Backbreaker News Post

The official Backbreaker forums have posted a couple of screenshots that confirm 11 vs. 11 gameplay.

"Another reoccuring theme I've spotted has been the constant doubt over whether we will offer 11 vs 11 gameplay. I know that the NM guys have repeatedly said we will but that we've yet to supply evidence proving that. I'd like to stop that argument for good with a couple of images that the guys back in the office have been so kind as to prepare for me. This isn't final, visual treatment will be changed etc etc etc, but I've attached two shots displaying the current view shown when you pull back from the line of scrimmage to display the routes for your chosen play. These are for you... enjoy, but please remember that we are still in development."

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Game: BackbreakerReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 51 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 duke776 @ 05/20/09 08:16 PM
Just curious about something, what's with the graph like thing over the pictures? I didn't see anything about it on the first couple pages in that thread...

I hope they let us choose if we want the glow or not because I don't like that look.
# 22 ak1knight @ 05/20/09 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by duke776
Just curious about something, what's with the graph like thing over the pictures? I didn't see anything about it on the first couple pages in that thread...

I hope they let us choose if we want the glow or not because I don't like that look.
Agreed, the scoreboard also looks very amateurish.
# 23 Stroehms @ 05/20/09 09:44 PM
Wow, that does not appeal to me at all.

Here are my gripes:
Field to Narrow
Players all look the same
Camera View
Logo in the right corner is a copy from the NBA!

Defensive camera
# 24 DaveDQ @ 05/20/09 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by bkrich83
That goes to my biggest concern about this game. The X's and O's and the actual football stuff.

When in zone will defenders maintain leverage. Will they play run force properly. Will contain be done right, etc.
I happen to think that's what's holding the game back. You have a new technology that you want to pu tin a game. That's a great thing and I look forward to it, but getting the complete representation of the game down is another story.
# 25 Hellisan @ 05/20/09 10:32 PM
I can understand the "concerns" that people have based on what I have seen. Because frankly that's all I have, everything I've seen looks awful to me, from the first tackling dummy videos a couple years back to anything since. Has any game, EVER, taken this long to develop? I seriously doubt it, given the fact that they're still talking like it's gonna take awhile longer.

What I don't understand is the people who are going off and supporting this game like it's going to start a revolution. We haven't even really seen the game in motion yet (like true in-game play)! Why not hedge your bets just a tad, people, and wait to see the game - maybe even play it - before you anoint it as the best football game?
# 26 jfsolo @ 05/20/09 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by Hellisan
I can understand the "concerns" that people have based on what I have seen. Because frankly that's all I have, everything I've seen looks awful to me, from the first tackling dummy videos a couple years back to anything since. Has any game, EVER, taken this long to develop? I seriously doubt it, given the fact that they're still talking like it's gonna take awhile longer.

What I don't understand is the people who are going off and supporting this game like it's going to start a revolution. We haven't even really seen the game in motion yet (like true in-game play)! Why not hedge your bets just a tad, people, and wait to see the game - maybe even play it - before you anoint it as the best football game?
It obvious that the continued resentment over Exclusivity is the reason why this game is not being scrutinized by many posters with the same discerning eye that they use for most other games.

Some will say that they're just excited about the art direction and the physics engine of course, but that's just a part of the equation.

If 2K hadn't have been turned into a Martyred game, then essentially everyone here would be looking at this game with much more skepticism instead of touting it as The Savior of Football Gaming.
# 27 jdr4693 @ 05/20/09 11:31 PM
I don't care what anyone says. I just want to be able to play another football game BESIDES Madden!!

# 28 bowdown2shadi @ 05/20/09 11:34 PM
Yeah, I like options. Madden looks good this year though, so I'm not as hyped up as I used to be about Backbreaker. When it comes out, I will watch gameplay videos and read reviews.

We will see.
# 29 DaveDQ @ 05/20/09 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by Hellisan
I can understand the "concerns" that people have based on what I have seen. Because frankly that's all I have, everything I've seen looks awful to me, from the first tackling dummy videos a couple years back to anything since. Has any game, EVER, taken this long to develop? I seriously doubt it, given the fact that they're still talking like it's gonna take awhile longer.

What I don't understand is the people who are going off and supporting this game like it's going to start a revolution. We haven't even really seen the game in motion yet (like true in-game play)! Why not hedge your bets just a tad, people, and wait to see the game - maybe even play it - before you anoint it as the best football game?
You make valid points. When I was looking at those screens, I immediately began to think of how will they pull off line shifts, defensive adjustments etc. There's a lot to be done.

The overall concern I have with this game is that at its core, the game is more about a specific technology than it is about football. For so long mnay were hoping that Natural Motion would work its way into a football game. Now you have them making their own game and my thinking tends to be they have Euphoria going but then what?

