Madden 2010 News Post

IGN has posted an interview with the Madden NFL 10 team.

IGN: "If you're a diehard Madden NFL fan, what's going to be your favorite part of the new game?"

Ian Cummings: "The addition of the Pro-Tak Animation Technology and the changes to normalization of the game speed will be the most evident right away. These two changes alone have just made major strides in how the game can feel much more realistic, yet also much more fun (since your actions on the controller all have a very deliberate and finite result).

Phil Frazier, Senior Producer: My favorite part of the game is getting announced at E3 next week so I can't give that away here. Outside of this great new online option, I'd have to say I really enjoy the level of presentation we're providing this year. From a better pre-game experience, to adding suspenseful moments, to better celebrating your victory in the Super Bowl, our presentation has taken a huge step forward. Overall, we're going back to our "it's in the game" roots and delivering an authentic and fun NFL experience.

Mike Young: Cameras. With the addition of depth of field, realistic broadcast angles and framing, the game feels totally different. 90% of the cameras are new so Madden NFL 10 feels like a fresh experience. As for game play enhancements, I love the pocket pressure system. It has changed the way I play the game. I love being able to feel the pressure on the controller, allowing me to watch for receivers to open up while staying safe in the pocket."

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
Madden NFL 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 Mcees4life @ 05/28/09 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by djordan
I think the big online announcement is Spectator mode...

Yeah i said it...lol
i said it before you LOL
# 22 wildthing2022000 @ 05/28/09 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by Mcees4life
i said it before you LOL
And I sarcastically said it before you two.
# 23 NoTiCe_O @ 05/28/09 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by lgxjames
online related= I really don't care
its 2009, why buy a PS3 or X360 if you aren't gonna take advantage of the full potential, you should try online,its a whole new world lol
# 24 NoTiCe_O @ 05/28/09 11:53 PM
edit: double post by accident
# 25 Instant C1a55ic @ 05/28/09 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by lgxjames
online related= I really don't care
Exactly, i really hope they don't up and forget about the franchise guys and pretty much give the online players all their hopes and dreams.

BTW, anyone agree with the QB's still looking simply horrible when they step back and move in the pocket? Looks like they have a broomstick up their butts. Also, where is the difference in the QB's? Just their stance in the shotgun? I thought they were going to add differences?

Other than that, it looks great. I really liked the sideline shot of the players interacting, and the pre-game type show. lets hope its a little longer than that.
# 26 Mofficial @ 05/29/09 12:32 AM
# 27 TreyIM2 @ 05/29/09 12:43 AM
This just in - Madden WILL have online co-op. That was the big announcement on GT TV's E3 pre-show, as said by Phil Frazier
# 28 Dfiant1 @ 05/29/09 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by alexbraun
Exactly, i really hope they don't up and forget about the franchise guys and pretty much give the online players all their hopes and dreams.

BTW, anyone agree with the QB's still looking simply horrible when they step back and move in the pocket? Looks like they have a broomstick up their butts. Also, where is the difference in the QB's? Just their stance in the shotgun? I thought they were going to add differences?

Other than that, it looks great. I really liked the sideline shot of the players interacting, and the pre-game type show. lets hope its a little longer than that.
Agreed about the QBs dropback animation. I am starting to get excited for the release already.

Some critiques I have of the video are that I didn't like was how the db completely whiffed on that sack. Even though the other one coming from the opposite side made the sack and forced the fumble I was surprised by the poor logic of this defender. Also, when the receiver was running sideways and the defenders just ran along side him was a concern. I hope the game doesn't have NCAA 09 bad pursuit angles.
# 29 steelernation28 @ 05/29/09 01:16 AM
That DB was player controlled.
# 30 shep64 @ 05/29/09 09:27 AM
Originally Posted by steelernation28
That DB was player controlled.

This game looks amazing. Seriously, if online franchise is confirmed I'll pre order it in full.

If not, I'll just buy it on its release day.
# 31 R9NALD9 @ 05/29/09 09:47 AM
Originally Posted by lgxjames
online related= I really don't care
I agree, since I'm living in Africa, and our internet connections SUCK, online is not a option!

Congrats to everyone who wished for online co-op and online franchise, to me these additions don't mean anything.
# 32 JMD @ 05/29/09 10:05 AM
From a guy that ALWAYS prefered the 2k football games over Madden, this game is looking excellent. I've spent the past year playing Madden 09 to get the feel of Madden football. This is the first time I've played a Madden game for more then a week. I really hope Madden 10 is going to be the one, finally. It certainly looks like it will be.

Very positive note about that video . The play at the 1 minute mark, I like the way the O - lineman picks up Ware rushing the QB.

At this point my only complaint is that Tom Hammond is still in the game.
# 33 Matrix-Monkey @ 05/29/09 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by Phil Frazier
Phil Frazier: The Madden NFL dev team is working very hard on our E3 demo, trying to make some final adjustments to gameplay and fun factor. This will be our first chance to let a large number of people enjoy our game so we're doing our best to nail the demo. In addition experiencing our new Pro-Tak™ Animation Technology, people will get to see improvements to in-game presentation and our all new show in Franchise Mode - The Extra Point. On top of these features, we'll be announcing the online offerings in Madden NFL 10. Tonight we'll start with an announcement of one of our brand new online features. This is just the beginning though as we'll be announcing our 2nd big online feature at the EA press briefing on June 1st. Both features can be discussed in-detail with our designers during the show.
How am I the first to notice that?
# 34 Deegeezy @ 05/29/09 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by Matrix-Monkey
How am I the first to notice that?
Because it's old news. Everyone is definitely pumped about it though.
# 35 Matrix-Monkey @ 05/29/09 10:41 AM
Oh, haven't been around in awhile. When was it announced and are there anymore more details on it?
# 36 Deegeezy @ 05/29/09 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by Matrix-Monkey
Oh, haven't been around in awhile. When was it announced and are there anymore more details on it?
It was announced a couple weeks back but we don't know any details yet. We'll know them probably in about 3-4 days.
# 37 bogart69 @ 05/29/09 12:00 PM
Thank God... When I saw that I was not happy... I had the sound off so I was hoping they explained that...

Other than the one pass play where the two defenders ran side by side without attempting a tackle the vid looked really good.. I think we are finally going to get a solid next gen game...

Also glad to hear you can turn off the fumble mini game...
# 38 statum71 @ 05/29/09 10:40 PM
Phil Frazier just made my weekend.

We had speculation about a highlight show but now its come straight from him. Maaaaannnnnnn!!!!! I've been begging for this for years and years.

The Extra Point....... Can't wait. It even sounds cool.

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