It’s been crazy busy here at Tiburon trying to finish the game. On top of that I had to travel a few times so I have not been around the boards much lately
. Anyway the last few days have been interesting with the game-play talk and I think it’s worth pointing out the list of stuff we’ve already talked about that is in NCAA 10 (well have it all in one post).
This stuff is from blogs on insideblog.easports.com so I’m going to be short on the details:
Pass Blocking
CPU Passing improved
I guess my point is to simply remind everyone that Game-Play is a huge focus for us on NCAA and it is easy to forget all the stuff we've been talking about for months
-Russ Kiniry
Designer NCAA Football 10

This stuff is from blogs on insideblog.easports.com so I’m going to be short on the details:
Pass Blocking
- Branch Windows
- Steering and Manipulation
- CPU will adapt to your play calling
- Catches near the sideline will try and turn you up field
- Route Running and Man Coverage
- WR/DB Jostling
- Press / Release
- Throwing when being hit
- Passes miss in a more logical direction (not random)
- Head Tracking
- Sideline Pursuit
CPU Passing improved
- They will throw down field more often
- And I mean tipped, not just knocked down
- From Madden 09 you can try and break out of tackles after they start
- You can actually catch a pitch if you get in-between the QB and the pitch man (instead of it just bouncing off you and hitting the ground)
- Another one from Madden 09
- Players will go for a catch even when they will not catch the ball
- In bad weather players have a chance to slip when running routes
- Tackles
- Over the Shoulder Catches
- Motion Hand-offs
- Shotgun Hand-offs
I guess my point is to simply remind everyone that Game-Play is a huge focus for us on NCAA and it is easy to forget all the stuff we've been talking about for months

-Russ Kiniry
Designer NCAA Football 10