear how smooth or awkard the actual league went. I don't mean to be negative, but having unreliable people hold up the whole entire league seems like it will make online franchise get real old real quick.
In NCAA 09 the commish would usually say "get everything done for week 1 in 3 days" or something like that. After the 3 days were up then he has the ability to sim ahead to the next week. Hopefully he will have the ability to say "alright guy A was active in trying to get the game going while guy B didn't make an effort. So guy A will win in the simulation."

That would suck if he didn't have that option because I could be sitting there trying to get a game going with the Patriots guy but since he doesn't try the game gets simulated and I lose.
# 16 PantherBeast_OS @ 06/02/09 12:18 AM
Originally Posted by ChicagoChris
From the IGN article:

"..enjoying customized camera angles for every position on the field."

Thoughts? Customized cameras in??
Ya I think people are going to love it. Because they can finally choodr their own angles and stuff like that.
# 17 Smoke316 @ 06/02/09 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by Dmacho
Online chise is getting me kinda hype; however, I don't see how practical it will be. Everybody has to finish their game for the franchise to move onto the next week. This seems as if it could become problematic.

Has anybody has any experience with a sort of feature like this in another game(like NCAA 09)? I'd love to hear how smooth or awkard the actual league went. I don't mean to be negative, but having unreliable people hold up the whole entire league seems like it will make online franchise get real old real quick.
Dmacho i did a league in NCAA09 last yr and it was excellent. Real smooth, no lag i loved it. We had up to 8 teams at one pt. of course some people flaked out ..so the commish was easily able to put that team on autopilot and the cpu took over until that person came back into the mix. The Commish tools were excellent you were able to sim games, reject results. The key is getting a fair commish. In my league we all knew each other so things were fair. During the offseason we set it up for a day everyone ( or the vast majority of us were available to participate. Im sure the dev team learned from ncaa so this is going to be real good i think.
# 18 PantherBeast_OS @ 06/02/09 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by Dmacho
Online chise is getting me kinda hype; however, I don't see how practical it will be. Everybody has to finish their game for the franchise to move onto the next week. This seems as if it could become problematic.

Has anybody has any experience with a sort of feature like this in another game(like NCAA 09)? I'd love to hear how smooth or awkard the actual league went. I don't mean to be negative, but having unreliable people hold up the whole entire league seems like it will make online franchise get real old real quick.
Well I think after a vertain amount of time the commish can give someone the win are make it a automatic tie between both.
# 19 SouthernBrick @ 06/02/09 12:34 AM
Nice. I'm lovin this game right now.
# 20 jclentzthadon @ 06/02/09 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by Dmacho
Online chise is getting me kinda hype; however, I don't see how practical it will be. Everybody has to finish their game for the franchise to move onto the next week. This seems as if it could become problematic.

Has anybody has any experience with a sort of feature like this in another game(like NCAA 09)? I'd love to hear how smooth or awkard the actual league went. I don't mean to be negative, but having unreliable people hold up the whole entire league seems like it will make online franchise get real old real quick.

IMHO I was in the best or at least one of the best OD's here on OS last year hosted by duane becca. Sure you will have a couple guys drop out early and that is what you want because you want (in NCAA's OD) because you need 12 commited players. We were all a little older, married, kids or some where in between and we advance really no more than 3 days a pop which was fine and sometimes we would advance daily if possible. It was a great group of guys that stayed in constant contact on the MSG board and it was really easy.

Trust me when I heard about NCAA and their OD I thought cool but I had never played anyting online besides COD4 and I thought it would be a mess. I couldn't have been more wrong. It was THE BEST thing ever added to any sports game IMHO by far. I hope and I think that EA learned from NCAA and any issues they had and they dotted all the I's and crossed all the T's and I think this is going to be an incredible implementation- one wanted for a while.

I mean you can have all your friends, legit sim guys, whoever you want in your chise and have it all right there without having to jump through hoops. It's gonna be great! Looking forward to more but man this made my day. I mean offline is cool but imagine doing that against your friends or guys across the country! It'll blow your mind. You just gotta get a good group of however many guys you want and roll with it.

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