Will we see some nice tackles and then a drop off in the game's representation of football?
# 30 DirtyJerz32 @ 05/20/09 11:41 PM
I guess. I don't see anything special. I know it's not done yet but, wasn't to be last year. Just curious, I don't know the details. Anyway, early screens of APF and Madden looked better. I guess we'll play the waiting game on when the put some more info out.

Just a side note. I think it's really annoying that you have to put in your email address just to see some info. Talk about trying to keep everyone locked down. Nice try...
# 31 Hellisan @ 05/21/09 12:46 AM
Can't say it any better than that, jfsolo.
# 32 mvb34 @ 05/21/09 12:48 AM
Whats up with the guys that are highlighted?
# 33 bkrich83 @ 05/21/09 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by jfsolo
It obvious that the continued resentment over Exclusivity is the reason why this game is not being scrutinized by many posters with the same discerning eye that they use for most other games.

Some will say that they're just excited about the art direction and the physics engine of course, but that's just a part of the equation.

If 2K hadn't have been turned into a Martyred game, then essentially everyone here would be looking at this game with much more skepticism instead of touting it as The Savior of Football Gaming.
Absolutely 100% on the mark.
# 34 TreyIM2 @ 05/21/09 01:13 AM
Like I said on the BB forum on the BB site, earlier - Those shots are nothing special, at all. People start losing their minds over those super wide angled shots of nothing. Now, I am looking forward to what this game has to offer but the level of Ritalin needed responses to these two rather weak shots of an unproven game is a bit, uhh, weak. I need much more to go on, personally.
# 35 ak1knight @ 05/21/09 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by Afrikan
what I want to know is, are some not giving this game the benefit of the doubt (until more info is released) on simple stuff like the player models or the glowing player or whatever because they feel others are hyping this game as the best eva.... I mean I see more people excited about this game just because it is a different option to Madden...what is wrong with that....

again I understand if someone claims this game "OWNS Madden!!!111" or what ever....yeah there is something definitely wrong with that statement.... but like I said, I see more people posting about how they are looking forward to the game.

So I ask...where is this hate coming from? Can someone point me to posters who have claimed this is the end all be all of football games..... or are posters in here using a fake excuse for trolling the game.....
Go into any Madden thread and you'll get at least one EA bashing post where they bash for really small things (OMG THE SOX R TEH RONG COLER!!!!!112) Then when some people see that people are praising (yes there are a couple people that praise it religiously) a game that we know little about they get a little irked and go bashing the little things just like the EA haters do.
# 36 adembroski @ 05/21/09 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by jdr4693
Maybe for now, but I expect Backbreaker to be a "Madden killer" in acouple of years and acouple of installments later i.e. Backbreaker 2012.
I disagree. I don't think BB has any intention of being a Madden killer. I think they're very much into the friendly rivalry, but I think BB is looking to go a different direction.

They're going two very different direction. Ian's vision is total sim... a tactical game, in the long run, emulating the NFL as close as possible. Where as BB is going for, as I said before, a more visceral, emotional, on-field experience. Tactics will take a back seat to emotion.

There's nothing wrong with that and I'm not trying to insult BB. I'm really interested in playing this game. But they're not direct competitors the way NFL 2k5 and Madden 05 were. It's more like APF vs. Blitz... not that BB = Blitz, it's a very different approach, I'm only making a loose comparison.
# 37 ak1knight @ 05/21/09 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by Afrikan
I don't condole trolling.....but there are people who troll...then there are people who are fed up.

If you are the sole holder of the NFL License, you will be held to a higher standard. If you are a company like EA who has made football games for over 20 years, you will be held to a higher standard.

This is NM first football game, I don't know what some were expecting....or what they seem the Devs have promised...

Is there anything wrong with this reasoning or is this a contradiction?
That's true, but I think a little talk of this game being a "Madden-killer" (not from you, but in general) set a lot of people off. People complain so much about the details in Madden and so when people start saying things like "Madden-killer" when this game is clearly not as detailed as Madden (not to mention we have no idea what gameplay is like, but that's still up in the air) it's going to make some Madden guys want to poke them back a little bit.
# 38 boritter @ 05/21/09 02:46 AM
The physics engine is impressive
Competition for EA

The player models stink
Fake players

# 39 ak1knight @ 05/21/09 02:53 AM
Originally Posted by boritter
The physics engine is impressive
Competition for EA

The player models stink
Fake players

That pretty much sums up the last 2 years for this game lol.
# 40 adamgod8 @ 05/21/09 02:55 AM
I don't understand how people can say APF looks better than this...APF looked like a PS2 game

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