NCAA Football 10 News Post

EA has posted another NCAA Football 10 blog. This one covers more Season Showdown.

"Last week we focused on the structure of Season Showdown and touched on a few of the ways you can earn Extra Credits. This week we will focus on one of the three main pillars of Extra Credits that center around gameplay, which is the Skills category.

Simply put, Skills credits are earned by showing off your skills on the sticks. Your ability to perform these skill moves will earn you and your school extra credits. You can’t rely on the CPU to perform these actions to get the credits, you must be the one that got the interception or forced the fumble if you want the extra credit. So if you are using the new Defensive Assist feature, which puts the player you have highlighted under CPU control as long as you are holding the A/X button down, you can let the CPU guide your player to where they need to be, but to earn the credit you will need to take back control of the player and make the play. As you will see in a moment, a majority of the Skills events are defensive based, so if defense isn’t your strong suit, Defensive Assist will be a great way to put you in a position to make plays and earn credits."

Game: NCAA Football 10Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 61 - View All
NCAA Football 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 81 The Clairvoyant @ 05/22/09 06:04 PM
I think that both NCAA and Madden needs a real physics engine, canned animations are thing of the past. The graphics looks great but those jerky running animations ruins the game.
# 82 GatorFan1963 @ 05/22/09 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by jello1717
I didn't read all of this thread so I'm sure someone mentioned this already, but I searched for this quoted phrase and it didn't show up.

For those of you who're sick of season showdown, here's a lovely quote from the beginning of the blog.

I wonder what the next 2 blogs will be feature.....
Wouldn't make too much of this. Basically they are probably going to highlight a couple other ways you can get points. I'm certain that one of those will be Strategy. The other will probably be either Sportsmanship or Underdog.

I have the feeling that they are putting all their hopes and dreams with this Season Showdown crap.
# 83 jsquigg @ 05/22/09 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by canes21
Seems like EA doesn't like Miami. Always overrate FSU and Florida. Heck, even UCF is overrated. Plus those videos they made Miami look horrible, whoever was controlling Jacory Harris ran into those sacks 100% of the time. If you are going to show off a game, don't make it look stupid and make the QB run right into a sack.

Nothing else to talk about since SS is all the blog was about.

Oh, and if you are the best rapper alive, then how come I have never heard you before? I don't recognize you at all.....
Yeah, the national champion is overrated. When's the last time Miami was better than UF or FSU?
# 84 HamTonks @ 05/22/09 06:19 PM
People are going to be fuming about the Player Lock feature -- it looks like it is the same camera-work as in Campus Legend from '09 -- if this is the case, a lot of people are going to be very, VERY pissed off come July.
# 85 floridagatorfan @ 05/22/09 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by HamTonks
People are going to be fuming about the Player Lock feature -- it looks like it is the same camera-work as in Campus Legend from '09 -- if this is the case, a lot of people are going to be very, VERY pissed off come July.
Isn't that the intention of the player lock. I thought from the blog they had on player lock that that was clearly the intention. I guess I do not understand why it would make people pissed as its exactly what I expected to be.
# 86 BigD @ 05/22/09 06:30 PM
Why did this series take a complete **** on itself this year?
# 87 HamTonks @ 05/22/09 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by floridagatorfan
Isn't that the intention of the player lock. I thought from the blog they had on player lock that that was clearly the intention. I guess I do not understand why it would make people pissed as its exactly what I expected to be.
Have you played Campus Legend? It's fun, but the camera angles get obnoxious enough to make me throw my console out of the window. The way they lock onto the ball-carrier really screws things up.
# 88 floridagatorfan @ 05/22/09 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by Moostache
I think that you are wrong here....people would not necessarily start playing the game better or more like reality, they would simply quit more games. This option is NOT going to force people to play differently, it is simply going to report - in more detail than ever before - HOW you choose to play the game to other players.

I have been playing online since Madden NFL 2003 and I can safely say that no matter what the games are like - even if they somehow made the perfect football simulation - the choices of the other player in play selection and online sportsmanship (including quitting before the game ends instead of playing it out or accepting mercy/conceding defeat) is what matters most in online play quality. I can have a lot of fun with any online football game given the right kind of opponent...it does not mean to stop trying to make the game better, but it does help when you can go online and find more like minded players...

High "Skills", Low "Sportsmanship", Low "Upset" #'s?
What do you think that player is going to be? Think they use UF in every game, never punt and run a bunch of crap no-huddle all game long? I am guessing probably and unless I could find no one else to play, I would immediately avoid them...

Medium "Skills", High "Sportsmanship", High "Upset" #'s?
This kind of user profile is what I would be looking for, and I would be willing to bet would give me a much higher chance of finding a sim-style or more like-minded opponent...

