Madden 2010 News Post

Look at Maximum tackle and the suddenness in which the tackler arrives and the wealth of options in this system. The tackler comes to tackle not engage in a line dance. I know I don't know all the features to Pro Tak, when it comes to the actual tackle, but when you see this video, of ESPN NFL 2K5 tackle options you will understand why I critisize the grabbing for grabbing sake.

In 2k5 you could initiate the tackle with a wrap or a hit. I also like which wasn't mentioned in the video, you can choose whether or not you should wrap high or low by flicking the right stick up for high wrap tackle and flicking down for low wrap tackle and the next defender(s) attacks the ball carrier.

I'm not hating, I actually like the idea, I just want it to be aggressive and violent as it should be its a collision sport not contact and racing up to a ball carrier just to hold onto him just for looks, just doesn't look good.


Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
Madden NFL 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 221 Fresh Prince @ 05/12/09 02:27 AM
This looks so awesome... can't find anything wrong with the video aside from ONE thing; teammates still don't care about their teammate scoring a touchdown. Couple of teammates trailing the play made quick gestures, but let's see a bit more excitement from the entire squad.

Just nitpicking... GREAT video. I am stoked. I can't wait.
# 222 crackdownjr @ 05/12/09 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by drlw322

with 25 secs left in the video you can see the cards players have red cleats on

edit: after viewing it twice, color cleats are everywhere
not sure if someone pointed this out but I did not like the broken tackles of Ronnie Brown on Crowell & Stephen Jackson knocking Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie over. Not that these RBs can't break tackles, but the animations just look unrealistic. Other than that, I enjoyed the video.
# 223 NYyankz225 @ 05/12/09 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by AnyGivenSunday
I wasn't thinking that could have been a user. My bad.
It's fine to bring it up...there's a chance you're right .

Just seems like from the video that that was a user controlled player and once Jacobs broke the tackle they wanted to let him in for a highlight clip. But it's good to make Ian aware of it just in case.
# 224 TDogg09 @ 05/12/09 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by daplayawitdafunk
I love how when Brandon Jacobs scored a TD the lineman and other players made celebratory reactions (Raising arms, fist pumps). I didnt like how the others players went so quickly back to the sidelines. If we could add more team celebration or reaction, that would be great. It looks awesome though. Good work Crew.
Originally Posted by Fresh Prince
This looks so awesome... can't find anything wrong with the video aside from ONE thing; teammates still don't care about their teammate scoring a touchdown.
I know exactly what you guys mean. It's kind of disappointing when a player scores an awesome touchdown and his teammates just start walking off the field.

I wrote a thread on it. Check it out if you want and let me know what you think: Pro-Tak for Celebrations?
# 225 thmst30 @ 05/12/09 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by xtremedunkz
If you asked me if this was Madden or real life i'd pick real life 100 out of 100 times.

Now turn off the DOF, put the names on the jerseys back to the broken Madden 09 style where they are too small and squished, take the chain gang out of the background, and reduce the tackle to two defenders. You have a mediocre Madden 09 screen. All the "small things" add up so fast to create an overall massive improvement visually. It's something that we have been screaming at all sports game developers for years, and it's nice to actually see some of them listening. Incredible work Ian and Crew!!!
# 226 cowboyscowboys @ 05/12/09 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by lolfalconsbeatu
lol @ the Jacobs touchdown after he broke two Bear tackles.

Its not the fact he broke out of the 2 tackles, its just the fact that there was another Bear literally running side by side with Jacobs, and made no attempt to bring him down....and all of a sudden the camera switches really fast (0:40) lmao...

Great Editing EA...

But on a serious note....great job EA...game looks off the hook
Maybe they put Mike Jenkins on the Falcons?
# 227 SouthernBrick @ 05/12/09 02:48 AM
Originally Posted by NYyankz225
It's fine to bring it up...there's a chance you're right .

Just seems like from the video that that was a user controlled player and once Jacobs broke the tackle they wanted to let him in for a highlight clip. But it's good to make Ian aware of it just in case.
Yeah because I checked the video a couple times after the pic was put up. Glad you caught it though of him at least making a attempt weather it was a user or cpu.

Hope we won't see any arm swiping after the ball carrier has been hit, slowed down, and then a split second later busting a defender like he's brandon jacobs.

Hope to see angled physics trucking and not that WWE trucking. In 09 it seems like it doesn't matter what angle you come from your going to trucked the same way as everyone else. No physics at all, hopfully its different when it comes to trucking in M10.
# 228 Furq @ 05/12/09 02:50 AM
I know this is all just to show the tech but I have to say I'm hoping that it isn't overdone.

At least when I've watched football I can't say I've really seen 10 man piles or anything, usually it's just a couple of guys making the tackle. Every once in awhile on the goal line you see guys push each other around like that, but typically it only involves a few players. I'm sure it's just to show off the tech, but just pointing that out
# 229 Valbon8 @ 05/12/09 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by AnyGivenSunday

I loved the video and the game is looking great!!!!

I dont want to be a stickler and im not complaining about it, but does the right leg on #53 for the Bears look like a toothpick? Haha.
# 230 SteelerSpartan @ 05/12/09 02:51 AM
This vid screams amazing potential

Gotta keep ironing out the bugs and tuning all we can though
# 231 SouthernBrick @ 05/12/09 02:54 AM
Originally Posted by Valbon8
I loved the video and the game is looking great!!!!

