Madden 2010 News Post

IGN has posted an interview with the Madden NFL 10 team.

IGN: "If you're a diehard Madden NFL fan, what's going to be your favorite part of the new game?"

Ian Cummings: "The addition of the Pro-Tak Animation Technology and the changes to normalization of the game speed will be the most evident right away. These two changes alone have just made major strides in how the game can feel much more realistic, yet also much more fun (since your actions on the controller all have a very deliberate and finite result).

Phil Frazier, Senior Producer: My favorite part of the game is getting announced at E3 next week so I can't give that away here. Outside of this great new online option, I'd have to say I really enjoy the level of presentation we're providing this year. From a better pre-game experience, to adding suspenseful moments, to better celebrating your victory in the Super Bowl, our presentation has taken a huge step forward. Overall, we're going back to our "it's in the game" roots and delivering an authentic and fun NFL experience.

Mike Young: Cameras. With the addition of depth of field, realistic broadcast angles and framing, the game feels totally different. 90% of the cameras are new so Madden NFL 10 feels like a fresh experience. As for game play enhancements, I love the pocket pressure system. It has changed the way I play the game. I love being able to feel the pressure on the controller, allowing me to watch for receivers to open up while staying safe in the pocket."

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Deegeezy @ 05/28/09 09:25 PM
It is looking more and more like the online franchise guys are about to get their wish granted.

I'd imagine this forced some tweaks to how certain aspects of the roster management to be reworked in franchise mode. Hopefully this means the free agency system is revamped in some way.
# 2 Candyman5 @ 05/28/09 09:27 PM
Phil Frazier, Senior Producer: My favorite part of the game is getting announced at E3 next week so I can't give that away here. Outside of this great new online option, I'd have to say I really enjoy the level of presentation we're providing this year. From a better pre-game experience, to adding suspenseful moments, to better celebrating your victory in the Super Bowl, our presentation has taken a huge step forward. Overall, we're going back to our "it's in the game" roots and delivering an authentic and fun NFL experience.
# 3 lgxjames @ 05/28/09 09:30 PM
content is rolling in today isnt it??
# 4 Moegames @ 05/28/09 09:33 PM
Man that interview gave me a natural high just reading it.. lol ..im so freaking excited after reading that and im so FREAKING HAPPY to see that presentation is a HUGE part of the improvement this year...thank god!!!!!!

Ian and crew... god bless, you guys made my night

Mike Young: I've been focused on getting the last little details ironed out…mostly camera polish. We've added over 500 new cameras to the game this year with over a 100 + new scenes so there is a lot to test.
Over a 100+ scenes? Does that mean over a 100+ cut scenes? If so ..im freaking hyped and this game will feel ALIVE!!!...if true
# 5 MattIntellect @ 05/28/09 09:50 PM
Originally Posted by Moegames
Man that interview gave me a natural high just reading it.. lol ..im so freaking excited after reading that and im so FREAKING HAPPY to see that presentation is a HUGE part of the improvement this year...thank god!!!!!!

Ian and crew... god bless, you guys made my night

Over a 100+ scenes? Does that mean over a 100+ cut scenes? If so ..im freaking hyped and this game will feel ALIVE!!!...if true
Throughout "your night" don't forget to watch SPIKE as they will be revealing one big online mode and some other stuff regarding Madden 10.
# 6 DaveDQ @ 05/28/09 09:52 PM
Phil says, "Tonight we'll start with an announcement of one of our brand new online features. This is just the beginning though as we'll be announcing our 2nd big online feature at the EA press briefing on June 1st. Both features can be discussed in-detail with our designers during the show."

Are we to believe something will be announced tonight?
# 7 lgxjames @ 05/28/09 09:53 PM
online related= I really don't care
# 8 wildthing2022000 @ 05/28/09 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by lgxjames
online related= I really don't care
Even if it's online be a fan mode where you play as a fan watching other people play? /sarcasm

The video was good with TD celebration & the fumble meter not being intrusive.
# 9 Lava @ 05/28/09 10:12 PM
Something online...perhaps fair play, or something similar to it, is back/in? That would be a good but not blockbuster feature, IMO.
# 10 Rules @ 05/28/09 10:14 PM
Kudos to the Madden team for upgrading the presentation this year.
# 11 HealyMonster @ 05/28/09 10:36 PM
wt and where do we watch tonight? spike tv? what time?

oh and when does e3 start? I swear it used to be in late april/
# 12 Jamin23 @ 05/28/09 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by Renegade44
wt and where do we watch tonight? spike tv? what time?

oh and when does e3 start? I swear it used to be in late april/
June 2 to June 4th.
# 13 wildthing2022000 @ 05/28/09 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by Renegade44
wt and where do we watch tonight? spike tv? what time?

oh and when does e3 start? I swear it used to be in late april/
11 PM EST and E3 starts Tuesday
# 14 Mcees4life @ 05/28/09 11:35 PM
i think that one of the online features is online franchise. I hope the other is the option to view other online games within gamecast
# 15 Cusefan @ 05/28/09 11:37 PM
yea, if anyone has G4TV you should watch E3 on it. They pretty much to round the clock coverage of it. BTW, June 1st at 2PM is EA.
# 16 ScoobySnax @ 05/28/09 11:37 PM
Originally Posted by MattIntellect
Throughout "your night" don't forget to watch SPIKE as they will be revealing one big online mode and some other stuff regarding Madden 10.
Hey Matt, do you know what time this show comes on??
# 17 Smoke316 @ 05/28/09 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by Deegeezy
It is looking more and more like the online franchise guys are about to get their wish granted.

I'd imagine this forced some tweaks to how certain aspects of the roster management to be reworked in franchise mode. Hopefully this means the free agency system is revamped in some way.
lol i was starting to think that we werent going to get it
# 18 djordan @ 05/28/09 11:40 PM
I think the big online announcement is Spectator mode...

Yeah i said it...lol
# 19 PantherBeast_OS @ 05/28/09 11:41 PM
Good interveiw with Ian. I love what he said about the game.
# 20 Step2001 @ 05/28/09 11:42 PM
Still waiting on in-depth Franchise mode info. Not interested in online stuff.

EA should get the core game (gameplay & Franchise) up to par before worrying about Online (anything) & that first person exp.

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