Madden 2010 News Post

There won't be a Madden blog next week due to us all being out at E3, so with this being Memorial Day this blog seemed very fitting to make up for it. Enjoy!

"Hey Madden fans - just wanted to drop in with a bit of good news and show an upgrade that we've added to Madden NFL 10 - and that is the addition of the USAF Thunderbirds!

These elite pilots make a guest appearance in our Super Bowl and Conference Championship games, buzzing over the stadium at speeds exceeding 300 mph, leaving a nice trail of smoke in their wake."

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Member Comments
# 41 MattIntellect @ 05/25/09 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by The Art Shell Face
What's most interesting to me is that the "system" before this year was so inefficient and inflexible. Ian doesn't explicitly state this but he hints at it. How can such a huge, well-funded game have such a basic crippling issue? They couldn't even take player helmets off? That just seems wrong to me. It seems lazy to not fix something like that.

I know they probably won't talk about it, but I would love some details on what was wrong with the system before, and what this team has done to change it. It would be an interesting look into the philosophy of this year's team versus the last few years.

Anyways, great work as always Mr. Cummings. I hope EA acknowledges the effort you've put into this year and you're rewarded for the hard work.
It's all about technology and limitations. Stop worrying about things that happened in previous years. Why should you or anyone else be worried about this anyways? This year is looking great!
# 42 rckinAPhilliezhat @ 05/25/09 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by g2thecore
Am I the only one excited that we're going to actually see players with no helmets on? That's a first!
Definately not..Im goin bananaz over that..They showed a player with his helmet off in the injury blog too..This game is so real.
# 43 The Art Shell Face @ 05/25/09 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by MattIntellect
It's all about technology and limitations. Stop worrying about things that happened in previous years. Why should you or anyone else be worried about this anyways? This year is looking great!
I'm not worried about what happened in the past...believe me, I'm looking so far forward. I'm more just curious as to why things have been so dramatically changed within a matter of a few months, whereas years before this never happened. Why couldn't the technology change before this year? Why the long wait?

Is it a philosophy thing? Laziness? A focus on a different demographic? Lack of talent/dedication? A broken "system"?

I'm just curious and would like to hear some opinions on why things unfolded the way they did. That's probably why I'm a journalism student, because I love asking questions like this.
# 44 thudias @ 05/25/09 08:21 PM
Dont do flyovers for every open air stadium game during the regular season...keep some special stuff for the playoffs and superbowl.
# 45 Kevin26385 @ 05/25/09 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by thudias
Dont do flyovers for every open air stadium game during the regular season...keep some special stuff for the playoffs and superbowl.
If I could choose I would say do it on nightgames and in the playoffs
# 46 KANE699 @ 05/25/09 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by Tarheel
Nah do it for opening day games for every team, conference championships and Superbowl
Thing is if you watch the video I posted, it happens way more often than this.

My thoughts, do it randomly in open stadiums in play now.

Do it for half of the home games at open stadiums in franchise, then every playoff and super bowl game.
# 47 beau21 @ 05/25/09 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by Ian_Cummings_EA
I can hook it up to certain stadiums if you want it. I already have Jags and Bucs getting random flyovers in Play Now and Franchise games...I have heard Chiefs and Bears as well.

Anyone else? I need to know by like tonight.
I know it may be a stretch but would it be possible to have an option in the team selection screen to either turn a fly over 'on' or 'off' for any exhibition game?

# 48 SageInfinite @ 05/25/09 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by Tarheel
Nah do it for opening day games for every team, conference championships and Superbowl
# 49 Deegeezy @ 05/25/09 08:39 PM
I say keep it special and only do it for the Super Bowl. Sure these other stadiums do it, but it isn't shown on TV every single time. If this game is going for a true broadcast feel, it should be Super Bowl only since that is the only time the TV audience gets to see these things.

If you put it in all these other stadiums, the sequence will end up being skipped after people have seen in a couple of times.
# 50 Deegeezy @ 05/25/09 08:42 PM

We were focused on really fixing up our processes and pipelines to make sure that it was extremely easy to add any kind of prop (i.e. a jet), animation (i.e. a player with his hand over his heart), character (i.e.a coach), and visual effect (i.e. smoke) into the game, without requiring the work of an engineer.
# 51 SageInfinite @ 05/25/09 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by Tarheel
Thnx for the cosign....now put that picture of you know who back up in your avatar.
Kim k?
# 52 Deegeezy @ 05/25/09 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by SageInfinite
Kim k?
He probably wants Ice.
# 53 PGaither84 @ 05/25/09 08:46 PM
First off I wanted to say "great blogs!"

Now, I don't know if this has been talked about or not, but I do not want to see clones of players doing the exact same thing in the pre-game anthem. In the NFL many players do different things during the anthem. Some hold their hands over their hearts, some stand with hands clasped in front, others in back, some hold onto their jerseys like in the attached photo of Junior Seau.

I found the video of the Giants vs. Pats Superbowl and took some screens from it. You see the same thing by all teams in other videos, but many times the camera men will only glare at the players face in a close up. You see in the video that Manning and Streyhan don't cross their hearts or anything by their stance, but you only really get a "bust" shot of them.

I like what you have done Ian, but if you could have those in charge mock up a little bit of viriety poses and have maybe the compuyter do a random choice of what the players do, with having hands over hearts be a high percentage option?

I just know this will help keep the game from looking robotic and scripted [I know it is computer program, but you know that you want to give the illusion of reality, and anything that looks robotic kills immersion.]
# 54 djordan @ 05/25/09 08:51 PM
# 55 thudias @ 05/25/09 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by KANE699
Thing is if you watch the video I posted, it happens way more often than this.
Who cares..keep it special..i believe that to be the orginal purpose. If i see the flyover at 75% of my franchise games I will not watch it after the first few times.
# 56 droopizzle34 @ 05/25/09 08:55 PM
great stuff,i hope its like the old days and we see players at the coin toss too!
# 57 K_GUN @ 05/25/09 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by Ian_Cummings_EA
I can hook it up to certain stadiums if you want it. I already have Jags and Bucs getting random flyovers in Play Now and Franchise games...I have heard Chiefs and Bears as well.

Anyone else? I need to know by like tonight.
Patriots games...Otis AFB base off the Cape is their start/stop
# 58 ch46647 @ 05/25/09 08:59 PM
Phenomenal job Ian! I actually think we will all be blown away with the presentation of Madden this year. They have been very tight lipped about anything to do with presentation, and I would bet that they are going to blow the doors off next weekend and the remaining weeks.

Just please, please make the crowd interaction 100X better then it was last year. The biggest part of immersion in sports is how loud and passionate fans get at the games. The crowd should roar at good things that happen for the home team, and react accordingly to a big play, or turnover.

When we score a TD at home we should barely be able to hear our friend next to us on the couch, because the crowd is cheering so loud through the speakers. When the opposing team scores we should be able to hear a pin drop. It would also be great if the crowd would get progressively louder as a big play develops, and obviously 3rd and 4th downs should be crazy.

Please make this happen this year Ian
# 59 Cusefan @ 05/25/09 09:00 PM
Call me crazy but I think Flyovers should be for The Big Games (Superbowl, Conference Finals) BUT I think a really nice touch would be to add them too Monday/Sunday Night Football. This would be a really cool touch for the night games.
# 60 K_GUN @ 05/25/09 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by Tarheel
Nah do it for opening day games for every team, conference championships and Superbowl

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