I dont want to be a stickler and im not complaining about it, but does the right leg on #53 for the Bears look like a toothpick? Haha.
Yeah it does...lol. Sure it will be fixed though. I don't believe Ian would leave it looking like that because its extremely noticeable.
# 232 Valbon8 @ 05/12/09 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by Derrville
You're right, Maddens thighs and feet have always been off.
Looking at it more closely though, you can see the video is cut on the back of Tillman's jersey. Maybe the image of his lower leg is distorted due to the video being cut in that area and making it look like a toothpick???
# 233 g2thecore @ 05/12/09 03:04 AM
I must say, I never realized the kind of visual appeal that colored cleats could add to the game. It really brings that extra something as far as realism goes. Great job getting that in Ian!

On another note, I'm really impressed with the lighting and the animations. If the Pro-Tak animations look so good now, imagine when the game is fully tuned.

One thing that has me worried though is the frequency of those tackles. I'm wondering how often we will be seeing these scrums in a real game. I really hope not as often as Phil is making it seem. It would be a major disappointment to see these group hugs every other play, especially when I play with the Eagles and we have no power backs on that squad. I really hope they keep it well balanced so it doesn't turn into a rugby game.
# 234 thmst30 @ 05/12/09 03:04 AM
Quick comparison of gang tackling screens taken from Madden 09 and Madden 10 videos. Little improvement if any. Keep it up Madden dev team! DOF, chain gang, colored cleats, hand towels, much better lighting, multiple people in on the tackle, the grass is greener (literally and figuratively).

Madden 09

Madden 10

# 235 TDogg09 @ 05/12/09 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by thmst30
Quick comparison of gang tackling screens taken from Madden 09 and Madden 10 videos. Little improvement if any. Keep it up Madden dev team! DOF, chain gang, colored cleats, hand towels, much better lighting, multiple people in on the tackle, the grass is greener (literally and figuratively).

Madden 09

Madden 10

Holy cow. It's amazing that that is only one year's difference.
# 236 rckinAPhilliezhat @ 05/12/09 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by thmst30
Quick comparison of gang tackling screens taken from Madden 09 and Madden 10 videos. Little improvement if any. Keep it up Madden dev team!

Madden 09

Madden 10
I swear madden 10 looks like a real nfl game lol lets compare cleats, lighting, the grass,...let me stop..Im gettin to happy lol
# 237 Furq @ 05/12/09 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by thmst30
Quick comparison of gang tackling screens taken from Madden 09 and Madden 10 videos. Little improvement if any. Keep it up Madden dev team! DOF, chain gang, colored cleats, hand towels, much better lighting, multiple people in on the tackle, the grass is greener (literally and figuratively).

Madden 09

Madden 10

The '10 pic honestly looks like a real tv telecast. the graphics in that picture at least look photo realistic
# 238 shift9k @ 05/12/09 03:16 AM
I think I read somewhere that ian said that the marketing team was gonna release some stuff a little early and for us to not freak out. Is this that stuff?

Btw the people that said that they were happy no one was gonna post about colored cleats anymore. Well the majority of this thread has turned into colored cleats comments. Except this time you contributed!

Thanks for the colored cleats EA.

# 239 TheSaint92 @ 05/12/09 03:23 AM
Originally Posted by MattIntellect
Why didn't you watch the other half?
I got too excited. But it just got better.
# 240 shift9k @ 05/12/09 03:25 AM
I think more and more videos are going to be coming out by our marketing department and from preview events...just wanted to let you guys know what's missing from the feature still that we are working on (this also is a bit of a response to apex and co. and their critiques).

The biggest missing feature is probably carrying through velocity from original animations -> PRO-TAK. You can see that on the Lendale White video...meaning that when players transition from a normal mocap tackle into PRO-TAK stuff their velocities get zeroed out (meaning they stop in place). This will definitely be addressed before we ship...our goal is that you don't even notice the transition from one to the other...it should just look like another guy added on seamlessly. This is causing a lot of the feeling of "it needs more umph"...

Second biggest is the "warping" into the PRO-TAK multi-man stuff. This hasn't been tuned really so guys are just 'suction-ing' like magnets to the ballcarrier. Also when the guys add on the goal is that they drastically effect the pile's velocity and positioning and stuff...right now they just attach and that's about it. Again when the feature is actually done you should feel a lot more 'power' when these guys hit the pile.

The "endless chopping" stuff is often turned on for demo purposes...this will really not happen in the game when it ships...you'll see a guy drive forward and they'll then get pushed to fall forward or backward (or sideways or whatever) way quicker than just standing up chopping their feet.

Lastly, we really don't have barely any animation variety in there yet. We're looking to at least add quadruple the amount of stuff to keep it fresh. We've built some new tech this year that basically swaps the animation banks for each PRO-TAK set of animations after they play (moving them to the end of the list after they do), but up until basically today we haven't had the variety to swap. That will be coming very soon as well.

So anyway, I don't want to act like I don't want feedback from you guys as you see the new stuff...all of it is valuable and please keep posting...but I also wanted to let you know what we're currently working on. We definitely aren't going to be spending our whole cycle on this tech to have it not come out looking perfect. We just have to balance the needs of marketing to show stuff early even when it's not done.

- Ian

This is the post I was talking about.

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