Should the game itself be better and more sim? OF COURSE it should!!! But, since a perfect game is impossible and this game engine is far from perfect anyway, giving players more information to find players that are more like them or more like what they want to play against, is a great advance IMO.
What ever happened to the fair play feature that was in the last gen Madden games for online. At least that forced people to punt on 4th down unless the situation called for it. I do not like being forced into something with a game but this is a situation where I think it is called for.
# 89 floridagatorfan @ 05/22/09 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by HamTonks
Have you played Campus Legend? It's fun, but the camera angles get obnoxious enough to make me throw my console out of the window. The way they lock onto the ball-carrier really screws things up.
O ok I thought you meant people would be upset in that the feature was misleading and would of had more to it.

I never played campus legend so I did not know the camera angles were so bad.
# 90 eritraj @ 05/22/09 06:58 PM
"Seems like EA doesn't like Miami. Always overrate FSU and Florida. Heck, even UCF is overrated. Plus those videos they made Miami look horrible, whoever was controlling Jacory Harris ran into those sacks 100% of the time."

Ahhhhhh....Just got done laughing at how ******** cane fans are on their scout.com freeboard. Then come over here and see the same thing...Makes me wonder.

Overrated UF is laughable. They certainly weren't overrated last year when they won the MNC. They won't be overrated this year with the team that won a MNC last year and brings back all 11 starters on D? Must be a cane thing .. You must be a cane fan who plays online all the time and is sick of players "cheeeeeeeeeeeeesing" with UF.

I do agree with you on FSU...Their rating last year was laughable. Ben H is such a clown.
# 91 utahman19 @ 05/22/09 07:25 PM
I think it's quite amusing that EA is hyping this the way they are for a feature that is essentially going to be running in the background and forgotten within a week. I don't care that they added it, I care that they are going to such great lengths to justify and feature background noise over actual improvements to the game. I am more pissed at the fact that the video looks like 09 with a glossy finish. Cookie-cutter player models (everyone has the same body type, just taller and thicker), players have no weight to them, animations still suck. Linebackers still have crazy verticals and hands of velcro, and it looks like user-picks are still easy to pull off- just strafe and jump. I bet presentation still sucks - even adding Erin Andrews can't make it good to look at. I bet the crowds are still as apathetic and generic as ever. This is a rental for me now. It seems the devs are avoiding discussing any real gameplay enhancements and it's pissing me off. Here we are less than two months from launch, and all anyone knows is that they are bringing in some fluff from Madden 09, a few of the minor tweaks from Madden 10 (except the added QB attributes - why?), windsocks and nets (which I bet the animation for will look extremely artificial and become annoying).
# 92 fincane @ 05/22/09 07:28 PM
Sure you were GT fan. I'm sure all the engineers on the GT boards are having very enlightened discussions on world events.
# 93 AuburnAlumni @ 05/22/09 07:39 PM
Season Showdown is probably the most pointless, boring, ******** "feature" in quite some time. I mean..seriously...who friggin' cares?

That being said..the vid looked very nice.
# 94 BSherrod @ 05/22/09 07:52 PM
I guess I'm the only one that thought the video looked good. Maybe it was the GMac to Julio pass, but the O-line play looked much better. He took a short drop and stayed in the pocket. Would like to see what some of guys who know more about Xs and Os felt about it.
# 95 rudyjuly2 @ 05/22/09 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by AuburnAlumni
Season Showdown is probably the most pointless, boring, ******** "feature" in quite some time. I mean..seriously...who friggin' cares?

That being said..the vid looked very nice.
I agree 100% (except for the Michigan DB being clueless on the Notre Dame catch - actually, that might be accurate).
# 96 SHO @ 05/22/09 08:14 PM
I agree that FSU is always overrated. Florida is rated where they should be, but it does seem that EA does not like Miami much.
# 97 Lava @ 05/22/09 09:18 PM
IMO, the man coverage looked almost the exact same...shame, too.

Also, the DE's engage right away and don't get upfield at all, it takes forever for the pocket to set up and that won't stop the roll and chuck or dropback 20 yards that we're all used to seeing. I was pretty disappointed by the vid.
# 98 SHO @ 05/22/09 09:21 PM
E3 can't get here fast enough.
# 99 stoncold32 @ 05/22/09 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by BORN4CORN
Give me a break NCAA team, "play like real life football" because you gain points for sportsmanship...Here's an idea, why not just fix the actual game like the Madden team has done? Stop trying to push this stupid thing down my throat. Sorry, but..


Gameplay looked very sketchy as well
I have to agree. I was hoping we'd hear more about gameplay improvements, but instead, they keep doing this frivolous stuff.

I really don't care about "showing my skills". Rather I care that the gameplay is good enough to allow me to "show my skills"
# 100 RAZRr1275 @ 05/22/09 10:06 PM
Hopefully gameplay is awesome. I at least want that before they spend time on this stuff

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